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利用Intel Celadon在PC平台上构建Android的生态
1 .利用Intel Celadon在PC平台上 构建Android的生态 Aug. 2022
2 . Legal Notices & Disclaimers Optimization Notice: Intel's compilers may or may not optimize to the same degree for non-Intel microprocessors for optimizations that are not unique to Intel microprocessors. These optimizations include SSE2, SSE3, and SSSE3 instruction sets and other optimizations. Intel does not guarantee the availability, functionality, or effectiveness of any optimization on microprocessors not manufactured by Intel. Microprocessor- dependent optimizations in this product are intended for use with Intel microprocessors. Certain optimizations not specific to Intel microarchitecture are reserved for Intel microprocessors. Please refer to the applicable product User and Reference Guides for more information regarding the specific instruction sets covered by this notice. This document contains information on products, services and/or processes in development. All information provided here is subject to change without notice. Contact your Intel® representative to obtain the latest forecast, schedule, specifications and roadmaps. No license (express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise) to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Intel® technologies' features and benefits depend on system configuration and may require enabled hardware, software or service activation. Performance varies depending on system configuration. No product or component can be absolutely secure. Check with your system manufacturer or retailer or learn more at Intel.com. Cost reduction scenarios described are intended as examples of how a given Intel-based product, in the specified circumstances and configurations, may affect future costs and provide cost savings. Circumstances will vary. Intel does not guarantee any costs or cost reduction. Intel® and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel® Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. © Intel® Corporation. 2
3 .Agenda ● Celadon Overview ● Working on Project Celadon ● Celadon in VM on Kylin OS 3
4 .Celadon an Android open source platform for Intel® architecture. Accelerate open platform enablement Develop on latest development speeds build time Android releases lowering time to market Improve Utilize Intel® efficiency hardware acceleration Scale Shift & evolve reliably deployments Retail Education Cloud Gaming 4
5 .Market Relevance & Demand Data Center Edge Client Workload Migration, Workload Consolidation, Applications Use Vector High Density, Low Latency, User Experience, Apps and Services CSP TAM expansion Cloud Gaming, Cloud Media, Retail, Robotics, Healthcare, Use Cases Enterprise Education, AI Processing Chrome, Android Apps Architectural Container and VM VM and Container VM and Bare Metal Choice 5
6 .Celadon Architecture Celadon in Virtual Machine HOST OS Trusty OS Applications Native Android Framework Trusty AAF OS TAs VM Mgr. Applications & HALs Mediators Framework Virtual HAL LK TAs drivers FW HALs Lightweight Hypervisor HAL drivers LK Android Verified Boot Loader Lightweight Hypervisor Kernel (KVM) Android Verified Boot Loader Intel HW/FW Intel HW/FW 6
7 .Accelerate Development with Celadon IA Ready Optimized Verified Refreshed open platform enabling supports a wide range of full compatibility is continued upgrades extends adaptability, hardware components enhanced verified using the Android & security mitigations helping developers speed for Intel® architecture making it Compatibility Test Suite (CTS), provide opportunities to realize Time to Market (TTM) easy for rapid prototyping and ensuring consistent experiences and scale new features across a variety of segments building new applications across application when developing on the latest and hardware environments Android dessert 7
8 .Work on Project Celadon ● Home Page - https://docs.01.org/celadon/ ● Code in Github - https://github.com/projectceladon ● WeChat Official Account - AndroidIA Celadon ● WeChat Group - Celadon技术讨论群(446) Send mail request to celadon@lists.01.org ● Bilibili - 英特尔Celadon https://space.bilibili.com/2040461107 8
9 .Work on Project Celadon ● Some WeChat Articles & Bilibili Videos Celadon运行在虚拟机 Celadon运行在裸机 9
10 .Work on Project Celadon ● Some WeChat Articles(Backup) ▪ 在Docker容器环境下进行Celadon代码的下载和编译 ▪ 使用Celadon Jira系统来提交和跟踪问题 ▪ 如虎添翼!Celadon重磅推出SR-IOV GPU虚拟化支持 ▪ Celadon增添对裸机(Bare Metal) Android 11的支持 ▪ Celadon虚拟机管理器 ▪ 重磅推出Celadon代码镜像功能 10
11 .Work on Project Celadon ● Setup Build environment and build from source https://docs.01.org/celadon/getting-started/build-source.html $ repo init -u https://github.com/projectceladon/manifest -b master -m default.xml $ repo sync -c $ source build/envsetup.sh $ lunch caas-userdebug $ make flashfiles -j $(nproc) ● The output file can be used on virtual machine 11
12 .Code Organization ● Maintain Manifest project in Github to include ○ AOSP ○ Intel BSP Projects ● Google diff to cache patch in upstream process ● Mixins to make BSP variants configurable ● Android Auto Adapter Framework to support one image 12
13 .Customization Celadon - Mixins 13
14 .Auto Adaptation Framework 14
15 .Android Support with CiV on Kylin OS Android Apps Android Apps Applications Linux Applications Web App (Selected) (Selected) UX Essentials Backend Service Celadon Android VM Android App Android Services Platform & Launcher Windows Agents Power State Package MDM vsocks Runtime Mgr vHAL Backend Android Window adb HALs HWC input sensor C&P camera LGclient LG client MDM OVMF + Bootloader + Android Kernel Hypervisor (QEMU) intelhda virtio-video Connectivity V4L2 / Infrastructure BT/Wifi/WWAN V4L2loop vCPU virtio-blk virtio-gpu virtio-network virtio-vsock virtio-* Software Boot Manager System libs/services/utils User space drivers (input/gfx/video, …) Kylin OS & Linux kernel drivers (gfx/video, audio, wifi, inputs, USB,KVM …) 15
16 . 16 Android APPs on Linux PC
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