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Scaling Apache Spark on Kubernetes at Lyft
1 .WIFI SSID:SparkAISummit | Password: UnifiedAnalytics
2 .Scaling Spark on Kubernetes Li Gao, Lyft Rohit Menon, Lyft #UnifiedAnalytics #SparkAISummit
3 .Introduction Li Gao Works in the Data Platform team at Lyft, currently leading the Compute Infra initiatives including Spark on Kubernetes. Previously at Salesforce, Fitbit, Groupon, and other startups. Rohit Menon Rohit Menon is a Software Engineer on the Data Platform team at Lyft. Rohit's primary area of focus is building and scaling out the Spark and Hive Infrastructure for ETL and Machine learning use cases. Previously at EA, VMWare #UnifiedAnalytics #SparkAISummit 3
4 .Agenda ● Introduction of Data Landscape at Lyft ● The challenges we face ● How Apache Spark on Kubernetes can help ● Remaining work #UnifiedAnalytics #SparkAISummit 4
5 . Data Landscape ● Batch data Ingestion and ETL ● Data Streaming ● ML platforms ● Notebooks and BI tools ● Query and Visualization ● Operational Analytics ● Data Discovery & Lineage ● Workflow orchestration ● Cloud Platforms #UnifiedAnalytics #SparkAISummit 5
6 .Evolving Batch Architecture Vendor-based Hive on MR Hive on Tez + Spark on Hadoop Vendor Presto Spark Adhoc Vendor GA 2016-2017 2017-2018 Mid 2018 Late 2018 Early 2019 Future Spark on K8s Spark on K8s Alpha Beta 6
7 .What batch compute is used for AWS S3 AWS S3 Events Batch Presto, Hive Client, and BI Tools Compute Analysts Ext Data Clusters Ingest Pipelines RDB/KV HMS Engineers Sys Events Services Scientists 7
8 .Initial Batch Architecture 8
9 .Batch Compute Challenges ● 3rd Party vendor dependency limitations ● Data ETL expressed solely in SQL ● Complex logic expressed in Python that hard to adopt in SQL ● Different dependencies and versions ● Resource load balancing for heterogeneous workloads 9
10 .3rd Party Vendor Limitations ● Proprietary patches ● Inconsistent bootstrap ● Release schedule ● Homogeneous environments 10
11 .Is SQL the complete solution? 11
12 .What about Python functions? “I want to express my processing logic in python functions with external geo libraries (i.e. Geomesa) and interact with Hive tables” --- Lyft data engineer 12
13 .How Spark can help? Applications APIs Environments Data Sources RDB/KV and Data Sinks 13
14 .What challenges remain? ● Per job custom dependencies ● Handling version requirements (Py3 v.s. Py2) ● Still need to run on shared clusters for cost efficiency 14
15 .What about dependencies? RTree Libraries Spatial Libraries Data Codecs 15
16 .Different Spark or Hive versions? ● Legacy jobs that require Spark 2.2 ● Newer Jobs require Spark 2.3 or Spark 2.4 ● Hive 2.1 SQL and Hive 2.3 16
17 .How Kubernetes can help? Pods Ingress Multi-Tenancy Support Pods Services Service Mesh Event driven & Immutability Declarative Namespaces Operators & Controllers Community + CNCF 17
18 .CNCF Landscape 18
19 .What challenges still remain? ● Spark on k8s is still in its early days ● Single cluster scaling limit ● CRD and control plane update ● Pod churn and IP allocations throttling ● ECR container registry reliability 19
20 .Current scale ● 10s PB data lake ● (O) 100k batch jobs running daily ● ~ 1000s of EC2 nodes spanning multiple clusters and AZs ● ~ 1000s of workflows running daily 20
21 . How Lyft scales Spark on K8s # of Clusters # of Namespaces # of Nodes # of Pods Pod Size Pod Churn Rate Affinity & Isolation ECR Rate Limit Job:Pod ratio IP Alloc Rate Limit QoS & Quota 21
22 .The Evolving Architecture 22
23 .Multiple Clusters 23
24 .HA in Cluster Pool Cluster Pool A Cluster 3 Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 4 ● Cluster rotation within a cluster pool ● Automated provisioning of a new cluster and (manually) add into rotation ● Throttle at lower bound when rotation in progress 24
25 .Multiple Namespaces (Groups) Role1 Role1 Role2 Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod Namespace 1 Namespace 2 Namespace 3 Max Pod Size 1 Max Pod Size 2 Node A Node B Node C Node D ● Practical ~3K active pods per namespace observed ● Less preemption required when namespace isolated by quota ● Different namespaces can map different IAM roles and sidecar configurations 25
26 .Pod Sharing Shared Pods Job Controller Spark Driver Spark Exec Dep Job 1 Pod Pods Job 4 AWS S3 Job 2 Driver Job 2 Exec Pod Pods Job 2 Dep Job 3 Driver Job 3 Exec Job 3 Pod Pods Dep Dedicate & Isolated Pods 26
27 .Separate DML from DDL 27
28 .DDL Separation to reduce churn 28
29 . Pod Priority and Preemption (WIP) Before New Pod Req ● Priority base D1 D2 E1 E2 E3 E4 preemption ● Driver pod has higher E5 priority than executor K8s Scheduler pod ● Experimental D1 D2 E5 E2 E3 E4 E1 https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/71486 After Evicted https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/issues/564 29