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彭思达,浙江大学CAD&CG国家重点实验室四年级博士研究生,导师为周晓巍研究员。研究方向为三维视觉,主要研究三维重建与视角合成。博士至今以一作身份在TPAMI、CVPR、ICCV等会议或期刊发表5篇论文,google scholar引用超过470次。在2020年获得CCF-CV学术新锐奖。在2021年一作论文入围CVPR Best Paper Candidates。发表论文均已开源,在GitHub上Star数超过2000次。
1 .Neural Body: Implicit Neural Representations with Structured Latent Codes for Novel View Synthesis of Dynamic Humans Sida Peng, Yuanqing Zhang, Yinghao Xu, Qianqian Wang Qing Shuai, Hujun Bao, Xiaowei Zhou Input: a sparse multi-view video Output: 3D geometry and appearance Frame 1 Frame 150 Frame 300 Novel view synthesis 3D reconstruction
2 .Problem statement: 什什么是novel view synthesis Input views Novel view synthesis Mildenhall, Ben, et al. Nerf: Representing scenes as neural radiance fields for view synthesis. In ECCV, 2020.
3 .Problem statement: 什什么是novel view synthesis Input views Novel view synthesis Mildenhall, Ben, et al. Nerf: Representing scenes as neural radiance fields for view synthesis. In ECCV, 2020.
4 .Novel view synthesis的应⽤用:Sports broadcasting 4DREPLAY. https://www.4dreplay.com/
5 .Novel view synthesis的应⽤用:Telepresence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q13CishCKXY
6 .Novel view synthesis的应⽤用:Telepresence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q13CishCKXY
7 . Related work Light field interpolation Image-based rendering Gortler, Davis, Levoy, Hanrahan, et al. Kalantari, Hedman, Choi, Wang, et al. Neural 3D representation NeRF-like works Sitzmann, Lombardi, Wu, Aliev, Thies, et al. Mildenhall,Yu, Trevithick, Liu, Reiser, et al.
8 .Related work: 2D CNN-based rendering Multi-view Neural Human Rendering. In CVPR, 2020.
9 . 当3d feature投影时,不不同视⻆角下, 同⼀一个feature的邻近feature可能会 不不同。 ➔ 2D CNN⽆无法保证渲染结果视⻆角 之间的连续性。 ➔ 在3D空间回归⽬目标物体,渲染 直接得到图⽚片 ! Multi-view Neural Human Rendering. In CVPR, 2020.
10 . Related work: RGB-alpha volume Multi-view images Encoder-decoder Volume rendering Neural Volumes: Learning Dynamic Renderable Volumes from Images. In SIGGRAPH, 2019.
11 . 回归3D volume,需要⼤大量量显存。 ➔ ⽆无法得到⾼高分辨率volume,⽆无法 渲染⾼高分辨率图⽚片。 ➔ ⽤用implicit function表示连续的三 维场景 ! Neural Volumes: Learning Dynamic Renderable Volumes from Images. In SIGGRAPH, 2019.
12 . Related work: Neural radiance field Nerf: Representing scenes as neural radiance fields for view synthesis. In ECCV, 2020.
13 . Challenges for NeRF • Cannot handle dynamic scenes. • Require dense input views.
14 . Challenges for NeRF • Cannot handle dynamic scenes. • Require dense input views.
15 .我们的⽬目标: 从稀疏视⻆角的视频恢复⾃自由视⻆角视频 输⼊入:4-view video 输出:free viewpoint video
16 . 我们的⽬目标: 从稀疏视⻆角的视频恢复⾃自由视⻆角视频 Motivation: 整合时序信息来获得⾜足够的3d shape observation 输⼊入:4-view video 输出:free viewpoint video
17 .Key idea: 利利⽤用latent variable model整合时序信息 提出structured latent variables,从同⼀一组latent variables中⽣生成不不同帧的场景
18 . Overview of our method • Human motion capture from multi-view videos. • Structured latent codes. • Generate neural radiance fields from structured latent codes. Recover SMPLs
19 . Overview of our method • Human motion capture from multi-view videos. • Structured latent codes. • Generate neural radiance fields from structured latent codes.
20 . Overview of our method • Human motion capture from multi-view videos. • Structured latent codes. • Generate neural radiance fields from structured latent codes.
21 . Method: 1) Human motion capture 整合时序信息,需要在视频帧之间建⽴立关联。 ➔ 需要建⽴立correspondence。 ➔ 需要proxy geometry。 ➔ SMPL model !
22 .SMPL可以从稀疏视⻆角图⽚片中准确恢复 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuBlUyHeV5U
23 . Method: 1) Human motion capture Capture human motion using https://github.com/zju3dv/EasyMocap Recover SMPLs
24 .Method: 2) Define structured latent codes on SMPL For each SMPL vertex, we assign a learnable latent code
25 . Learnable latent code是什什么 Auto-encoder Auto-decoder DeepSDF: Learning Continuous Signed Distance Functions for Shape Representation. In CVPR 2019.
26 . Learnable latent code是什什么 Latent code可以被优 化来包含物体shape and appearance的信息 Auto-decoder DeepSDF: Learning Continuous Signed Distance Functions for Shape Representation. In CVPR 2019.
27 .Method: 2) Define structured latent codes on SMPL Set the code locations according to the SMPL pose Reposing
28 .Method: 3) Generate scenes from structured latent codes
29 .How to generate continuous scenes from discrete latent codes