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1 .TGIP-CN 022 Understand Replicated Subscriptions Penghui Li
2 .StreamNative Cloud Released https://streamnative.io/blog/tech/2020-08-18-announcing-streamnative-cloud Community Meeting https://github.com/streamnative/pulsar-community-loc-cn/issues/1 Topic Level Policy A. Support MaxUnackedMessagesOnConsumer on topic level B. Support Persistence Policies on topic level C. Support deduplication on topic level Transaction Support A. Transaction message consumption B. Transaction message acknowledgement
3 .Geo Replication http://pulsar.apache.org/docs/en/administration-geo/
4 .Replicated Subscription
5 .Message ID Ledger ID Entry ID Partition Index Batch Index
6 .Message Acknowledgment Mark Delete Position 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Individual Acks
7 .Message Acknowledgment Cluster A Cluster B 1:0 3:0 1:1 3:1 1:2 3:2 3:0 6:0 3:1 6:1 3:2 6:2 3:3 6:3
8 .Cursor Snapshot Cluster A Cluster B 1:0 3:0 3:0 6:0 3:3 6:3
9 .Cursor Snapshot Flow Cluster A ReplicatedSubscriptionsSnapshotRequest ReplicatedSubscriptionsSnapshotRequest Cluster B Cluster C
10 .Cursor Snapshot Flow Cluster A ReplicatedSubscriptionsSnapshotResponse ReplicatedSubscriptionsSnapshotResponse Cluster B Cluster C
11 .Cursor Snapshot Flow
12 .Storing Cursor Snapshot 9 S 8 7 6 S 5 4 3 S 2 1 0 Snapshot Marker
13 .Update Remote Cursor 9 S 8 7 6 S 5 4 3 S 2 1 0 ReplicatedSubscriptionUpdate
14 .Enable Replicated Subscriptions enableReplicatedSubscriptions=true
15 .Configure Replicated Subscriptions
16 .Limitations A. The cursor snapshots are taken periodically B. Only sync mark delete position C. The snapshots can only be taken if all involved clusters are available D. Affect the calculation of the backlog
17 .扫码⼊群! Pulsar 中国社区等你加⼊ 添加好友后,回复“进群”即可
18 .Thanks