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2.百度飞桨基于 Intel DL Boost 技术的推理加速方案
英特尔与百度飞桨深度学习平台合作,通过使能 Intel Deep Learning Boost 技术(AVX512/VNNI/BF16) ,在百度飞桨平台上集成了支持FP32/INT8/BF16多种数据类型的预测优化加速方案,加速了深度学习模型在英特尔至强处理器上的落地与应用。
本次分享首先介绍Intel DL Boost技术,然后讲解 INT8 量化模型的产出、优化和部署全流程解决方案,接着介绍Bfloat16低精度预测的优化方案,最后展示百度BML平台上实际业务模型在英特尔至强处理器上的收益。
1 .李丹青 (Danqing Li) Deep Learning Software Engineer Intel Cloud & Enterprise Solutions Group September 2021
2 .Agenda ➢ Intel Deep Learning Boost on Xeon ➢ Optimization Methodology ➢ Integrate DL Boost VNNI for PaddlePaddle INT8 inference ➢ Integrate DL Boost BF16 for PaddlePaddle BF16 inference ➢ PaddlePaddle AI models speedup on Xeon 2
3 .Intel Deep Learning Boost on Xeon 3
4 .4
5 .Xeon DL Boost VNNI Legend int8/uint8 • U8 & S8 -> S32 int16 int32 * * * * * * * * VPMADDUBSW VPDPBUSD + + + VPMADDWD * * 1 1 3x + VPADDD + AVX-512 BW(Xeon Skylake) AVX512-VNNI(Xeon CascadeLake) VNNI (Vector Neural Network Instructions) brings 3x peak compute in INT8, and 4x peak compute vs. FP32. 5
6 . Xeon DL Boost BF16 𝑎−(2𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑛𝑡_𝑏𝑖𝑡 −1) ±1. 𝑥 ∗ 2 sign mantissa exponent 31 0 FP32 8 bits exponent 23 bits mantissa 15 0 Data Dynamic Range Precision BF16 Type 8 bits exponent 7 bits mantissa FP32 -3.4x1038~3.4x1038 7x10-46 15 BF16 -3.4x1038~3.4x1038 3.05x10-5 6
7 .7
8 .8
9 .PaddlePaddle integrated oneDNN INT8 ops Currently, PaddlePaddle integrated oneDNN INT8 ops - conv2d - depthwise_conv2d - fc - matmul - pool2d - gru - lstm - elementwise_add - reshape2 - transpose2 - concat PaddlePaddle integrated INT8 ops list. [Link] 9
10 .PaddlePaddle integrated oneDNN BF16 ops Currently, PaddlePaddle integrated oneDNN BF16 ops • sum • cast • ew_add + grad • scale • ew_mul + grad • SGD • matmul + grad • fill_constant • reduce_mean + grad • uniform_random • reduce_sum + grad • save • reshape2 + grad • load PaddlePaddle integrated BF16 ops list [Link] 10
11 .Optimization Methodology 11
12 .Xeon AI Inference Optimization Methods (1) ➢ Graph Optimization • sub-graph transformation • Operator fusion/folding (minimize memory traffic, minimize inter op framework overhead(like TF)) ➢ Operator Kernel Optimization • Best leverage Intel performance primitives to unleash AVX-512/VNNI/BFP16: oneDNN, MKL etc. • SIMD (Single instruction multiple data) intrinsic + OpenMP ➢ Lower Precision • INT8 (VNNI) – model calibration needed • BFP16 – model calibration free
13 .Xeon AI Inference Optimization Methods (2) ➢ Runtime Optimization • System knobs • NUMA, Turbo, HT • Pipelining • data io & inference • Multi-instance
14 .Integrate DL Boost VNNI for PaddlePaddle INT8 inference 14
15 .Integrate DL Boost VNNI for PaddlePaddle INT8 inference 15
16 .PaddleSlim generate quant model 量化方法 使用条件 易用性 模型精度 模型性能 模型体积 动态离线量化 不需要样本数据 好 一般 一般 减少2~4倍 动态离线量化 少量校准数据 较好 较好 好 减少4倍 量化训练方法 大量训练数据 一般 好 好 减少4倍 FP32模型 N Y 有数据 进行 Y 动态离线 N 训练 量化方法 静态离线 量化训练 量化方法 方法 Reference: PaddleSlim overview [Link] 16
17 .Deploy quant models to INT8 model on XEON To transform and optimize fake-quantized model to oneDNN INT8 model, following steps are taken • Collect the scales from the fake-quantized model • Dequantize the model to fp32 model using the scales • Optimize the fp32 model by applying oneDNN fp32 op kernels, apply fusions etc. • Quantize the optimized model with scales and oneDNN INT8 op kernels. • Save the final real INT8 model and test on Xeon. Enable INT8 ops and inference on Xeon • Integrated oneDNN INT8 ops will be used • Other ops may remain FP32, but we are continuously working on supporting more INT8 ops 17
18 .Gather scales and dequantize the model
19 .Remove fake quant/dequant ops • Remove fake quant/dequant ops
20 .Optimize dequantized fp32 model • Fusion Passes to optimize the model conv_bn_fuse_pass Or conv_relu_mkldnn_fuse_pass fc_gru_fuse_pass …
21 .Quantize the fp32 model • Insert quantize/dequantize op
22 .Fuse some adjacent quant/dequant pairs • Fusion some adjacent quantize and dequantize op
23 .PaddlePaddle integrated oneDNN INT8 ops Currently, PaddlePaddle integrated oneDNN INT8 ops - conv2d - depthwise_conv2d - fc - matmul - pool2d - gru - elementwise_add - reshape2 - transpose2 - concat PaddlePaddle integrated INT8 ops list. [Link] 23
24 .User Manual: How to deploy INT8 models on Xeon - PaddleSlim generate quant model - Quant-aware training - Dynamic: paddleslim.QAT - Static: paddleslim.quant.quant_aware - PTQ Static: paddleslim.quant.quant_post_static - PTQ Dynamic: paddleslim.quant.quant_post_dynamic - Save real INT8 model on Intel Xeon - python save_quant_model.py --quant_model_path= --int8_model_save_path= --ops_to_quantize= - Execute INT8 model on Xeon - Refer to PaddleInference: prepare Predictor, config and then run Deploy INT8 inference in PaddlePaddle on Xeon[Link] 24
25 .Integrate DL Boost BF16 for PaddlePaddle BF16 inference 25
26 .Enable BF16 for PaddlePaddle PaddlePaddle BF16 design doc: [link] 26
27 .PaddlePaddle integrated oneDNN BF16 ops Currently, PaddlePaddle integrated oneDNN BF16 ops • sum • cast • ew_add + grad • scale • ew_mul + grad • SGD • matmul + grad • fill_constant • reduce_mean + grad • uniform_random • reduce_sum + grad • save • reshape2 + grad • load PaddlePaddle integrated BF16 ops. [Link] 27
28 .PaddlePaddle AI models speedup on Xeon 28
29 .风控项目&搜索反作弊项目 背景:ERNIE是百度开创性提出的基于知识增强的持续学习语义理解框架,ERNIE在国际权威的通 用语言理解评估基准GLUE上,得分首次突破90分,获得全球第一。 需求:厂内很多项目需要在X86 CPU上大规模使用ERNIE模型,对性能提升的需求强烈,比如风控 与搜索项目。 ERNIE模型量化:使用量化训练方法对Matmul OP进行量化(复现文档) 实验条件:Intel® Xeon® Gold 6271 ,单线程(下同)