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IoT Messages MySQL
2017年6月10日,Alexander Rubin在Linuxfest东南部展示了“时间序列数据、物联网(现场演示)和数据库”。
1 . About Me Alexander Rubin, Principal Architect, Percona • Working with MySQL for over 10 years – Started at MySQL AB, Sun Microsystems, Oracle (MySQL ConsulDng) – Joined Percona in 2013
2 .$ vim toc.txt 1. Gardening for Geeks + IoT 2. Smallest MySQL Server in the World 3. MySQL can make toast ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -- INSERT --
3 .Apricot Tree…
4 . Level of Light Every plant comes with one – a little plastic label tucked into the pot with an icon on it that lets you know what level of light it needs.
5 .Tons of devices to use for IoT…
6 .WiFi Module (board) - ESP8266 $2-$6 https:// www.sparkfun.com/ products/13678
7 . WiFi + BLE Module (board) ESP32 - ~$8 https:// espressif.com/en/ products/hardware/ esp32/overview hMp://esp32.net/
8 .Particle Photon $19 hMps://store.parDcle.io
9 .Particle Demo…
10 .Demo Recap… Cloud 100% Cloud IoT
11 .Wi-Fi MQTT Node/JS + ParDcle API console.parDcle.io
12 .Measurement Results…
13 .• Easy to use + • WiFi is power quick start hungry • Send metrics • Rely on the directly internet
14 .Non-cloud setup with ESP32 $ vim goals.txt 1. One year on a single battery 2. No internet dependency 3. Less than $100 total ~ ~ -- INSERT --
15 .Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) hMps://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/tree/master/libraries/SimpleBLE
16 . Storing data in MySQL: wide table CREATE TABLE `sensor_wide` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `light` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `temp` double DEFAULT NULL, `humidity` double DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 + Storage is good - Alter table is a hard, not flexible
17 . Storing data in MySQL: key/value CREATE TABLE `cloud_data` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `data` text DEFAULT NULL, `updated_at` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=11106 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 + Flexible - High overhead on storage
18 . Storing data in MySQL 5.7: JSON store CREATE TABLE `event_stream_json` ( `doc` json DEFAULT NULL, `_id` varchar(32) GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_unquote(json_extract(`doc`,'$._id'))) STORED NOT NULL, `name` varchar(255) GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_unquote(json_extract(`doc`,'$.name'))) VIRTUAL, UNIQUE KEY `_id` (`_id`), KEY `name` (`name`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 + Very Flexible + indexes - Some overhead on storage
19 .Smallest MySQL Server in the World
20 .Intel Edison ~$60 hMp://www.intel.com/ content/www/us/en/ do-it-yourself/ edison.html
21 .MySQL Bug #2 Does not make toast http:// bugs.mysql.com/2/
22 .
23 .http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=2 [12 Sep 2002 5:26] Mark Matthews Description: Other JDBC drivers I have used make toast for breakfast. MySQL Connector/J doesn't make toast, it can only pour a bowl of froot loops. When I ask it to make toast, the "NoToast" exception is thrown. I think you should look into this.
24 .Fixing MySQL Bug#2
25 .
26 .
27 .Bug fixed, please enjoy your MySQL toast...
28 . Alexander Rubin h"ps://www.linkedin.com/in/alexanderrubin