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Efficient CRUD Queries in MongoDB
1 .Efficient CRUD Queries in MongoDB Tim Vaillancourt Sr. Technical Operations Architect Percona
2 .Agenda ●What is CRUD? ●CRUD-related MongoDB Features ●Troubleshooting ○ Explain ○ Database Profiler ○ Log File ●Read Preference ●Read and Write Concerns ●Deletion/Retention Strategies ●Monitoring
3 .About Me ●Started at Percona in January 2016 ●Experience ○ Web Publishing ■ Big-scale LAMP-based web infrastructures ○ Ecommerce ■ Large Inventory SaaS at Amazon / AbeBooks ○ Gaming ■ DevOps / NoSQL DBA at EA SPORTS ■ DBA at EA DICE
4 .About Me ○ Technologies ■ MongoDB, Cassandra and Couchbase ■ MySQL ■ Redis and Memcached ■ RabbitMQ, Kafka and ActiveMQ ■ Solr and Elasticsearch ■ Mesos ■ (Non-tech) Distributed Systems and Infrastructure Architecture
5 .Terminology ● What is CRUD? ○ Create ■ Operations that create entire documents, eg: .insert() ■ Relatively light operation with low cache/disk IO impact ○ Read ■ Operations that read documents, eg: .find(), .aggregate(), … ■ Generally the main source of slowness
6 .Terminology ● What is CRUD? ○ Update ■ Operations that find and replace data, eg: .update() ■ Expensive, operates similar to a .find() and updates data after ○ Delete ■ Operations that remove documents, eg: .remove()
7 .Terminology ● Document - a single MongoDB document (JSON/BSON) ● Collection - a collection of documents, similar to “table” ● Database - a grouping of MongoDB collections ● Index - a BTree Index applied to a MongoDB collection ● CRUD? ○ Create: operations that create documents, eg: .insert() ○ Read: operations that read documents, eg: .find(), .aggregate(), … ○ Update: operations that find and replace data, eg: .update() ○ Delete: operations that deletes documents, eg: .delete()
8 .Terminology ● What is efficient CRUD? ○ Use the minimal server resources possible ○ Scalable ● Metrics ○ keysExamined - # of Index items examined ○ docsExamined - # of Documents (cache or disk) examined ○ Nreturned - # of Documents returned to client ● Lag ○ The delay seen in reading data from a replication replica
9 .Storage Engines ● MMAPv1: Default in 1.x and 2.x ○ Good read performance, poor write performance ○ No compression ○ Collection-level Locking(!) ● WiredTiger: Default in 3.2+, available since 3.x ○ Good read performance, good write performance ○ Compression supported ● RocksDB: Available in Percona Server for MongoDB (or patch) ○ Good 95%~ read performance, very good write performance ○ Compression supported
10 .Isolation and Atomicity ● Isolation ○ Read Uncommitted ■ Any session can see a change, even before ack’d ■ Essentially no isolation compared to RDBMs ○ Atomicity ■ Single-document Update ● A reader will never see a partially-changed document ■ Multi-document Update ● Multi-operation not atomic, no rollback
11 .Replication ● Async changelog replication ● Primary ○ Single Primary via election ○ Serves Read and Write operations ● Secondary ○ One or more, three required for reliable elections ○ Serves Read queries only ○ May take-over Primary in election ● Consistency ○ Driver-level tunables for Read and Write consistency(!)
12 .Insert Operations ● A Single-document Insert triggers: ○ 1 x append to the journal ○ 1 x document to be added to the data file(s) ○ MMAPv1 Considerations ■ MMAP will scan for a free slot for the insert ■ Shown as the “nmoved” metric ● Multi-document Insert Operations ○ Can be used to batch inserts ○ Improves insert performance in many cases ○ Can be ordered <true/false> in options document
13 .Insert Operations ● Write Concern accepted ● RocksDB or WiredTiger recommended for high write volumes
14 .Insert Operations Example: db.users.insert([ { “username”: “tim”, “password”: 123456, “createDate”: new Date(), }, { ... } ], { “writeConcern”: { w: ”majority” }, ordered: true })
15 .Read Operations ● .find() ○ Returns cursor of document(s) matching a set of conditions ○ Option to specify which fields to return, default: full doc! ● .aggregate() ○ Powerful framework for data aggregations, summaries, etc ○ No .explain() support ○ Scans entire collection unless using a $match as first stage ■ db.<coll>.find(<$match conditions>).explain() to explain! ● .mapReduce() ○ Runs in JavaScript and offers little insight
16 .Read Operations ● Read Concern ○ Important for strict data integrity (often combined with WCs) ■ Replica Set failovers can cause some data “rollback” ● “Rolledback” data is written to a json file in your dbPath ○ Tunable read consistency ■ “local” = default, local node read only ■ “majority” = read from a majority of members ■ “linearizable” = read and ack’d from a majority of members ○ RC can be changed per query
17 .Read Operations ● Example: test1:PRIMARY> db.getMongo().setReadPref('primary') test1:PRIMARY> db.pages.find({title : "Geography of Guinea-Bissau"}, {_id: 1, title: 1}).pretty() { "_id" : "0c25a313481757720f5e9e46b4cffddd08a13fef", "title" : "Geography of Guinea-Bissau" }
18 .Update Operations ● Operates much like a .find() with special re-insertion ● Cannot run .explain() on .update() ○ Convert the .update() match to a .find(<conds).explain() ● Can change one or more documents ○ { multi: true } option required for multi-document updates ○ Avoid Multi-document updates if possible ● MMAPv1 Considerations ○ In many cases MMAP can do in-place updates (no replace) ● Provides many update operators to change the data ○ Examples: $set, $inc, $mul, $min, $max
19 .Update Operations ● Efficient Updates ○ Use indexes on the match condition (very crucial) ○ Avoid multi-document updates in your design
20 .Update Operations ● Example: test1:PRIMARY> db.pages.update( {title : "Geography of Guinea-Bissau"}, {$set: {title: "Geography of Guinea-Bisso"} }) WriteResult({ "nMatched" : 1, "nUpserted" : 0, "nModified" : 1 })
21 .Delete Operations ● Similar in execution impact to an .update() ● Accepts array of delete conditions (batching) ● Using TTL Index to Delete ○ Deletes documents based on MongoDB ISODate() objects ○ Batches deletes by minute (by default) ○ Doubles as an index for the date field ● Batch delete by field ○ Mark a field as {deleted:true} ○ Run controlled batch job to .remove({deleted:true}) ○ Requires some scripting / cronjob
22 .Delete Operations ● RocksDB Considerations ○ Compaction may struggle with very high delete volume ○ “Toombstones” are written in place of the document ■ Considered by read operations until compaction
23 .Delete Operations ● Example: test1:PRIMARY> db.pages.remove({title : "Geography of Guinea-Bisso"}) WriteResult({ "nRemoved" : 1 })
24 .Indexing ● MongoDB supports BTree, text and geo indexes ● Default behaviour ● Collection lock until indexing completes ● {background:true} ○ Runs indexing in the background avoiding pauses ○ Hard to monitor and troubleshoot progress ○ Unpredictable performance impact ● Avoid drivers that auto-create indexes. Use real performance data ● Too many indexes hurts performance ● Indexes have a forward or backward direction
25 .Indexing ● Compound Indexes ○ Several fields supported ○ Fields can be in forward or backward direction ■ Consider any .sort() query options and match sort direction! ○ Read Left -> Right ■ Index can be partially-read ■ Left-most fields do not need to be duplicated, example: You have an index with fields: {status:1, date:1} and a 2nd with: {status:1}. {status:1} is duplicated!
26 .Indexing ● Get Indexes Example: test1:PRIMARY> db.pages.getIndexes() [ { "v" : 1, "key" : { "_id" : 1 }, "name" : "_id_", "ns" : "wikipedia.pages" } ]
27 .Operation Profiling ● Writes slow database operations to a new MongoDB collection for analysis ○ Capped Collection: “system.profile” in each database, default 1mb ○ The collection is capped, ie: profile data doesn’t last forever ○ Enable operationProfiling in “slowOp” mode ■ Start with a very high threshold and decrease it in steps Usually 50-100ms is a good threshold Enable in mongod.conf operationProfiling: slowOpThresholdMs: 100 mode: slowOp
28 .Operation Profiling ● op/ns/query: type, namespace and query of a profile ● keysExamined: # of index keys examined ● docsExamined: # of docs examined to achieve result ● writeConflicts: # of WCE encountered during update ● numYields: # of times operation yielded for others ● locks: detailed lock statistics
29 ..explain() and Profiler ● .explain() Example: Profiler: