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Migrating Aurora Monitoring PMM
AmazonWebServices(AWS)Aurora是最流行的基于云的RDBMS解决方案之一。Aurora成功的主要原因是它基于InnoDB存储引擎。在本课程中,我们将讨论如何使用Terraform和Percona产品和解决方案有效地计划迁移到Aurora。我们将共享用于启动AWS Aurora集群的地形代码,查看检查数据一致性的技巧,验证迁移路径,并使用PMM有效地监控环境。本课程的主题包括:为什么选择AWS Aurora?AWS Aurora的未来是什么?-构建Aurora基础设施-使用TerraForm(无数据)-使用TerraForm和Percona Xtrabackup恢复(使用AWS S3 Bucket)-验证数据一致性-Aurora迁移-1:1迁移-多:1迁移使用Percona服务器多源复制-显示基准和PMM仪表板-演示
1 .Migrating to Aurora MySQL and Monitoring with PMM Percona Technical Webinars August 1, 2018
2 .Introductions
3 .Introduction Vineet Khanna (Autodesk) Tate McDaniel (Percona) Senior Database Engineer Senior MySQL DBA vineet.khanna@autodesk.com tate.mcdaniel@percona.com 3
4 .This talk’s agenda
5 .Agenda What is this talk about? ● A real life migration from EC2 backed MySQL instances to managed Aurora clusters ○ How do I determine if Aurora is the correct solution for my application? ○ What does the decision making process look like? ○ What does a POC look like? ● Implementing code reusable version and infrastructure tracking ○ Adapting Terraform to AWS Aurora ○ Open source development of tools for devops - code reusable ○ Auditing changes to the database infrastructure. ● Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of a major infrastructure change ○ Using PMM and other tools to monitor the new environment ○ Comparison of old and new environments ○ Justification of the infrastructure shift 5
6 . In this talk: Aurora = AWS Aurora MySQL 5.6
7 .AWS Aurora - What?
8 .AWS Aurora MySQL Architecture 8
9 .AWS Aurora - Why?
10 .Why Aurora? Pros... General benefits of AWS Aurora MySQL: ● Replication Lag less than 100 ms within same region ● 6 copies of your data across 3 Availability Zones ● Scale storage size automatically to 64 TB ● Supports up to 15 Replicas ● Isolates the database buffer cache from database processes ● Does not require crash recovery replay of database redo logs ● Multi-AZ is built-in and automatic ● Continuous backup to S3 ● Allows storage encryption ● Zero Downtime Patching available without binlog ● Fast Database Cloning ● Auto Scaling - Read Replica 10
11 .Why Aurora? Cons... General downsides of AWS Aurora MySQL: ● Cross-region replica based on binlog ● Table level corruption suffers across the cluster ● Point in Time Recovery not possible ○ However AWS provides Point in Time Restore ● Delayed slave not possible to survive drop table disaster ● No change buffering ● Stick to MySQL version 5.6.10 & 5.7.12 ● Performance Schema disabled for Aurora MySQL 5.7 ● External Plugins not supported ● Supports only InnoDB storage engine ● Closed Source 11
12 .MySQL RDS vs Aurora Performance Test Machines: ● Client Machine: Instance Type: m4.4xlarge (CPU 16, Mem. 60G) ● Database Machine: Instance Class: db.r3.8xlarge (CPU 32, Mem. 244G) ○ Master & Read Replica Benchmarking Tool: ● Sysbench 1.0 ○ Tables: 10 tables x 250 million rows (around 50G each table) Benchmark Test: ● OLTP RW/RO ● Failover Test ● Latency(Slave Lag) Test Test Duration: ● 60 min each test (OLTP) 12
13 .MySQL RDS vs Aurora Failover Test ● 13
14 .MySQL RDS vs Aurora OLTP RW Test ● 14
15 .MySQL RDS vs Aurora OLTP RO Test ● 15
16 .MySQL RDS Latency Test 16
17 .17
18 .MySQL Aurora Latency Test 18
19 .19
20 .The Future of Aurora
21 .The Future of Aurora Upcoming features to be rolled out in Q2 or beyond: ● Multi Master Multi Region AWS Aurora ● AWS Serverless Aurora ● Parallel Query ● Database backtrack 21
22 .Verify Schema/Data Consistency
23 .Verify Schema Consistency Why we need to verify Schema Consistency ● Functions are not imported automatically ● Stored procedures are not imported automatically. ● User accounts are not imported automatically. ● Views with definer root@localhost are not accessible Tools & Commands ● MySQL Utilities: mysqldiff mysqldiff --difftype=sql --changes-for=server2 --server1=$USER:$PASS@$EC2IP --server2=$USER:$PASS@$AURORAIP $DBNAME:$DBNAME ● MySQL Utilities: mysqldbcompare mysqldbcompare --difftype=sql --server1=$USER:$PASS@$EC2IP --server2=$USER:$PASS@$AURORAIP $DBNAME:$DBNAME --changes-for=server2 23
24 .Verify Data Consistency Verify Data Consistency Using pt-table-checksum ● If you are running MySQL on STATEMENT binlog format ● Run pt-table-checksum directly from EC2 based MySQL Master ● pt-table-checksum pt-table-checksum --recursion-method dsn=h=localhost,D=percona,t=dsns --nocheck-replication-filters --ignore-databases mysql,performance_schema,information_schema > checksum.log 2>&1 ● pt-table-sync pt-table-sync --replicate percona.checksums --sync-to-master --user restore --pass 'PASSWORD' --print --verbose Verify Data Consistency Using Paused Slave ● Create Aurora Cluster as a Slave of Slave ● Pause Slave and checksum table 24
25 .Aurora Migration
26 . 1:1 Migration From EC2 MySQL to Aurora
28 .1:1 Migration: EC2 MySQL to Aurora 28
29 .1:1 Migration: EC2 MySQL to Aurora 29