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Deep Dive to PostgreSQL Indexes
我们将了解如何使用pg stat语句来查找向数据库添加索引的机会。我们将研究何时添加索引,何时添加索引不太可能产生好的解决方案。那么,应该向每一列添加索引吗?来看看为什么很少推荐这种策略,因为我们深入研究了PostgreSQL索引。
1 . Deep Dive Into PostgreSQL Indexes Learn PostgreSQL index Ibrar Ahmed Senior Database Architect - Percona LLC June 2019 1 © 2019 Percona
2 .Tables (Heap) “Tuple” and “Rows” are synonym • Rows / Tuples stored in a table • Every table in PostgreSQL has physical disk file(s) “Relfilenode” is table file name of that table “pg_class” is system table to contain table information postgres=# CREATE TABLE foo(id int, name text); postgres=# SELECT relfilenode FROM pg_class WHERE relname LIKE 'foo’; relfilenode ------------- 16384 “16384” is table filename $PGDATA is Data Directory • The physical files on disk can be seen in the PostgreSQL $PGDATA directory. $ ls -lrt $PGDATA/base/13680/16384 -rw------- 1 vagrant vagrant 0 Apr 29 11:48 $PGDATA/base/13680/16384 • Tuple stored in a table does not have any order 2 © 2019 Percona
3 .Tables (Heap) • Select whole table, must be a sequential scan. • Select table’s rows where id is 5432, it should not be a sequential scan. EXPLAIN SELECT name FROM bar; Make sense? QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on bar (cost=0.00..163693.05 rows=9999905 width=11 EXPLAIN SELECT name FROM bar WHERE id = 5432; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gather (cost=1000.00..116776.94 rows=1 width=11) Workers Planned: 2 Why? -> Parallel Seq Scan on bar (cost=0.00..115776.84 rows=1 width=11) Filter: (id = 5432) 3 © 2019 Percona
4 .Selecting Data 2/2 Tuple - 1 CREATE TABLE foo(id INTEGER, name TEXT); Page 0/N Tuple - 2 INSERT INTO foo VALUES(1, 'Alex'); Tuple - 3 INSERT INTO foo VALUES(2, 'Bob'); Tuple - n Tuple - 1 Page 1/N Tuple - 2 Tuple - 3 SELECT ctid, * FROM foo; ctid | id | name -------+----+------ Tuple - n H Page 2/N Tuple - 1 E (0,1) | 1 | Alex Tuple - 2 A Tuple - 3 (0,2) | 2 | Bob P (2 rows) Tuple - n • How to select the data from the HEAP? • Need to scan each and every page and look for the Page N/N Tuple - 1 Tuple - 2 tuple in the page Tuple - 3 Cost? Tuple - n 4 4 © 2019 Percona
5 .PostgreSQL Indexes https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/indexes.html 5 5 © 2019 Percona
6 .Why Index? • Indexes are entry points for tables • Index used to locate the tuples in the table • The sole reason to have an index is performance • Index is stored separately from the table’s main storage (PostgreSQL Heap) • More storage required to store the index along with original table postgres=# EXPLAIN SELECT name FROM bar WHERE id = 5432; Cost of the query QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on bar (cost=0.00..159235.00 rows=38216 width=32) Filter: (id = 5432) postgres=# CREATE INDEX bar_idx ON bar(id); postgres=# EXPLAIN SELECT name FROM bar WHERE id = 5432; QUERY PLAN 64313/159235 * 100 = 40% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on bar (cost=939.93..64313.02 rows=50000 width=32) Recheck Cond: (id = 5432) -> Bitmap Index Scan on bar_idx (cost=0.00..927.43 rows=50000 width=0) Index Cond: (id = 5432) 6 © 2019 Percona
7 .Index • PostgreSQL standard way to create a index (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-createindex.html) postgres=# CREATE INDEX idx_btree ON bar(id); PostgreSQL’s Catalog for relations/index postgres=# SELECT relfilenode FROM pg_class WHERE relname LIKE ‘idx_btree’; relfilenode ------------- 16425 Physical file name of the index • PostgreSQL index has its own file on disk. The physical file on disk can be seen in the PostgreSQL $PGDATA directory. $ ls -lrt $PGDATA/13680/16425 -rw-------1 vagrant vagrant 1073741824 Apr 29 13:05 $PGDATA/base/13680/16425 7 © 2019 Percona
8 .Creating Index 1/2 • Index based on single column of the table ”bar” is a table and ”id” is column postgres=# CREATE INDEX bar_idx ON bar(id); postgres=# EXPLAIN SELECT name FROM bar WHERE id = 5432; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on bar (cost=939.93..64313.02 rows=50000 width=32) Recheck Cond: (id = 5432) -> Bitmap Index Scan on bar_idx (cost=0.00..927.43 rows=50000 width=0) Index Cond: (id = 5432) 8 © 2019 Percona
9 .Creating Index 2/2 • PostgreSQL locks the table when creating index CREATE INDEX idx_btree ON bar USING BTREE(id); CREATE INDEX Time: 12303.172 ms (00:12.303) • CONCURRENTLY option creates the index without locking the table CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY idx_btree ON bar USING BTREE(id); CREATE INDEX Time: 23025.372 ms (00:23.025) 9 © 2019 Percona
10 .Expression Index 1/2 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM bar WHERE lower(name) LIKE 'Text1'; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on bar (cost=0.00..213694.00 rows=50000 width=40) Filter: (lower((name)::text) ~~ 'Text1'::text) CREATE INDEX idx_exp ON bar (lower(name)); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM bar WHERE lower(name) LIKE 'Text1'; QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on bar (cost=1159.93..64658.02 rows=50000 width=40) Filter: (lower((name)::text) ~~ 'Text1'::text) -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_exp (cost=0.00..1147.43 rows=50000 width=0) Index Cond: (lower((name)::text) = 'Text1'::text) 10 © 2019 Percona
11 .Expression Index 2/2 postgres=# EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM bar WHERE (dt + (INTERVAL '2 days')) < now(); QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on bar (cost=0.00..238694.00 rows=3333333 width=40) Filter: ((dt + '2 days'::interval) < now()) postgres=# CREATE INDEX idx_math_exp ON bar((dt + (INTERVAL '2 days'))); postgres=# EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM bar WHERE (dt + (INTERVAL '2 days')) < now(); QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on bar (cost=62449.77..184477.10 rows=3333333 width=40) Recheck Cond: ((dt + '2 days'::interval) < now()) -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_math_exp (cost=0.00..61616.43 rows=3333333 width=0) Index Cond: ((dt + '2 days'::interval) < now()) 11 © 2019 Percona
12 .Partial Index Index Partial Index CREATE INDEX idx_full ON bar(id); CREATE INDEX idx_part ON bar(id) where id < 10000; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM bar EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM bar Index where id < 1000 only WHERE id < 1000 WHERE id < 1000 AND name LIKE 'text1000’; AND name LIKE 'text1000’; QUERY PLAN QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Bitmap Heap Scan on bar (cost=199.44..113893.44 rows=16667 width=40) Bitmap Heap Scan on bar (cost=61568.60..175262.59 rows=16667 width=40) Recheck Cond: (id < 1000) Recheck Cond: (id < 1000) Q: What will happen when we query where Filter: id >1000? ~~ 'text1000'::text) ((name)::text Filter: ((name)::text ~~ 'text1000'::text) -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_part (cost=0.00..195.28 rows=3333333 -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_full (cost=0.00..61564.43 rows=3333333 width=0) width=0) A: Answer is simple, this index won’t selected. Index Cond: (id < 1000) Index Cond: (id < 1000) SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size('idx_part')); SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size('idx_full')); pg_size_pretty pg_size_pretty ---------------- ---------------- 240 kB Why create full index if we don’t 214 MB Look at the size of the index need that. (1 row) (1 row) 12 12 © 2019 Percona
13 .Index Types https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/indexes-types.html 13 © 2019 Percona
14 .B-Tree Index 1/2 • What is a B-Tree index? Wikipedia: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self- • Supported Operators balancing_binary_search_tree) • Less than < • Less than equal to <= In computer science, a self-balancing (or height-balanced) binary search tree • Equal = is any node-based binary search tree that automatically keeps its height • Greater than equal to >= • Greater than > small in the face of arbitrary item insertions and deletions. CREATE INDEX idx_btree ON foo USING BTREE (name); postgres=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM foo WHERE name = 'text%'; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index Scan using idx_btree on foo (cost=0.43..8.45 rows=1 width=19) (actual time=0.015..0.015 rows=0 loops=1) Index Cond: ((name)::text = 'text%'::text) Planning Time: 0.105 ms Execution Time: 0.031 ms (4 rows) 14 14 © 2019 Percona
15 .B-Tree Index 2/2 CREATE TABLE foo(id INTEGER, name TEXT); Page 0/N Tuple - 1 Tuple - 2 INSERT INTO foo VALUES(1, 'Alex'); Tuple - 3 INSERT INTO foo VALUES(2, 'Bob'); Tuple - n SELECT ctid, * FROM foo; Tuple - 1 ctid | id | name Page 1/N Tuple - 2 Tuple - 3 -------+----+------ (0,1) | 1 | Alex (0,2) | 2 | Bob Tuple - n H Page 2/N Tuple - 1 E Tuple - 2 Tuple - 3 A P Index have the key and the location of the tuple. ctid | name Tuple - n -------+------ (0,1) | Alex Tuple - 1 (0,2) | Bob Page N/N Tuple - 2 Tuple - 3 Tuple - n 15 15 © 2019 Percona
16 .HASH Index postgres=# \d bar • What is a Hash index? Table "public.bar" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default • Hash indexes only handles equality operators --------+-------------------+-----------+----------+--------- • Hash function is used to locate the tuples id | integer | | | name | character varying | | | dt | date | | | Indexes: "idx_btree" btree (name) CREATE INDEX idx_hash ON bar USING HASH (name); "idx_hash" btree (name) EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM bar WHERE name = 'text%'; QUERY PLAN Index Scan using idx_hash on bar (cost=0.43..8.45 rows=1 width=19) (actual time=0.023..0.023 rows=0 loops=1) Index Cond: ((name)::text = 'text%'::text) Planning Time: 0.080 ms Execution Time: 0.041 ms (4 rows) 16 16 © 2019 Percona
17 .BRIN Index 1/2 • BRIN is a “Block Range Index” Like date, date of city have logical group • Used when columns have some correlation with their physical location in the table • Space optimized because BRIN index contains only three items • Page number • Min value of column • Max value of column Size of Index = 21 MB CREATE INDEX idx_btree ON bar USING BTREE (date); Size of Index = 47 MB CREATE INDEX idx_hash ON bar USING HASH (date); Size of Index = 48KB CREATE INDEX idx_brin ON bar USING BRIN (date); 17 17 © 2019 Percona
18 .BRIN Index 2/2 Sequential Scan BRIN Index postgres=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * postgres=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM bar FROM bar WHERE dt > '2022-09-28’ WHERE dt > '2022-09-28’ AND dt < '2022-10-28'; AND dt < '2022-10-28'; QUERY PLAN QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ Seq Scan on bar (cost=0.00..2235285.00 rows=1 Bitmap Heap Scan on bar (cost=92.03..61271.08 rows=1 width=27) width=27) (actual time=1.720..4.186 rows=29 loops=1) (actual time=0.139..7397.090 rows=29 Recheck Cond: ((dt > '2022-09-28 00:00:00’) loops=1) AND (dt < '2022-10-28 00:00:00')) Filter: ((dt > '2022-09-28 00:00:00) Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 18716 AND (dt < '2022-10-28 00:00:00)) Heap Blocks: lossy=128 Rows Removed by Filter: 99999971 -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_brin Planning Time: 0.114 ms (cost=0.00..92.03 rows=17406 width=0) Execution Time: 7397.107 ms (actual time=1.456..1.456 rows=1280 loops=1) (5 rows) Index Cond: ((dt > '2022-09-28 00:00:00’) AND (dt < '2022-10-28 00:00:00')) Planning Time: 0.130 ms Execution Time: 4.233 ms (8 rows) 18 18 © 2019 Percona
19 .GIN Index 1/2 • Generalized Inverted Index • GIN is to handle where we need to index composite values • Slow while creating the index because it needs to scan the document up front postgres=# \d bar Table "public.bar" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- id | integer | | | name | jsonb | | | dt | date | | | postgres=# SELECT DISTINCT name, dt FROM bar LIMIT 5; name | dt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------ {"name": "Alex", "phone": ["333-333-333", "222-222-222", "111-111-111"]} | 2019-05-13 {"name": "Bob", "phone": ["333-333-444", "222-222-444", "111-111-444"]} | 2019-05-14 {"name": "John", "phone": ["333-3333", "777-7777", "555-5555"]} | 2019-05-15 {"name": "David", "phone": ["333-333-555", "222-222-555", "111-111-555"]} | 2019-05-16 (4 rows) 19 19 © 2019 Percona
20 .GIN Index 2/2 • Generalized Inverted Index • GIN is to handle where we need to index composite values • Slow while creating index because it needs to scan the document up front CREATE INDEX idx_gin ON bar USING GIN (name); postgres=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM bar postgres=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM bar WHERE name @> '{"name": "Alex"}’; WHERE name @> '{"name": "Alex"}'; QUERY PLAN QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on bar (cost=0.00..108309.34 rows=3499 Bitmap Heap Scan on bar (cost=679.00..13395.57 width=96) (actual time=396.019..1050.143 rows=1000000 rows=4000 width=96) (actual time=91.110..445.112 loops=1) rows=1000000 loops=1) Even if you create a BTREE index, it won’t be considered. Filter: (name @> '{"name": Because "Alex"}'::jsonb) Recheck it does not know the individual Cond: element in (name value. @> '{"name": "Alex"}'::jsonb) Rows Removed by Filter: 3000000 Heap Blocks: exact=16394 Planning Time: 0.107 ms -> Bitmap Index Scan on Execution Time: 1079.861 ms idx_gin (cost=0.00..678.00 rows=4000 width=0) (actual time=89.033..89.033 rows=1000000 loops=1) Index Cond: (name @> '{"name": "Alex"}'::jsonb) Planning Time: 0.168 ms Execution Time: 475.447 ms 20 20 © 2019 Percona
21 .GiST Index • Generalized Search Tree • Tree-structured access method • Used to find the point within box • Used for full text search 21 21 © 2019 Percona
22 .Where and What? • B-Tree: Use this index for most of the queries and different data types • Hash: Used for equality operators • BRIN: For really large sequentially lineup datasets • GIN: Used for documents and arrays • GiST: Used for full text search 22 22 © 2019 Percona
23 .Index Only Scans In PostgreSQL term • Index is stored separately from the table’s main storage (PostgreSQL Heap) • Query needs to scan both the index and the heap • Index Only Scans only used when all the columns in the query part of the index • In this case PostgreSQL fetches data from index only 23 23 © 2019 Percona
24 .Index Only Scans CREATE INDEX idx_btree_ios ON bar (id, name); EXPLAIN SELECT id, name, dt FROM bar WHERE id > 100000 AND id <100010; QUERY PLAN Index Scan using idx_btree_ios on bar (cost=0.56..99.20 rows=25 width=19) Index Cond: ((id > 100000) AND (id < 100010)) (2 rows) EXPLAIN SELECT id, name FROM bar WHERE id > 100000 AND id <100010; QUERY PLAN Index Only Scan using idx_btree_ios on bar (cost=0.56..99.20 rows=25 width=15) Index Cond: ((id > 100000) AND (id < 100010)) (2 rows) 24 24 © 2019 Percona
25 .Duplicate Indexes SELECT indrelid::regclass relname, indexrelid::regclass indexname, indkey FROM pg_index GROUP BY relname,indexname,indkey; relname | indexname | indkey --------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+--------- pg_index | pg_index_indexrelid_index | 1 pg_toast.pg_toast_2615 | pg_toast.pg_toast_2615_index | 1 2 pg_constraint | pg_constraint_conparentid_index | 11 SELECT indrelid::regclass relname, indkey, amname FROM pg_index i, pg_opclass o, pg_am a WHERE o.oid = ALL (indclass) AND a.oid = o.opcmethod GROUP BY relname, indclass, amname, indkey HAVING count(*) > 1; relname | indkey | amname ---------+--------+-------- bar | 2 | btree (1 row) 25 25 © 2019 Percona
26 .Unused Indexes SELECT relname, indexrelname, idx_scan FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_user_indexes; relname | indexrelname | idx_scan ---------+---------------+---------- foo | idx_foo_date | 0 bar | idx_btree | 0 bar | idx_btree_id | 0 bar | idx_btree_name| 6 bar | idx_brin_brin | 4 (7 rows) 26 26 © 2019 Percona
27 . ? “Poor leaders rarely ask questions of themselves or others. Good leaders, on the other hand, ask many questions. Great leaders ask the great questions.” Michael Marquardt author of Leading with Questions 27 © 2019 Percona