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1 .網站開發架構與工具 張耀仁
2 .Motivation 網頁的必要性 經驗分享
3 .Content HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL Ruby on Rails Reference
4 .HTML, CSS, JavaScript HTML : 內容 CSS : 外觀 JavaScript : 行為 Resource : http://www.w3schools.com/
5 .HTML HTML stands for H yper T ext M arkup L anguage HTML documents are described by HTML tags Each HTML tag describes different document content
6 .HTML HTML elements are written with a start tag, with an end tag, with the content in between :
7 .HTML http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_basic_document
8 .HTML Other tags : <div>, <span>, <table >, < br >, <script>, <section>, < blockquote > ………. HTML Attributes : provide additional information about an element id class src href ……
9 .CSS CSS stands for C ascading S tyle S heets CSS describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen, paper, or in other media
11 .CSS In HTML In mystyle.css
12 .CSS
13 .CSS font, background, colors, height, width, position………….. What can pure CSS do ? https://codepen.io/rachel_web/pen/pjzowB
14 .CSS Practice F12
15 .JavaScript JavaScript is the programming language of HTML and the Web Node.js
16 .JavaScript In HTML External
17 .What can JavaScript do? Change all the HTML elements Ch ange all the HTML attributes Change all the CSS Remove existing HTML elements and attributes Add new HTML elements and attributes React to all existing HTML events Create new HTML events
18 .HTML DOM The HTML DOM is a standard for how to get, change, add, or delete HTML elements. all HTML elements are defined as objects . A property is a value that you can get or set A method is an action you can do
19 .HTML DOM Example : http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_htmldom_methods.asp
20 .JavaScript Animation Example : http://www.w3schools.com/js/tryit.asp?filename=tryjs_dom_animate_3
21 .JavaScript&CSS library jQuery https:// jquery .com/ Bootstrap http://getbootstrap.com/
22 .SQL SQL stands for Structured Query Language SQL is a standard language for accessing and manipulating databases
23 .SQL build a web site that shows data from a database, you will need A database program (MySQL)
24 .SQL Some of The Most Important SQL Commands SELECT - extracts data from a database UPDATE - updates data in a database DELETE - deletes data from a database INSERT INTO - inserts new data into a database CREATE DATABASE - creates a new database
25 .Ruby on Rails A Web Framework MVC MVC 是一個巨大誤會 : http://blog.turn.tw/?p=1539
26 .Ruby on Rails A Web Framework MVC MVC 是一個巨大誤會 : http://blog.turn.tw/?p=1539
27 .Ruby on Rails A Web Framework MVC MVC 是一個巨大誤會 : http://blog.turn.tw/?p=1539
28 .Ruby on Rails
29 .Ruby on Rails New project rails new demo