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A Performance Benchmark Framework for Multiple DLTs
1 .Hyperledger Caliper A performance benchmark framework for blockchain
2 .Contents What’s Caliper Architecture & Design Roadmap
3 .What’s Caliper Fabric Sawtooth …… Iroha Test Case Latency Throughput Success rate …… Benchmark Engineer Caliper Adptor Adptor …… Test Report Test Case Caliper is a performance benchmark framework for blockchain and one of the Hyperledger projects hosted by The Linux Foundation Integrate with multiple existing DLTs (Distributed Ledger Technology ) Measure the performance of specific blockchain systems with predefined test cases Reports containing standard performance indicators defined by Hyperledger Performance and Scale WG Provide abstract NBIs (Northbound Interface) to help extend test cases https:// github.com/hyperledger/caliper
4 .Performance Report What’s Caliper Target users and typical scenarios (1) Caliper Blockchain No1 Test Case Performance Report Blockchain No2 For decision makers who choose blockchain system for their business, Caliper can help: Test performance with specific test cases to find out which one best meet their needs Guarantee fairness for various systems Learn resource (CPU, Memory ,…) requirements and estimate costs to set up the system …… Test Case Test Case
5 .What’s Caliper Target users and typical scenarios (2) Caliper Configuration 1 Test Case Performance Report Configuration 2 Performance Report For system operators, Caliper can help: Evaluate performance of multiple blockchain configuration schemes and choose the best one Learn how network condition would affect the performance Find out the hardware requirements for specific SLA ……
6 .What’s Caliper Target users and typical scenarios (3) Caliper Old Version Test Case Performance Report New Version Performance Report For developers, Caliper can be used as an internal tool to : Qualify the performance improvement of new version Assess the impact of new features on performance Compare with other blockchain systems ……
7 .Architecture Node.js based, 3 layers from top to bottom Benchmark Layer Predefined benchmark test cases Pluggable & configurable benchmark engine Interface & Core Layer Blockchain NBIs – install, invoke, query…… Resource Monitor – memory, cpu, network io …… Performance Analyzer – latency, throughput …… Report Generator – HTML format test report Adaptation Layer Translate NBIs into DLT protocols Benchmark Layer Test Case Test Case Test Case …… Benchmark Engine Interface & Core Layer Blockchain NBIs Resource Monitor Report Generator Performance Analyzer Adaptation Layer Fabric Adaptor Sawtooth Adaptor Iroha Adaptor …… Fabric Sawtooth Iroha ……
8 .How it works Preparation Tests Execution Performance Analysis Config files Test Report Test Client Test Client Test Client … … Test Case Test Case Test Case Master Clients Test Case Blockchain Caliper Execute the test flow according to the configuration Preparation: prepare the test context, e.g . installing smart contracts Test Execution: assign tasks to clients to run the test Performance Analysis: gather test results & generate report Run test case according to the specific workload Transaction count based test or duration based test Pluggable rate controller F ixed submitting rate Dynamic submitting rate based on specific schema …… Scripts which define interactions with the system under test Use Caliper’s NBIs to define common scripts for multiple blockchain systems
9 .How it works Preparation Tests Execution Performance Analysis Config files Test Report Test Client Test Client Test Client … … Test Case Test Case Test Case Master Clients Test Case Blockchain Caliper Execute the test flow according to the configuration Preparation: prepare the test context, e.g . installing smart contracts Test Execution: assign tasks to clients to run the test Performance Analysis: gather test results & generate report Run test case according to the specific workload Transaction count based test or duration based test Pluggable rate controller F ixed submitting rate Dynamic submitting rate based on specific schema …… Scripts which define interactions with the system under test Use Caliper’s NBIs to define common script for multiple blockchain systems
10 .Example: test & network config { "blockchain" : { "type" : "fabric" , " config " : "./ fabric.json " }, "command" : { "start" : "docker-co mpose -f ../../network/fabric/ simplenetwork /docker- compose.yaml up -d" , "end" : "docker-compose -f ../../network/fabric/ simplenetwork /docker- compose.yaml down;docker rm $(docker ps - aq )" }, "test" : { " clients" : { “type”: “local”, “number”: 5 }, "rounds": [{ "label" : "open", "txNumber" : [5000, 10000], "rateControl" : [ {" type": "fixed-rate", "opts": {" tps " : 200}}, {"type": "fixed-rate", "opts": {" tps " : 300}}], "arguments": { "money": 10000 }, "callback" : "benchmark/simple/open.js" }, { "label" : "query", " txNumber " : [ 5000], "rateControl" : [{"type": "fixed-rate", "opts": {" tps " : 300 }}], "callback" : "benchmark/simple/query.js" }] }, "monitor" : { "type" : "docker" , "docker" : { "name" : [ "peer0.org1.example.com" , "" ] }, "interval" : 1 } } Specify the location of blockchain network configuration file User defined commands which are called before/after test Specify type and number of clients used for the test Specify test rounds txNumber : defines an array of sub-rounds with number based test runs rateControl: defines how to control the txns submitting arguments: user defined arguments which are passed directly to the specified test script callback: location of the test script Resource monitor docker: local/remote containers which will be watched Test configuration file is used to specify test flow and workloads, as well as other global configuration items
11 .Example: test & network config { "fabric": { " cryptodir ": "network/fabric/ simplenetwork /crypto- config ", "network": { " orderer ": { " url ": " grpcs ://localhost:7050", " mspid ": " OrdererMSP ", "user": { "key": "network/fabric /……/ keystore /be595….57cd_sk ", “cert”: “network/fabric/……/ Admin@example.com- cert.pem " }, "server-hostname": "orderer.example.com", " tls_cacerts ": "network/fabric /……/ tls /ca.crt" }, "org1": { "name": "peerOrg1", " mspid ": "Org1MSP", "user": {……}, " peer1": {……}, "peer2": {……} }, “org2”: {……} }, "channel": [{ "name": " mychannel ", " config ": "network/fabric/ simplenetwork / mychannel.tx ", "organizations": ["org1", "org2"], "deployed": false }], " chaincodes ": [{"id": "simple", "path": "contract/fabric/simple", "language":" golang ", "version": "v0", "channel": " mychannel "}] } …… } Informations of orderer and peers which can be used to submit transactions to Fabric Informations of fabric chaincodes Network configuration file is used to specify access points, as well as other necessary informations such as cryptographic materials required to interact with the SUT Informations of fabric channels
12 .Example: test case A typical directory of test case : https:// github.com/hyperledger/caliper/tree/master/benchmark/simple Test & network configuration files for various configuration options as well as specific systems under test Startup parameters ‘-c’ ‘-n’ are used to specify config files for the test Bootstrap script, the test can be started by running ‘node main.js’ Default script is implemented using benchmark engineer, the script can be used for various test cases. However, developers can also implement their own bootstrap script. Test scripts which defines the actual blockchain operations using caliper NBIs
13 .Example: test report Test results are outputted to the console in real time, and a HTML format report will be generated after the test
14 .PSWG https:// wiki.hyperledger.org/groups/pswg/performance-and-scale-wg Performance and Scale Working Group is a cross project forum of Hyperledger for architects and technologists to discuss , research, and identify key metrics that relate to the performance and scalability of a blockchain and blockchain related technologies.
15 .Roadmap Jun 2018 Dec 2018 Fabric v1.1 & Sawtooth v1.0 & Iroha Performance metrics Success Rate Throughput Latency Resource Monitor Docker Container Local Process Simple sample test cases Other Hyperledger blockchain ( and Non-Hyperledger System?) Keep up with PSWG metrics GUI & Dashboard support Add more sophisticated test cases Stable version supports long-term & large-scale testing Integrate with blockchain & network operation tools
16 .Contact Join the discussion of performance metrics and benchmark requirements https :// wiki.hyperledger.org/groups/pswg/performance-and-scale-wg Submit issues or PRs to contribute directly https :// github.com/Huawei-OSG/caliper Any questions / suggestions about Caliper https:// chat.hyperledger.org/channel/caliper zhouhaojun@huawei.com h uruifeng@huawei.com
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