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Apache OpenWhisk 101 - A Cloud-Native, Open Source
1 .Apache OpenWhisk 101 A Cloud-Native, Open Source, Serverless Platform Incubating at the ASF Ying Chun Guo guoyingc@cn.ibm.com WeChat ID: daisy-ycguo
2 .Agenda • What is serverless computing ? • What is Apache OpenWhisk ? • Apache OpenWhisk programming model • Apache OpenWhisk community
3 .What is serverless computing?
4 .Serverless developers focus more on code, less on infrastructure
5 .What is serverless computing? Functions as a Service Serverless= Backend as a Service • Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS) – Small units of code are executed as needed as discrete actions, scaling without the need to manage servers or any other underlying infrastructure. – Event-driven computing. Functions that are triggered by events or HTTP requests. • Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) – third-party API-based services replace core subsets of functionality in an application – Those APIs are provided as a service that auto-scales and operates transparently
6 .Benefits of serverless • Zero server ops – No provisioning, updating, and managing server infrastructure. – Flexible Scalability • No compute cost when idle
7 .Emerging workloads are a good fit for event-driven programming • Execute logic in response to database change • Perform analytics on sensor input messages • Provide cognitive computing via chatbots • Schedule tasks performed for a short time • Invoke autoscaled APIs and mobile backends
8 .What is Apache OpenWhisk ?
9 .Apache OpenWhisk is … A serverless, open source cloud platform that executes functions in response to events at any scale. Apache OpenWhisk offers: • Apache Software Foundation (ASF) • True, community-driven open source (Apache 2 License) • Proven on IBM Cloud • Exact, same code in open source
10 .Developers work with triggers, actions, rules, and packages
11 . Built on solid open source foundations Apache Incubator!
12 . Has many deployment options Local Development Windows OpenWhisk Serverless Platform All component services are built into Docker containers Distributed docker compose
13 .Proven by IBM Cloud Functions https://console.bluemix.net/openwhisk/
14 .Apache OpenWhisk programming model
15 .Event driven programming model
16 .Action A Action : A stateless, relatively short-running function invoked as an event handler. Stateless Function Input Output JSON Object A JSON Object Goal: An Action’s run time is measured in milliseconds, … well under the defaulted maximum of 5 minutes
17 .Trigger
18 .Rule
19 .Package
20 . Event-Trigger-Rule-Action Processing OpenWhisk Platform Sample Packages Trigge External Events Actions & Action Sequences Event rs / Service sources Package Rules Eco-System Feed Action NodeJS Rule Data Stores 3rd Party or Package Self-Enabled Feed Action 1 Action 2 Action 3 NodeJS Python Swift − REST APIs Rule − Message Queues Social Media − Events − Feeds Package Feed Action 1 Action 2 Swift Docker Rule Instrumented Machines P T A F R
21 .Demo1: Your first action, trigger and rule https://github.com/IBM/ibm-cloud-functions-action-trigger-rule
22 .Demo2: Database change triggered action https://github.com/IBM/ibm-cloud-functions-cloudant-trigger
23 .Demo3: HTTP API request triggered action https://github.com/IBM/ibm-cloud-functions-rest-api-trigger
24 .Apache OpenWhisk community
25 .The Apache OpenWhisk community is growing
26 .Apache OpenWhisk ecosystem Tooling CLI API Gateway (”wsk”) wskdeploy OpenWhisk “Core” Packages Application Command Line Interface (deployer + spec.) “Samples” debugger Message Router Controller Bus Invokers Alarms slackbot devtools (Compose, Kube) Kafka slackinvite Key-Value Document Store Store Cloudant GitHubSlackB playground ot (XCode Extension) Ansible Push Deployments Notifications matos xcode (x3) JIRA vscode OpenWhisk “Catalog” RSS Workshop, “Template” External Resources Tutorial openwhisk.github.io (openwhisk.org)
27 . OpenWhisk Project Vital Statistics • GitHub (”Core” Repo.) – Stars • 3285: https://github.com/apache/incubator-openwhisk/stargazers • and growing ~10-20 per week on average – Stats • 626 forks https://github.com/apache/incubator-openwhisk/network • Contribution Graphs: https://github.com/apache/incubator-openwhisk/graphs/contributors • 120+ Contributors (all repos.) – Working on the first release 0.9 in Apache
28 . Get started github.com/apache? Delivered as q=openwhisk Open source via Apache openwhisk.org slack.openwhisk.org Managed OpenWhisk with twitter.com/openwhisk IBM Cloud Functions medium.com/openwhisk console.bluemix.net/openwhisk/ dev@openwhisk.incubator. apache.org
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