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Apache OpenWhisk + Kubernetes- A Perfect Match
1 .Apache OpenWhisk + Kubernetes: A Perfect Match for Your Serverless Platform Ying Chun Guo Zhou Xing guoyingc@cn.ibm.com xingzhou@qiyi.com
2 .Agenda • What is serverless? • Kubernetes + Apache OpenWhisk • Technical details • Demo
3 .What is serverless ?
4 .What is serverless ? Functions as a Service Serverless= Backend as a Service Benefits • Zero server ops – No provisioning, updating, and managing server infrastructure. – Flexible Scalability • No compute cost when idle
5 .Serverless landscape defined in CNCF
6 .Kubernetes + Apache OpenWhisk
7 . Kubernetes Introduction § K8s is a production- grade container orchestration platform § Declarative management of objects using configuration files. § More introductions, go to • K8s official document http://kubernetes.io • Open Tech Mini Academy @ IBM http://ibm.biz/opentech-ma
8 .Kubernetes Resource Model A common resource model can satisfy any deployment requirements § Config Maps § K8s通过这些资源模型构建应用程序 § Daemon Sets § Deployments § 每一种资源都可以被用户所创建并存储在K8s数 § Events 据库中 § Endpoints § Ingress § 用户通过这些创建这些资源“描绘”应用程序在 K8s平台上部署后的样子,K8s会根据这些资源 § Jobs 的描述尽可能完成对应用程序和服务的部署 § Nodes § Namespaces § 这其中,Pod包含了一组共享Linux Namespace § Pods 的容器,是K8s平台所能调度的最小单元。其他 § Persistent Volumes 多种资源,例如Deployment,Job等,都是构建 § Replica Sets 在Pod的基础概念之上的。 § Secrets § Services § 用户可以通过kubectl配合描述资源的yaml文件 § Stateful Sets… 创建这些资源
9 .Helm • The package manager for Kubernetes • Easy to create, version, share, and publish — so start using Helm and stop the copy- and-paste madness. • Help you define, install, and upgrade even the most complex Kubernetes application. • Official community: https://helm.sh/
10 .Core concepts in Helm Helm installs charts into Kubernetes, creating a new release for each installation. And to find new charts, you can search Helm chart repositories.
11 .Apache OpenWhisk A serverless, open source cloud platform that executes functions in response to events at any scale. Apache OpenWhisk offers: • Apache Software Foundation (ASF) • True, community-driven open source (Apache 2 License) • Proven on IBM Cloud • Exact, same code in open source Source event Result Trigger Action Rule
12 .Architecture of Apache OpenWhisk
13 .Deploy Apache OpenWhisk on Kubernetes • The architecture diagram of OpenWhisk components on Kubernetes, e.g. • https://github.com/apache/incubator-openwhisk-deploy-kube
14 .Technical details
15 . Deployment • A Deployment controller provides declarative updates for Pods and ReplicaSets. • Stands for a long running task, can be exposed as K8s services • In OpenWhisk, usually, we deploy those core components’ dependencies lib or tools as Deployment: – CouchDB – Redis – Zookeeper – Nginx
16 . StatefulSet/DaemonSet • StatefulSet is the workload API object used to manage stateful applications. Manages the deployment and scaling of a set of pods, and provides guarantees about the ordering and uniqueness of these Pods • A DaemonSet ensures that all (or some) Nodes run a copy of a Pod • In OpenWhisk, we deploy strictly mangaged objects as StatefulSet or DaemonSet: – Controller – Invoker – Kafka
17 .Jobs • A job creates one or more pods and ensures that a specified number of them successfully terminate. • Job stands for a short running task • In OpenWhisk, we used to deploy package installation and tasks like catalog installation as Job: – Package installation – Catalog installation
18 .Service • A Kuberentes Servcie is an abstraction which defines a logical set of Pods and a policy by which to access them. • Service provides a way for applications to communicate with each other on K8s platform • In OpenWhisk, we deploy all the dependencies as service, usually, they are deployed as ClusterIP service: – Controller – Invoker – Nginx – Kafka – Zookeeper – Redis
19 .Other objects used in OW charts • ConfigMap: like nginx deployment configuration • Secrets: like DB access credentials • Ingress
20 .Component Launch Sequence • In Kubernetes, we can use the following mechanisms to handle the component launch sequence: – Init Container: a pre-handling container to process staff which need to be done before the major costainer starts – Probe: readiness probe and liveness probe
21 .Component Deployment Topology • Use affinity to make deployment topology policies for different component. E.g. controller node and DB node may not be assigned to the same K8s node • Affinity type – Node Affinity – Pod Affinity
22 .Demo
23 .Steps 1. Create a namespace 2. Label worker nodes to execute user actions 3. Create a mycluster.yaml file to customize the deployment 4. Deploy with Helm 5. Wait…and done
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