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CNNs and Capsule Nets
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21 .Given all these problems with CNNs, what might we hope for from a superior architecture?
22 .CNNs are SOTA in many NLP tasks h ttps://github.com/bentrevett/pytorch-sentiment-analysis/blob/master/4%20-%20Convolutional%20Sentiment%20Analysis.ipynb
23 .CNNs perform extremely well on CV datasets.
24 .Applications of CNNs
25 .VGG (2014) -- Background Developed by the Visual Geometry Group (Oxford) Problem: beat AlexNet on ImageNet
26 .VGG (2014) -- Background Developed by the Visual Geometry Group (Oxford) Problem: beat AlexNet on ImageNet
27 .VGG in PyTorch import torchvision.models as models vgg16 = models.vgg16() No useful source code to speak of; the neural net is so prohibitively large (hence, a pain to train) that the model features are downloaded.
28 .VGG in PyTorch import torchvision.models as models vgg16 = models.vgg16() No useful source code to speak of; the neural net is so prohibitively large (hence, a pain to train) that the model features are downloaded.
29 .Geoffrey Hinton English-Canadian cognitive psychologist and computer scientist Popularized backpropagation The "Godfather of Deep Learning" Co-invented Boltzmann machines Contributed to AlexNet Advised Yann LeCunn, Ilya Sutskever, Radford Neal, Brendan Frey Creator of capsule nets