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HipHop Compiler for PHP
1 .Facebook 2010 (confidential) HipHop Compiler for PHP Transforming PHP into C++ HipHop Compiler Team Facebook, Inc. May 2010
2 .PHP is easy to read Facebook 2010 (confidential) <? php function tally($count ) { $sum = 0; for ($ i = 0; $ i < $count; ++$ i ) { $sum += $ i ; } return $sum; } print tally( 10 ) . “\ n ”;
3 .PHP syntax is similar to C++/Java Facebook 2010 (confidential) <? php class Tool extends Object { public $name; public use($target ) {} } $tool = new Tool(); $tool->name = ‘hammer’; $tool-> use($nail );
4 .PHP Statements and Expressions Facebook 2010 (confidential) ExpressionList, AssignmentExpression, SimpleVariable, DynamicVariable, StaticMemberExpression, ArrayElementExpression, DynamicFunctionCall, SimpleFunctionCall, ScalarExpression, ObjectPropertyExpression, ObjectMethodExpression, ListAssignment, NewObjectExpression, UnaryOpExpression, IncludeExpression, BinaryOpExpression, QOpExpression, ArrayPairExpression, ClassConstantExpression, ParameterExpression, ModifierExpression, ConstantExpression, EncapsListExpression, FunctionStatement, ClassStatement, InterfaceStatement, ClassVariable, ClassConstant, MethodStatement, StatementList, BlockStatement, IfBranchStatement, IfStatement, WhileStatement, DoStatement, ForStatement, SwitchStatement, CaseStatement, BreakStatement, ContinueStatement, ReturnStatement, GlobalStatement, StaticStatement, EchoStatement, UnsetStatement, ExpStatement, ForEachStatement, CatchStatement, TryStatement, ThrowStatement,
5 .PHP is weakly typed Facebook 2010 (confidential) <? php $a = 12345; $a = “hello”; $a = array(12345, “hello”, array()); $a = new Object(); $ c = $a + $ b ; // integer or array $ c = $a . $ b ; // implicit casting to strings
6 .Core PHP library is small Facebook 2010 (confidential) - Most are in functional style - ~200 to 500 basic functions <? php $ len = strlen( “hello ”); // C library $ret = curl_exec($curl ); // open source
7 .PHP is easy to debug Facebook 2010 (confidential) <? php function tally($count ) { $sum = 0; for ($ i = 0; $ i < $count; ++$ i ) { $sum += $ i ; var_dump($sum ); } return $sum; }
8 .PHP is easy to learn Facebook 2010 (confidential) easy to read easy to write easy to debug Hello, World!
9 .PHP is slow Facebook 2010 (confidential)
10 .Why is Zend Engine slow? Byte-code interpreter Dynamic symbol lookups functions, variables, constants class methods, properties, constants Weakly typing zval array() Facebook 2010 (confidential)
11 .Transforming PHP into C++ Facebook 2010 (confidential) g ++ is a native code compiler static binding functions, variables, constants class methods, properties, constants type inference integers, strings, arrays, objects, variants struct , vector, map, array
12 .Static Binding – Function Calls Facebook 2010 (confidential) <? php $ret = foo ($a ); // C++ Variant v_ret ; Variant v_a ; v_ret = f_foo (v_a );
13 .Dynamic Function Calls Facebook 2010 (confidential) <? php $ func = ‘ foo ’; $ret = $ func ($a ); // C++ Variant v_ret ; Variant v_a ; String v_func ; V_func = “ foo ”; v_ret = invoke ( v_func , CREATE_VECTOR1(v_a));
14 .Function Invoke Table Facebook 2010 (confidential) Variant invoke(CStrRef func , CArrRef params ) { int64 hash = hash_string(func ); switch (hash) { case 1234: if ( func == “ foo ”) return foo(params[0]) } throw FatalError(“function not found”); }
15 .Re-declared Functions Facebook 2010 (confidential) <? php if ($condition) { function foo ($a ) { return $a + 1;} } else { function foo ($a ) { return $a + 2;} } $ret = foo ($a ); // C++ if ( v_condition ) { g -> i_foo = i_foo$$0; } else { g -> i_foo = i_foo$$1; } g-> i_foo (v_a );
16 .Volatile Functions Facebook 2010 (confidential) <? php if (! function_exists(‘foo ’)) { bar($a ); } else { foo($a ); } function foo($a ) {} // C++ if ( f_function_exists(“foo ”)) { f_bar(v_a ); } else { f_foo(v_a ); } g -> declareFunction(“foo ”);
17 .Static Binding – Variables Facebook 2010 (confidential) <? php $ foo = ‘hello’; function foo($a ) { global $ foo ; $bar = $ foo . $a; return $bar; } // C++ String f_foo(CStrRef v_a ) { Variant & gv_foo = g -> GV(foo ) ; String v_bar ; v_bar = concat(toString(gv_foo ), v_a ); return v_bar ; }
18 .GlobalVariables Class Facebook 2010 (confidential) class GlobalVariables : public SystemGlobals { public: // Direct Global Variables Variant gv_foo ; // Indirect Global Variables for large compilation enum _ gv_enums { gv_foo , } Variant gv[1]; };
19 .Dynamic Variables Facebook 2010 (confidential) <? php function foo () { $ b = 10; $a = b ; echo( $$a ); } void f_foo () { class VariableTable : public RVariableTable { public: int64 & v_b ; String & v_a ; VariableTable(int64 & r_b , String & r_a ) : v_b(r_b ), v_a(r_a ) {} virtual Variant getImpl(const char * s ) { // hash – switch – strcmp } } variableTable(v_b , v_a ); echo( variableTable.get("b ”) ); }
20 .Static Binding – Constants Facebook 2010 (confidential) <? php define(‘FOO ’, ‘hello’); echo FOO; // C++ echo(“hello ” /* FOO */);
21 .Dynamic Constants Facebook 2010 (confidential) <? php if ($condition) { define(‘FOO ’, ‘hello’); } else { define(‘FOO ’, ‘world’); } echo FOO; // C++ if ( v_condition ) { g -> declareConstant("FOO ", g -> k_FOO , "hello”); } else { g -> declareConstant("FOO ", g -> k_FOO , "world”); } echo(toString(g -> k_FOO ));
22 .Static Binding with Classes Class methods Class properties Class constants Re-declared classes Deriving from re-declared classes Volatile classes Facebook 2010 (confidential)
23 .Summary - Dynamic Symbol Lookup Problem is nicely solved Rule of 90-10 Dynamic binding is a general form of static binding Generated code is a super-set of static binding and dynamic binding Facebook 2010 (confidential)
24 .Problem 2. Weakly Typing Type Inference Runtime Type Info (RTTI)-Guided Optimization Type Hints Strongly Typed Collection Classes Facebook 2010 (confidential)
25 .Type Coercions Facebook 2010 (confidential)
26 .Type Inference Example Facebook 2010 (confidential) <? php $a = 10; $a = ‘string’; Variant v_a ;
27 .Why is strong type faster? Facebook 2010 (confidential) $a = $ b + $ c ; if ( is_integer($b ) && is_integer($c )) { $a = ( int)$b + ( int)$c ; } else if ( is_array($b ) && is_array($c )) { $a = array_merge((array)$b + ( array)$c ); } else { … } int64 v_a = v_b + v_c ;
28 .Type Inference Blockers Facebook 2010 (confidential) <? php function foo () { if ($success) return 10; // integer return false; // doh ’ } $ arr[$a ] = 10; // doh ’ ++$a; // $a can be a string actually! $a = $a + 1; // $a can become a double, ouch!
29 .RTTI-Guided Optimization Facebook 2010 (confidential) <? php function foo($x ) { ... } foo(10); foo(‘test ’); void foo(Variant x ) { ... }