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K-means Clustering - MIRLab
1 .K-means Clustering J.-S. Roger Jang ( 張智星 ) jang@mirlab.org http://mirlab.org/jang MIR Lab, CSIE Dept. National Taiwan University 18年9月2 日
2 .Problem Definition Quiz! Input A dataset in d-dim. Space X {x1 , x2 , , xn } m: Number of clusters Output M cluster centers: C {c1 , c2 , , cm }, m n Requirement The difference between X and C should be as small as p ossible (since we want to use C to represent X) 2/28
3 .Goal of K-means Clustering Example of k-meals clustering in 2D 3/28
4 .Objection Function Objective function (aka distortion) Quiz! x c 2 ej i j xi G j m m m n J ( X ; C , A) e j aij xi c j , where 2 2 xi c j j 1 j 1 xi G j j 1 i 1 X {x1 , x2 , , xn } : dataset (d n) C {c1 , c2 , , cm } : cluster centers (d m, m n) A : assignment matrix (n m) m aij {0,1}, aij 1 iff xi G j , with aij 1, i j 1 No of parameters: d*m (for C) plus n*m (for A, with constraints) NP-hard problem if exact solution is required. 4/28
5 .Example of n=100, m=3, d=2 5/28
6 .Strategy for Minimizing the Objective Functio n Observation J(X;C, A) is parameterized by C and A Joint optimization is hard, but separate optimization with respective to C and A is easy Strategy AKA “coordinate optimization” Fix C and find the best A to minimize J(X; C, A) Fix A and find the best C to minimize J(X; C, A) Repeat the above two steps until convergence 6/28
7 .Example of Coordinate Optimization f ( x, y ) x 2 y 2 y 1 x y 2 1 y 2 1 Quiz! f ( x, y ) y2 1 2 x y y 1 y 1 0 x 2 2 x 2 y 2 y 1 f ( x, y ) x 2 x 2 2 y 1 x 2 y 2 y 0 y y 2 x 2 x 1 ezmeshc(@(x,y) x.^2.*(y.^2+y+1)+x.*(y.^2-1)+y.^2-1) 7/28
8 .Task 1: How to Find Assignment A? Goal Find A to minimize J(X; C, A) with fixed C Fact Analytic (close-form) solution exists 1 if j arg min x c 2 aˆij q i q Quiz! 0, otherwise Aˆ arg min J ( X ; C , A) J ( X ; C , A) J ( X ; C , Aˆ ), C A 8/28
9 .Task 2: How to Find Centers in C? Goal Find C to minimize J(X; C, A) with fixed A Fact Analytic (close-form) solution exists: n Quiz! a x ij i cˆ j i 1 n a i 1 ij Cˆ arg min J ( X ; C , A) J ( X ; C , A) J ( X ; Cˆ , A), A C 9/28
10 . Quiz! Algorithm 1. Initialize Start with initial centers Select initial centers in C 2. Find clusters (assignment) in A Assign each point to its nearest centers That is, find A to minimize J(X; C, A) with fixed C 3. Find centers in C Compute each cluster centers as the mean of the cluster’s d ata That is, find C to minimize J(X; C, A) with fixed A 4. Stopping criterion Stop if “change is small”. Otherwise go back to step 2. 10 /28
11 .Another Algorithm Quiz! 1. Initialize Select Start with initial clusters initial clusters in A 2. Find centers in C Compute each cluster centers as the mean of the cluster’s data That is, find C to minimize J(X; C, A) with fixed A 3. Find clusters (assignment) in A Assign each point to its nearest centers That is, find A to minimize J(X; C, A) with fixed C 4. Stopping criterion Stop if “change is small”. Otherwise go back to step 2. 11 /28
12 . 18年9月2日 More about Stopping Criteria Possible stopping criteria Distortionimprovement over previous iteration is small No more change in clusters Change in cluster centers is small Fact Convergence Quiz! is guarantee since J is reduced repeatedly. For algorithm that starts with initial centers: J ( X ; C1 , _) J ( X ; C1 , A1 ) J ( X ; C2 , A1 ) J ( X ; C2 , A2 ) J ( X ; C3 , A2 ) J ( X ; C3 , A3 ) J ( X ; C1 ) J ( X ; C2 ) J ( X ; C3 ) 12 /28
13 . 18年9月2日 Properties of K-means Clustering Properties Always converges No guarantee to converge to global minimum To increase the likelihood of reaching the global minimu m Start with various sets of initial centers Start with sensible choice of initial centers Potential distance functions Euclidean distance Texicab distance How to determine the best choice of k Cluster validation 13 /28
14 . 18年9月2日 Snapshots of K-means Clustering 14 /28
15 . 18年9月2日 Demos of K-means Clustering Required toolboxes Utility Toolbox Machine Learning Toolbox Demos kMeansClustering.m vecQuantize.m Center splitting to reach 2p clusters 15 /28
16 . 18年9月2日 Demo of K-means Clustering Required toolboxes 0.8 0.8 Utility Toolbox 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 Machine Learning Toolbox 0.2 0.2 Input 2 0 0 Demos 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 kMeansClustering.m 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 vecQuantize.m 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Input 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Center splitting to reach 2p clusters 16 /28
17 . 18年9月2日 Application: Image Compression Goal Convert an image from true colors to index colors with mi nimum distortion Steps Collectpixel data from a true-color image Perform k-means clustering to obtain cluster centers as t he indexed colors Compression ratio Quiz! before m * n * 3 * 8 bits after m * n * log 2 c c * 3 * 8 bits before m * n *3*8 24 24 after m * n * log 2 c c * 3 * 8 log c 24c log 2 c 2 m*n 17 /28
18 . 18年9月2日 True-color vs. Index-color Images Quiz! True-color image Index-color image Each pixel is represe Each pixel is represe nted by a vector of 3 nted by an index into components [R, G, B]. a color map of 2b col Advantage ors. More colors Advantage Less storage 18 /28
19 .Example of Image Compression 18年9月2日 Date: 1998/04/05 Dimension: 480x640 Raw data size: 480*64 0*3 bytes = 900KB File size: 49.1KB Compression ratio = 9 00/49.1 = 18.33 19 /28
20 .Example of Image Compression 18年9月2日 Date: 2015/11/01 Dimension: 3648x5472 Raw data size: 3648*5 472*3 bytes = 57.1MB File size: 3.1MB Compression ratio = 5 7.1/3.1 = 18.42 20 /28
21 . 18年9月2日 Image Compression Using K-Means Clusteri ng Some quantities of the k-means clustering n = 480x640 = 307200 (no of vectors to be clustered) d = 3 (R, G, B) m = 256 (no. of clusters) 21 /28
22 . 18年9月2日 Example: Image Compression Using K-me ans 18年9月2日 22 22 /28
23 . 18年9月2日 Example: Image Compression Using K-me ans 18年9月2日 23 23 /28
24 . 18年9月2日 Indexing Techniques Indexing of pixels for a 2x3x3 image 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 75 97 1 7 8 910 11 12 1 1 1 1 31 5 4 86 218 41 6 13 14 15 16 17 18 0 2 Related command: reshape X = imread('annie19980405.jpg'); image(X); [m, n, p]=size(X); index=reshape(1:m*n*p, m*n, 3)'; data=double(X(index)); 24 /28
25 . 18年9月2日 Code Example X = imread('annie19980405.jpg'); image(X) [m, n, p]=size(X); index=reshape(1:m*n*p, m*n, 3)'; data=double(X(index)); maxI=6; for i=1:maxI centerNum=2^i; fprintf('i=%d/%d: no. of centers=%d\n', i, maxI, centerNum); center=kMeansClustering(data, centerNum); distMat=distPairwise(center, data); [minValue, minIndex]=min(distMat); X2=reshape(minIndex, m, n); map=center'/255; figure; image(X2); colormap(map); colorbar; axis image; drawnow; end 25 /28
26 . 18年9月2日 Extensions to Block-based Image Compressi on Extensions to image data compression via clusterin g Use qxq blocks as the unit for VQ (see exercise) Smart indexing by creating the indices of the blocks of page 1 first. True-color image display (No way to display the compressed image as an index-color image) Use separate before m * ncode books for RGB * 3 * 8 bits Quiz! m n after * * log 2 c c * q 2 * 3 * 8 bits q q before m * n * 3*8 24q 2 after m n 24cq 4 * * log 2 c c * q * 3 * 8 log 2 c 2 q q m*n 26 /28
27 . 18年9月2日 Extension to L1-norm Use L1-norm instead of L2-norm in the objective func tion Optimization strategy Same as k-means clustering, except that the centers are Quiz! found by the median operator Advantage Quiz! Less susceptible to outliers 27 /28
28 . 18年9月2日 Extension to Circle Fitting Find circles via k-means clustering 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 28 /28