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Installing Ruby On Rails
1 .Web Science Stream Installing ROR Dr Alexiei Dingli 1
2 . What is Instant Rails? Instant Rails is a one-stop Rails runtime solution containing Ruby, Rails, Apache, and MySQL, all pre-configured and ready to run. No installer, you simply drop it into the directory of your choice and run it. It does not modify your system environment. 2
3 . Step 1 – Download and Unzip • Download Instant Rails from – http://rubyforge.org/projects/instantrails/ – Files > InstantRails-2.0-win.zip • Unzip the file into C:\InstantRails 3
4 . Step 2 – Start railing • Double click on InstantRails.exe • Just click OK or Continue • You should be presented with the InstantRails console 4
5 .Instant Rails Console Web Server Database 5
6 . Updating Instant Rails • Opening a Ruby Console 6
7 .Type: gem update --system 7
8 .Type: gem update 8
9 .Welcome to ROR 9
10 . Let’s get our hands dirty! Create a ToDo application in 5 minutes ... 10
11 . Steps (1) 1. Open a ruby console Instant Rails Menu > Rails Applications > Open Ruby Console 2. Where you want to create your application type rails todo 11 This will create the whole directory structure
12 . Steps (2) 3. Go into the todo dir cd todo 4. Load the server by typing ruby script/server 5. Access it through a normal browser by going to 12
13 .So far so good ... 13
14 . Steps (3) 6. Let’s use some scaffolding ... ruby script/generate scaffold Item name:string description:text 7. Let’s make the database rake db:migrate 8. Let’s try it out 14 http://localhost:3000/items
15 .Here’s your 5 minutes ToDo list 15
16 . Exercise Create a simple recipe database which contains the name of the recipe, the ingredients, the quantities and the description 16