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6-Collectives Pattern
1 . Collectives Pattern Parallel Computing CIS 410/510 Department of Computer and Information Science Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern
2 . Outline q What are Collectives? q Reduce Pattern q Scan Pattern q Sorting Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 2
3 . Collectives q Collective operations deal with a collection of data as a whole, rather than as separate elements q Collective patterns include: ❍ Reduce ❍ Scan ❍ Partition ❍ Scatter ❍ Gather Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 3
4 . Collectives q Collective operations deal with a collection of data as a whole, rather than as separate elements q Collective patterns include: ❍ Reduce ❍ Scan ❍ Partition Reduce and Scan will be ❍ Scatter covered in this lecture ❍ Gather Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 4
5 . Reduce q Reduce is used to combine a collection of elements into one summary value q A combiner function combines elements pairwise q A combiner function only needs to be associative to be parallelizable q Example combiner functions: ❍ Addition ❍ Multiplication ❍ Maximum / Minimum Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 5
6 . Reduce Serial Reduc4on Parallel Reduc4on Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 6
7 . Reduce q Vectorization Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 7
8 . Reduce q Tiling is used to break chunks of work up for workers to reduce serially Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 8
9 . Reduce – Add Example 1 2 5 4 9 7 0 1 Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 9
10 . Reduce – Add Example 1 2 5 4 9 7 0 1 3 8 12 21 28 28 29 29 Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 10
11 . Reduce – Add Example 1 2 5 4 9 7 0 1 Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 11
12 . Reduce – Add Example 1 2 5 4 9 7 0 1 3 9 16 1 12 17 29 29 Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 12
13 . Reduce q We can “fuse” the map and reduce patterns Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 13
14 . Reduce q Precision can become a problem with reductions on floating point data q Different orderings of floating point data can change the reduction value Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 14
15 . Reduce Example: Dot Product q 2vectors of same length q Map (*) to multiply the components q Then reduce with (+) to get the final answer Also: Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 15
16 . Dot Product – Example Uses q Essential operation in physics, graphics, video games,… q Gaming analogy: in Mario Kart, there are “boost pads” on the ground that increase your speed ❍ red vector is your speed (x and y direction) ❍ blue vector is the orientation of the boost pad (x and y direction). Larger numbers are more power. How much boost will you get? For the analogy, imagine the pad mul4plies your speed: • If you come in going 0, you’ll get nothing • If you cross the pad perpendicularly, you’ll get 0 [just like the banana oblitera4on, it will give you 0x boost in the perpendicular direc4on] Photo source Ref: hRp://beRerexplained.com/ar4cles/vector-‐calculus-‐understanding-‐the-‐dot-‐product/ Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 16
17 . Scan q The scan pattern produces partial reductions of input sequence, generates new sequence q Trickier to parallelize than reduce q Inclusive scan vs. exclusive scan ❍ Inclusive scan: includes current element in partial reduction ❍ Exclusive scan: excludes current element in partial reduction, partial reduction is of all prior elements prior to current element Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 17
18 . Scan – Example Uses q Lexical comparison of strings – e.g., determine that “strategy” should appear before “stratification” in a dictionary q Add multi-precision numbers (those that cannot be represented in a single machine word) q Evaluate polynomials q Implement radix sort or quicksort q Delete marked elements in an array q Dynamically allocate processors q Lexical analysis – parsing programs into tokens q Searching for regular expressions q Labeling components in 2-D images q Some tree algorithms – e.g., finding the depth of every vertex in a tree Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 18
19 . Scan Serial Scan Parallel Scan Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 19
20 . Scan q One algorithm for parallelizing scan is to perform an “up sweep” and a “down sweep” q Reduce the input on the up sweep q The down sweep produces the intermediate results Up sweep – compute reduc4on Down sweep – compute intermediate values Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 20
21 . Scan – Maximum Example 1 4 0 2 7 2 4 3 1 4 0 2 7 2 4 3 Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 21
22 . Scan – Maximum Example 1 4 0 2 7 2 4 3 4 1 4 0 2 7 2 4 3 4 4 2 7 4 4 7 4 7 7 7 7 7 7 4 7 7 1 4 4 4 7 7 7 7 1 4 4 4 7 7 7 7 Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 22
23 . Scan q Three phase scan with tiling Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 23
24 . Scan Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 24
25 . Scan q Just like reduce, we can also fuse the map pattern with the scan pattern Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 25
26 . Scan Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 26
27 . Merge Sort as a reduction q We can sort an array via a pair of a map and a reduce q Map each element into a vector containing just that element ❍ <> is the merge operation: [1,3,5,7] <> [2,6,15] = [1,2,3,5,6,7,15] ❍ [] is the empty list q How fast is this? Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 27
28 . Right Biased Sort Start with [14,3,4,8,7,52,1] Map to [[14],[3],[4],[8],[7],[52],[1]] Reduce: [14] <> ([3] <> ([4] <> ([8] <> ([7] <> ([52] <> [1]))))) = [14] <> ([3] <> ([4] <> ([8] <> ([7] <> [1,52])))) = [14] <> ([3] <> ([4] <> ([8] <> [1,7,52]))) = [14] <> ([3] <> ([4] <> [1,7,8,52])) = [14] <> ([3] <> [1,4,7,8,52]) = [14] <> [1,3,4,7,8,52] = [1,3,4,7,8,14,52] Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 28
29 . Right Biased Sort Cont q How long did that take? q We did O(n) merges…but each one took O(n) time q O(n2) q We wanted merge sort, but instead we got insertion sort! Introduction to Parallel Computing, University of Oregon, IPCC Lecture 8 – Collective Pattern 29