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CPSC 481 Tutorial 7
1 .CPSC 581 Tutorial I C# Basics I – Using WPF and Callbacks Slides by Teddy Seyed
2 . About me Name: Teddy Seyed Email: teddy.seyed@ucalgary.ca Office(s): Math Sciences, 6th Floor, 671 OR ICT, 5th floor, 521 Slides by Teddy Seyed
3 . Tutorial overview 1. Introduction to WPF and C# (quick slides) 2. Good WPF/C# Books and Links 3. “WASD” Hand’s on Example Slides by Teddy Seyed
4 .Intro to WPF and C# Extremely awesome for Interface design Slides by Teddy Seyed
5 .Intro to WPF and C# Slides by Teddy Seyed
6 .Good wpf/C# Links 1. Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/ http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/ho me http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/m s754130.aspx 2. Pro WPF 4.0/4.5 in C# by Matthew MacDonald Slides by Teddy Seyed
7 .Hands on time Slides by Teddy Seyed
8 . I just met you, And this is crazy, But here's my number (delegate), So if something happen (event), Call me, maybe (callback)? Slides by Teddy Seyed
9 . Exercise 1: Adding a button 1. Add a textbox, and a button to the UserControl 2. When Button is clicked, the # in the textbox, should appear in the Label outside the UserControl Slides by Teddy Seyed