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WebGL Surfing through the third dimension - MOVES Institute
1 . SpiderGL A JavaScript 3D Graphics Library for Next-Generation WWW Marco Di Benedetto, Federico Ponchio, Fabio Ganovelli, Roberto Scopigno Visual Computing Lab – ISTI – CNR
2 .3D Content and the WWW Many attempts have been done so far ActiveX objects Proprietary browser extensions or plug-ins Most libraries/plugins are too high level to directly access underlying graphics system Developers forced to comply to some paradigm (scene graphs) CG experts often find limitations due to high-level abstraction Standardization needed WebGL : JavaScript bindings to OpenGL|ES 2.0 2 Los Angeles Di Benedetto et al. - SpiderGL: A JavaScript 3D Graphics Library for Next-Generation WWW - Web3D 2010
3 .Outline Introduction to the WebGL Rendering Pipeline The SpiderGL Library Case Study: Mesh Rendering Library Features & Demos Conclusions & Future Work 3 Los Angeles Di Benedetto et al. - SpiderGL: A JavaScript 3D Graphics Library for Next-Generation WWW - Web3D 2010
4 .What is WebGL Actually what will be (standardization in progress) Specification owned by the Khronos Group Supported (and defined) by all major web browsers devs JavaScript bindings to OpenGL|ES 2.0 Almost 1-to-1 mapping, some modifications to meet JS developers’ habits and security issues Enables home computers and mobile devices to natively access 3D content directly from web pages (no external plug-ins) 4 Los Angeles Di Benedetto et al. - SpiderGL: A JavaScript 3D Graphics Library for Next-Generation WWW - Web3D 2010
5 .OpenGL|ES 2.0 Stripped version of OpenGL, focused on Embedded Systems Programmable : NO fixed function pipeline Immediate mode (glBegin / End) Use vertex / index buffers Transform Stage (matrix stacks) Explicit shaders uniforms Lighting (lighting model, light sources, materials) Lighting computation through shaders code Named vertex attributes (glVertexPointer(…), …) Generic attributes through glVertexAttribPointer(index, …) Data entirely resides on GL resources (buffers, textures) Buffer Centric API Restrictions Texture formats, data types, shading language limitations, ... 5 Los Angeles Di Benedetto et al. - SpiderGL: A JavaScript 3D Graphics Library for Next-Generation WWW - Web3D 2010
6 .OpenGL|ES 2.0: Architecture (simplified) Vertex Attributes Stream Index Stream Data VB IB TEX RB FB 0 … N-1 Memory Code Vertex VS FS UNI Vertex Puller Puller Memory Vertex Processor Primitive Primitive Assembler Assembler & & Fragment Processor Rasterizer Rasterizer Texture Units Uniforms 0 … M-1 Framebuffer Output Output Merger Merger Pixel Pixel Operations Operations Screen 6 Los Angeles Di Benedetto et al. - SpiderGL: A JavaScript 3D Graphics Library for Next-Generation WWW - Web3D 2010 Screen
7 . OpenGL|ES 2.0: API Structure Context Capabilities Query Error Query Creation / Activation / Destruction not part of specifications (EGL for this) Pipeline Objects Configuration Resources creation / edit / bind / destruction & Data Set & Get Data Configurable Stages Enable / Disable Constants / Parameters Set & Get Programmable Stages Accept user-defined programs (shaders) Vertex Pipeline Geometric primitives draw (activate Vertex Puller) Execution Pixel Pipeline Framebuffer clear & readback (activate Pixel Operations) Synchronization Command Buffer flush & wait 7 Los Angeles Di Benedetto et al. - SpiderGL: A JavaScript 3D Graphics Library for Next-Generation WWW - Web3D 2010
8 .Motivations: Bring CG to the WWW WebGL as a link between Web and CG developers But... it’s very low-level! Gaps to be filled: Speed, of course Algebraic and Geometric structures & algorithms Asynchronous data fetch facilities Assets loading Ease the use of WebGL SpiderGL aims at filling these gaps 8 Los Angeles Di Benedetto et al. - SpiderGL: A JavaScript 3D Graphics Library for Next-Generation WWW - Web3D 2010
9 .SpiderGL: 3D Graphics for WWW Lightweight LGPL library ( http://spidergl.org ) provides typical CG data structures & algorithms Sits on top of WebGL for realtime rendering Goals: Efficiency asymptotic bounds are not the only concern Simplicity & Short Learning Time Key for fast application coding Flexibility Help with common tasks and create a robust middle layer for more complicated designs 9 Los Angeles Di Benedetto et al. - SpiderGL: A JavaScript 3D Graphics Library for Next-Generation WWW - Web3D 2010
10 .Leading desing considerations Using a third-party library should be easy Do not impose any design choice a priori Avoid over-abstraction In CG simple and self-contained types works very well Users must be able to reuse as much as possible of their former knowledge on the subject All the entities have de-facto standardized names and behavior Experienced users often want fine control low-level access 10 Los Angeles Di Benedetto et al. - SpiderGL: A JavaScript 3D Graphics Library for Next-Generation WWW - Web3D 2010
11 . SpiderGL Architecture GL: rendering Mesh: editable or renderable 3D model Space: geometric s. & a. Async: asinchronous data requests managing UI: user and html interface 11 Los Angeles Di Benedetto et al. - SpiderGL: A JavaScript 3D Graphics Library for Next-Generation WWW - Web3D 2010
12 .Case Study: Mesh Rendering How a typical 3D model is represented: A list of vertices (each vertex is a bundle of data) A list of vertex indices, specifying how they are connected to form basic geometric primitives (points, segments, triangles) Vertex & Index Buffers What we need to draw it POV intrinsic and extrinsic parameters Some procedure to make light sources and model material interact to form colors on the final image Shaders & Uniforms 12 Los Angeles Di Benedetto et al. - SpiderGL: A JavaScript 3D Graphics Library for Next-Generation WWW - Web3D 2010
13 .Meshes in SpiderGL Mesh Structure Set of named vertex attribute streams (position, normal, color, custom, ...) with NO predefined semantic Set of named array or indexed primitive streams (points list, triangulated surface indices, wireframe segments, ...) Mesh twins: SglMeshJS: an editable data structure SglMeshGL: a renderable graphics resource Unified interface, conversion functions 13 Los Angeles Di Benedetto et al. - SpiderGL: A JavaScript 3D Graphics Library for Next-Generation WWW - Web3D 2010
14 .Create a Renderable Mesh /*******************************************************************/ var mesh = new SglMesh(gl); // add a vertex attribute named “position” (type is inferred) mesh.addVertexAttribute("position", 3, nativePositions); // add a NORMALIZED vertex attribute named “color” mesh.addVertexAttribute("color", 3, nativeColors, true); // add connectivity information named “triangles” (type is inferred) mesh.addIndexedPrimitives("triangles", gl.TRIANGLES, nativeIndices); // add “array” primitives named “vertices” mesh.addArrayPrimitives("vertices", gl.POINTS, 0, 3); /*******************************************************************/ 14 Los Angeles Di Benedetto et al. - SpiderGL: A JavaScript 3D Graphics Library for Next-Generation WWW - Web3D 2010
15 .Create a Shader Program /*******************************************************************/ // vertex shader source code string var vertSource = ""; vertSource += “uniform mat4 u_mvp; \n"; vertSource += "..."; vertSource += "attribute vec3 a_position; \n"; vertSource += "attribute vec3 a_color; \n"; vertSource += "..."; // fragment shader source code string var fragSource = "..."; // program setup var prog = new SglProgram(gl, [vertSource], [fragSource]); /*******************************************************************/ 15 Los Angeles Di Benedetto et al. - SpiderGL: A JavaScript 3D Graphics Library for Next-Generation WWW - Web3D 2010
16 .Stream Mapping The mesh has 2 vertex attribute streams (position & color) The vertex shader has 2 input vertex attributes A correspondence between the two sets must be established /**********************************************************/ ……… mesh.addVertexAttribute("position", 3, nativePositions); mesh.addVertexAttribute("color", 3, nativeColors, true); ……… /**********************************************************/ /**********************************************/ ……… vertSource += "attribute vec3 a_position; \n"; vertSource += "attribute vec3 a_color; \n"; ……… /**********************************************/ 16 Los Angeles Di Benedetto et al. - SpiderGL: A JavaScript 3D Graphics Library for Next-Generation WWW - Web3D 2010
17 .Rendering /*******************************************************************/ // <name : string> connect shader attr “name” to mesh attr “string” var streamMapping = { a_position : "position", a_color : "color" }; // <name : value> set program uniform “name” to value “value” var uniforms = { u_mvp : getModelViewProjectionMatrix() }; // utility function (full control available through SglMeshRenderer) sglRenderMeshPrimitives(mesh, "triangles", prog, streamMapping, uniforms); /*******************************************************************/ 17 Los Angeles Di Benedetto et al. - SpiderGL: A JavaScript 3D Graphics Library for Next-Generation WWW - Web3D 2010
18 .Option Parameters The GL module aims at simplifying common WebGL tasks Creation of WebGL objects Textures, programs, framebuffers, ... Common sequence of several commands SpiderGL offers reasonable but overridable defaults /*********************************************************/ var textureOpts = { minFilter : gl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, generateMipmap : true, onload : function () { ... } }; // create texture from remote image var tex = new SglTexture2D(gl, "image_url", textureOpts); /*********************************************************/ 18 Los Angeles Di Benedetto et al. - SpiderGL: A JavaScript 3D Graphics Library for Next-Generation WWW - Web3D 2010
19 .Dealing with WebGL Objects Contstructors: SpiderGL provides easy-to-use configurable functions to create WebGL Objects Wrappers: each native handle can be wrapped by optimized high-level objects Flexibility: experienced users may want direct low-level control: obj.handle native WebGL object obj.synchronize() update state after low-level usage 19 Los Angeles Di Benedetto et al. - SpiderGL: A JavaScript 3D Graphics Library for Next-Generation WWW - Web3D 2010
20 .Overcoming Mesh Limitations Ex.: OpenGL|ES 2.0 (and so WebGL) does not allow 32 bit vertex indices Limited to 64K vertices per chunk SpiderGL uses packed-indexed primitive stream to seamlessly allow very large meshes Mesh is automatically subdivided into sub-meshes 20 Los Angeles Di Benedetto et al. - SpiderGL: A JavaScript 3D Graphics Library for Next-Generation WWW - Web3D 2010
21 .On the Math / Geometry Side Support CG-related linear algebra entities 2, 3, 4-dimensional vectors, 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 matrices, quaternions Two choices: operate on native JS arrays or boxing objects Standard geometric entities Planes, spheres, boxes, ... Intersection queries Transformation Stack Editable Mesh (SglMeshJS) Several (and more coming) algorithms on trimeshes 21 Los Angeles Di Benedetto et al. - SpiderGL: A JavaScript 3D Graphics Library for Next-Generation WWW - Web3D 2010
22 .Assets, Asynchronous Fetch and UI COLLADA, OBJ, JSON (and more coming) importers Every kind of handled document can be loaded with a uniform asynchronous request interface Images, 3D Models, shaders code, ... Dynamic priority queues for multiresolution Requests can be interrupted, priority can change, transfer callbacks can be installed Special watcher object for completion of batched transfers GLUT-like interface and Interactors first-person camera, trackball, ... 22 Los Angeles Di Benedetto et al. - SpiderGL: A JavaScript 3D Graphics Library for Next-Generation WWW - Web3D 2010
23 .What can be done with SpiderGL I’m tired up here... Let’s see some demos! http://spidergl.org/code.php 23 Los Angeles Di Benedetto et al. - SpiderGL: A JavaScript 3D Graphics Library for Next-Generation WWW - Web3D 2010
24 .SpiderGL to Assist Content Creation Multimedia Web repositories are widespread Images, Video, Audio, Text, ... What about 3D Repositories? WebGL will bring HW Accelerated 3D Graphics to WWW Lots of 3D databases We need an effective way to deploy content to users MeShade: a content authoring tool Let’s have a look! http://spidergl.org/meshade/index.html 24 Los Angeles Di Benedetto et al. - SpiderGL: A JavaScript 3D Graphics Library for Next-Generation WWW - Web3D 2010
25 .Conclusions SpiderGL as a Geometry processing and Visualization library Do not over-abstract graphics objects, ease the completion of common task, allow low-level access Real-time performances with WebGL with several case studies Future Work: Continuous improvements, growing set of algorithms Toward an automated process to make high-end 3D content to be available to handheld devices 25 Los Angeles Di Benedetto et al. - SpiderGL: A JavaScript 3D Graphics Library for Next-Generation WWW - Web3D 2010
26 . Thank You! http://spidergl.org Questions? marco.dibenedetto@isti.cnr.it 26 Los Angeles Di Benedetto et al. - SpiderGL: A JavaScript 3D Graphics Library for Next-Generation WWW - Web3D 2010