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K-means Clustering
1 . Lecture 13: k-‐means and mean-‐shi4 clustering Professor Fei-‐Fei Li Stanford Vision Lab Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - 1 ! 3-‐Nov-‐14
2 . Recap: Gestalt Theory • Gestalt: whole or group – Whole is greater than sum of its parts – RelaHonships among parts can yield new properHes/features • Psychologists idenHfied series of factors that predispose set of elements to be grouped (by human visual system) “I stand at the window and see a house, trees, sky. Theoretically I might say there were 327 brightnesses and nuances of colour. Do I have "327"? No. I have sky, house, and trees.” Max Wertheimer (1880-1943) Untersuchungen zur Lehre von der Gestalt, Psychologische Forschung, Vol. 4, pp. 301-350, 1923 http://psy.ed.asu.edu/~classics/Wertheimer/Forms/forms.htm Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - 2 ! 3-‐Nov-‐14
3 . Recap: Gestalt Factors • These factors make intuiHve sense, but are very difficult to translate into algorithms. Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - 3 ! 3-‐Nov-‐14
4 . Recap: Image SegmentaHon • Goal: idenHfy groups of pixels that go together Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - 4 ! 3-‐Nov-‐14
5 . What will we learn today? • K-‐means clustering • Mean-‐shi4 clustering Reading: [FP] Chapters: 14.2, 14.4 D. Comaniciu and P. Meer, Mean Shi4: A Robust Approach toward Feature Space Analysis, PAMI 2002. Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - 5 ! 3-‐Nov-‐14
6 . What will we learn today? • K-‐means clustering • Mean-‐shi4 clustering Reading: [FP] Chapters: 14.2, 14.4 D. Comaniciu and P. Meer, Mean Shi4: A Robust Approach toward Feature Space Analysis, PAMI 2002. Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - 6 ! 3-‐Nov-‐14
7 . Image SegmentaHon: Toy Example white pixels 3 black pixels gray 1 2 pixels input image intensity • These intensiHes define the three groups. • We could label every pixel in the image according to which of these primary intensiHes it is. – i.e., segment the image based on the intensity feature. • What if the image isn’t quite so simple? Slide credit: Kristen Grauman Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - 7 ! 3-‐Nov-‐14
8 . Pixel count Input image Intensity Pixel count Input image Intensity Slide credit: Kristen Grauman Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - 8 ! 3-‐Nov-‐14
9 . Pixel count Input image Intensity • Now how to determine the three main intensiHes that define our groups? • We need to cluster. Slide credit: Kristen Grauman Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - 9 ! 3-‐Nov-‐14
10 . 0 190 255 Intensity 3 1 2 • Goal: choose three “centers” as the representaHve intensiHes, and label every pixel according to which of these centers it is nearest to. Slide credit: Kristen Grauman • Best cluster centers are those that minimize Sum of Square Distance (SSD) between all points and their nearest cluster center ci: 2 SSD = ∑ ∑ ( x − ci ) clusteri x∈clusteri Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - 10 ! 3-‐Nov-‐14
11 . Clustering for SummarizaHon Goal: cluster to minimize variance in data given clusters – Preserve informaHon Cluster center Data 1 N K 2 c , δ = arg min ∑∑δij ( ci − x j ) * * c, δ N j i Whether x j is assigned to ci Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - ! Slide: Derek Hoiem
12 . Clustering • With this objecHve, it is a “chicken and egg” problem: – If we knew the cluster centers, we could allocate points to groups by assigning each to its closest center. Slide credit: Kristen Grauman – If we knew the group memberships, we could get the centers by compuHng the mean per group. Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - 12 ! 3-‐Nov-‐14
13 . K-‐means clustering h n i cal tec 1. IniHalize (t = 0 ): cluster centers c1,..., cK note t 2. Compute δ : assign each point to the closest center – δ t denotes the set of assignment for each x j to cluster c i at iteraHon t N K 1 2 δ = argmin ∑∑δ ij ( ci − x j ) t t−1 t−1 δ N j i t 3. Computer c : update cluster centers as the mean of the points 1 N K t t−1 2 t c = argmin ∑ ∑ δ (c − x ) ij i j c N j i 4. Update t = t +1 , Repeat Step 2-‐3 Hll stopped Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - ! Slide: Derek Hoiem
14 . K-‐means clustering h n i cal tec 1. IniHalize (t = 0 ): cluster centers c1,..., cK note • Commonly used: random iniHalizaHon • Or greedily choose K to minimize residual t 2. Compute δ : assign each point to the closest center • Typical distance measure: • Euclidean sim(x, x!) = x T x! • Cosine sim(x, x!) = x T x! (x ⋅ x! ) • Others t 3. Computer c : update cluster centers as the mean of the points 1 N K t t−1 2 c = argmin ∑∑δ ij ( ci − x j ) t c N j i 4. Update t = t +1 , Repeat Step 2-‐3 Hll stopped t • c doesn’t change anymore. Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - ! Slide: Derek Hoiem
15 . K-‐means clustering 1. Initialize 2. Assign Points to 3. Re-compute Repeat (2) and (3) Cluster Centers Clusters Means • Java demo: hmp://home.dei.polimi.it/mameucc/Clustering/tutorial_html/AppletKM.html Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - ! Illustration Source: wikipedia
16 . K-‐means clustering h n i cal tec note • Converges to a local minimum soluHon – IniHalize mulHple runs • Bemer fit for spherical data • Need to pick K (# of clusters) Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - 16 ! 3-‐Nov-‐14
17 . SegmentaHon as Clustering K=2 img_as_col = double(im(:)); K=3 cluster_membs = kmeans(img_as_col, K); labelim = zeros(size(im)); for i=1:k inds = find(cluster_membs==i); meanval = mean(img_as_column(inds)); labelim(inds) = meanval; end Slide credit: Kristen Grauman Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - 17 ! 3-‐Nov-‐14
18 . K-‐Means++ • Can we prevent arbitrarily bad local minima? 1. Randomly choose first center. 2 2. Pick new center with prob. proporHonal to ( x − ci) – (ContribuHon of x to total error) 3. Repeat unHl K centers. Slide credit: Steve Seitz • Expected error = O ( log K ) * opHmal Arthur & Vassilvitskii 2007 Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - 18 ! 3-‐Nov-‐14
19 . Feature Space • Depending on what we choose as the feature space, we can group pixels in different ways. • Grouping pixels based on intensity similarity • Feature space: intensity value (1D) Slide credit: Kristen Grauman Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - 19 ! 3-‐Nov-‐14
20 . Feature Space • Depending on what we choose as the feature space, we can group pixels in different ways. R=255 G=200 • Grouping pixels based B=250 on color similarity B R=245 G G=220 B=248 R R=15 R=3 G=189 G=12 B=2 B=2 • Feature space: color value (3D) Slide credit: Kristen Grauman Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - 20 ! 3-‐Nov-‐14
21 . Feature Space • Depending on what we choose as the feature space, we can group pixels in different ways. • Grouping pixels based on texture similarity F1 F2 Filter bank of 24 filters … F24 • Feature space: filter bank responses (e.g., 24D) Slide credit: Kristen Grauman Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - 21 ! 3-‐Nov-‐14
22 . Smoothing Out Cluster Assignments • Assigning a cluster label per pixel may yield outliers: Original Labeled by cluster center’s intensity ? • How can we ensure they 3 are spaHally smooth? 1 2 Slide credit: Kristen Grauman Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - 22 ! 3-‐Nov-‐14
23 . SegmentaHon as Clustering • Depending on what we choose as the feature space, we can group pixels in different ways. • Grouping pixels based on intensity+posi9on similarity Intensity Y X ⇒ Way to encode both similarity and proximity. Slide credit: Kristen Grauman Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - 23 ! 3-‐Nov-‐14
24 . K-‐Means Clustering Results • K-‐means clustering based on intensity or color is essenHally vector quanHzaHon of the image amributes – Clusters don’t have to be spaHally coherent Image Intensity-‐based clusters Color-‐based clusters Image source: Forsyth & Ponce Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - 24 ! 3-‐Nov-‐14
25 . K-‐Means Clustering Results • K-‐means clustering based on intensity or color is essenHally vector quanHzaHon of the image amributes – Clusters don’t have to be spaHally coherent • Clustering based on (r,g,b,x,y) values enforces more spaHal coherence Image source: Forsyth & Ponce Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - 25 ! 3-‐Nov-‐14
26 . How to evaluate clusters? • GeneraHve – How well are points reconstructed from the clusters? • DiscriminaHve – How well do the clusters correspond to labels? • Purity – Note: unsupervised clustering does not aim to be discriminaHve Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - ! Slide: Derek Hoiem
27 . How to choose the number of clusters? • ValidaHon set – Try different numbers of clusters and look at performance • When building dicHonaries (discussed later), more clusters typically work bemer Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - ! Slide: Derek Hoiem
28 . K-‐Means pros and cons • Pros • Finds cluster centers that minimize condiHonal variance (good representaHon of data) • Simple and fast, Easy to implement • Cons • Need to choose K • SensiHve to outliers • Prone to local minima • All clusters have the same parameters (e.g., distance measure is non-‐ adapHve) • *Can be slow: each iteraHon is O(KNd) for N d-‐dimensional points • Usage • Unsupervised clustering • Rarely used for pixel segmentaHon Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - !
29 . What will we learn today? • K-‐means clustering • Mean-‐shi4 clustering Reading: [FP] Chapters: 14.2, 14.4 D. Comaniciu and P. Meer, Mean Shi4: A Robust Approach toward Feature Space Analysis, PAMI 2002. Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 13 - 29 ! 3-‐Nov-‐14