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01Data Structures--Object-oriented programming
1 . Computer Science II Data Structures Instructor Sukumar Ghosh 201P Maclean Hall Office hours: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM Mondays and Fridays Course Webpage homepage.cs.uiowa.edu/~ghosh/2116.html
2 . Course Syllabus • Constructs in Java, the language we will use • Algorithm complexity and Big-O notation • Arrays, Linked lists • Solving problems using recursion • Stacks, queues, lists and trees • Searching and sorting • Priority queues, hash tables, binary search trees • Graphs and basic algorithms on graphs Teaching Assistants • Kyle Diederich • Adrian Pereira • Thamer Alsulaiman • Dhuv Vyas
3 . About this course Main class (AAA) and six sections A01-A06 Discussion sections meet on Thursdays only. You must go to your own section. Textbook Goodrich, Tamassia, and Goldwasser: Data Structures and Algorithms in Java (Sixth edition), Wiley, ISBN 978-1-118-77133-4. Prerequisites Computer Science I (CS: 1210 / 22C:016/ ENGR 2730) (Note: CS 2210: Discrete Structures is a corequisite, if not taken as a prerequisite earlier)
4 .Grading Eight Home assignments (30%) Two quizzes (2x5%= 10%) Two in-class midterms (2x20%=40%), and (Monday, Sep 26 and on Monday, Oct 31) One Final exam (20 %) Limited collaboration is OK, assuming you have first spent some time (about 60 minutes) working on the problem yourself. However, your solution should not be a copy (whole or in part) of a fellow student. Late Homework Policy Quota of two days for the entire semester
5 .How Java works Java program Compiler Bytecode Java Virtual Machine Result
6 . Which IDE will we use? We will use NetBeans. You can download it on your machines. They are installed in all lab machines. WE will demonstrate it today in the class.
7 .Object-oriented programming An Object is a repository of data Typed data. Always declare before you use. Primitive types. int, char, boolean, float etc Class. A template for creating objects Think of shoppingList as a class. We can define two objects for this class. sugar pencil Example: coffee paper milk stapler myList yourList Object myList belongs to the Class ShoppingList. A Class denotes the type of object
8 .Class Class
9 . Class Human{ Public int age; Public String name; Public void introduce() { System.out.println(“I’m” + name + “and I’m” + age + “ years old”) } } Now, continue as Human Alice = new Human();// Create Alice Alice.age = 21; // Set Alice’s fields Alice.name = “Alice”; Alice.introduce( );
10 .Structure of a Java program public class MyFirstJavaProgram { public static void main(String []args) { System.out.println("Hello World"); } } Class = blueprint of an object Class name starts with a capital letter Object = instance of a class, created using a constructor Instance variables = Unique set of variables for an object Methods = Actions to manipulate data Method name starts with lower case letters Program file name = Must exactly match the class name. Saved as filename.java Package = a group of related class definitions
11 . What are public, private, protected? These are Access Control Modifiers. Private: Visible to the class only Public: Visible to the world No modifier: Visible to the package, the default Protected: Visible to the package and all subclasses
12 . Organization of a class 1. Constants 2. Instance variables 3. Constructors 4. Methods
13 . More on Types Primitive types. Integer, Boolean, character etc Boolean “true” or “false” Char A character (like ‘s’) Byte 8-bit integer -128 to +127 Short 16-bit integer -32768 to + 32767 Int 32-bit integer Long 64-bit integer Float 32-bit floating-point number Double 32-bit floating-point number Reference variables. A variable whose type is a class is called a reference variable. c = new Car( ) myList = new ShoppingList( )
14 . Method A Method is a procedure or a function that operates on an object to produce a result. An accessor method returns a value. An update method only makes changes in the fields, but no value (void) is returned. Objects are manipulated by methods. Consider a Rectangle class, and an object R belonging to this class Rectangle R; R = new Rectangle(5,-10,100,200); int w = R.getWidth(); // This is OK
15 .In the above example, getWidth is a method that returns the width of the rectangle. Note. If you write Rectangle R; int w = R . getWidth(); // This is wrong! It will not work since R is just the name of a handle. The object has not been created yet. Static modifier (of a method or a variable) The value is associated with the entire class, and not to a particular instance of it) Abstract method Contains only the signature but no body Final method Attributed to a variable that does not change. A final method cannot be overridden by a subclass.
16 .Objects and Methods Let us start with strings (sequence of characters). Constructors are used to initialize a new object or a variable, and always use the name of the class. String s1; // Declare a string variable s1 = new String ( ); //Assign a value, an empty string String s2 = new String ( ); // Short cut String String s1 s2 s1 = “Hello”; //See below String String s1 s2 Hello
17 .s2 = s1; // See below, both point to the same string String String s1 s2 Hello So, how to make a separate string s2 with “Hello”? s2 = new String (s1); or s2 = “Hello”; Java strings are immutable objects, so instead of modifying a string create a new one. Let us look at a method: s2 = s1.toUppecase( ) // toUppercase is a method // Here, s2 will be a new string “HELLO” String s3 = s2. concat(“!”) // s3 = s2 +”!”
18 .That is, s3 becomes a new string “HELLO!” Java will also allow s2 = s2 + ‘!’ // Now s2 = “HELLO!” But it involves copying the old string and adding ‘!’ to it to generate a new string, and then switch the reference from s the handle s2. It is inefficient for long strings. The StringBuilder class allows efficient editing of strings, and in essence creates a mutable string. We will discuss it later.
19 . Arrays Consists of a numbered list of variables. An array variable is a reference variable. So int[ ] X; Is only a declaration, and no allocation is made. To construct an array by allocation space in the memory, use the new operator int[ ] X = new int[8] and then initialize it. b l u e 0 1 2 3 c char [ ] c; // Creates an array of char c = new char[4] // Creates array of size 4 c[0] = ‘b’; c[1] = ‘l’; c[2] = ‘u’ c[3] = ‘e’
20 .An array is an immutable object. The first index is always zero (not 1). int[] A = new int[4] ; int[] B = new int[6] ; for (int i = 0 ; i < A.length ; i++) A[i] = 10 ; for (int i = 0 ; i < B.length ; i++) B[i] = 20 ; B = A; // what happens here? See below. {Note: A.length gives the length of the array A} A 10 10 10 10 B 20 20 20 20 20 20 A 10 10 10 10 B 20 20 20 20 20 20
21 .An array can also contain reference to objects. string[ ] X = new string[6] string[0] = Rene string[1] = joseph
22 .Multidimensional Arrays int[][] myMatrix = new int[8][10] ; Java will treat this as an array of arrays. So, myMatrix[7] will denote the seventh row of the (8x10) matrix. class MultiDimArrayDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { String[][] names = { {"Mr. ", "Mrs. ", "Ms. "}, {"Smith", "Jones", “Ford”} }; // Mr. Smith System.out.println(names[0][0] + names[1][0]); // Ms. Jones System.out.println(names[0][2] + names[1][1]); // Mrs. Ford System.out.println(names[0][1] + names[1][2]); } }
23 . Example: Game entries In an event in the Rio Olympics, we want to record the best six scores, sorted in the non-decreasing, and save them in an array. Each array element is a GameEntry that consists of a pair: name and score.
24 .Here is the GameEntry class.
25 .Here is the Scoreboard class. Think of how to update the scoreboard when a new score (Tammy 170) or (Hillary, 100) is recorded.