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1 . Advanced Operating Systems (CS 202) Memory Consistency, Cache Coherence and Synchronization Jan, 27, 2017 (some cache coherence slides adapted from Ian Watson; some memory consistency slides from Sarita Adve)
2 . Classic Example • Suppose we have to implement a function to handle withdrawals from a bank account: withdraw (account, amount) { balance = get_balance(account); balance = balance – amount; put_balance(account, balance); return balance; } • Now suppose that you and your father share a bank account with a balance of $1000 • Then you each go to separate ATM machines and simultaneously withdraw $100 from the account 2
3 . Interleaved Schedules • The problem is that the execution of the two threads can be interleaved: balance = get_balance(account); balance = balance – amount; Execution sequence seen by CPU balance = get_balance(account); balance = balance – amount; Context switch put_balance(account, balance); put_balance(account, balance); • What is the balance of the account now? 3
4 . How Interleaved Can It Get? How contorted can the interleavings be? • We'll assume that the only atomic operations are reads and writes of individual memory locations – Some architectures don't even give you that! • We'll assume that a context switch can occur at any time ............... get_balance(account); • We'll assume that you can balance = get_balance(account); delay a thread as long as you balance = ................................... like as long as it's not delayed balance = balance – amount; forever balance = balance – amount; put_balance(account, balance); put_balance(account, balance); 4
5 . Mutual Exclusion • Mutual exclusion to synchronize access to shared resources – This allows us to have larger atomic blocks – What does atomic mean? • Code that uses mutual called a critical section – Only one thread at a time can execute in the critical section – All other threads are forced to wait on entry – When a thread leaves a critical section, another can enter – Example: sharing an ATM with others • What requirements would you place on a critical section? 5
6 . Using Locks acquire(lock); balance = get_balance(account); balance = balance – amount; withdraw (account, amount) { acquire(lock); balance = get_balance(account); balance = balance – amount; acquire(lock); put_balance(account, balance); Critical release(lock); Section put_balance(account, balance); return balance; release(lock); } balance = get_balance(account); balance = balance – amount; put_balance(account, balance); release(lock); – Why is the “return” outside the critical section? Is this ok? – What happens when a third thread calls acquire? 6
7 . Stepping back • What does the OS need to support? – And why? Isnt this an application/ programming problem? • Synchronization is hard – why? • Synchronization can be a performance problem – why? • Other semantics than mutual exclusion possible. 7
8 . Implementing locks • Software implementations possible – You should have seen Dekker’s algorithm and possibly Peterson’s algorithm – They are difficult to get right – They make assumptions on the system that may no longer hold • (e.g., memory consistency as we will see shortly) • Most systems offer hardware support 8
9 . Using Test-And-Set • Here is our lock implementation with test-and-set: struct lock { int held = 0; } void acquire (lock) { while (test-and-set(&lock->held)); } void release (lock) { lock->held = 0; } • When will the while return? What is the value of held? 9
10 . Overview • Before we talk deeply about synchronization – Need to get an idea about the memory model in shared memory systems – Is synchronization only an issue in multi-processor systems? • What is a shared memory processor (SMP)? • Shared memory processors – Two primary architectures: • Bus-based/local network shared-memory machines (small- scale) • Directory-based shared-memory machines (large-scale) 10
11 . Plan… • Introduce and discuss cache coherence • Discuss basic synchronization, up to MCS locks (from the paper we are reading) • Introduce memory consistency and implications • Is this an architecture class??? – Thesame issues manifest in large scale distributed systems 11
13 . Bus-based Shared Memory Organization Basic picture is simple :- Shared Memory CPU CPU CPU Cache Cache Cache Shared Bus 13
14 . Organization • Bus is usually simple physical connection (wires) • Bus bandwidth limits no. of CPUs • Could be multiple memory elements • For now, assume that each CPU has only a single level of cache • Other organizations (e.g., with a network) have NUMA issues 14
15 . Problem of Memory Coherence • Assume just single level caches and main memory • Processor writes to location in its cache • Other caches may hold shared copies - these will be out of date • Updating main memory alone is not enough • What happens if two updates happen at (nearly) the same time? – Can two different processors see them out of order? 15
16 . Example 1 2 3 X: 24 Shared CPU CPU CPU Memory Cache Cache Cache Shared Bus Processor 1 reads X: obtains 24 from memory and caches it Processor 2 reads X: obtains 24 from memory and caches it Processor 1 writes 32 to X: its locally cached copy is updated Processor 3 reads X: what value should it get? Memory and processor 2 think it is 24 Processor 1 thinks it is 32 Notice that having write-through caches is not good enough 16
17 . Cache Coherence • Try to make the system behave as if there are no caches! • How? Idea: Try to make every CPU know who has a copy of its cached data? • too complex! • More practical: – Snoopy caches • Each CPU snoops memory bus • Looks for read/write activity concerned with data addresses which it has cached. – What does it do with them? • This assumes a bus structure where all communication can be seen by all. • More scalable solution: ‘directory 17 based’ coherence schemes
18 . Snooping Protocols • Write Invalidate – CPU with write operation sends invalidate message – Snooping caches invalidate their copy – CPU writes to its cached copy • Write through or write back? – Any shared read in other CPUs will now miss in cache and re-fetch new data. 18
19 . Snooping Protocols • Write Update – CPU with write updates its own copy – All snooping caches update their copy • Note that in both schemes, problem of simultaneous writes is taken care of by bus arbitration - only one CPU can use the bus at any one time. • Harder problem for arbitrary networks 19
20 . Update or Invalidate? • Which should we use? • Bus bandwidth is a precious commodity in shared memory multi-processors – Contention/cache interrogation can lead to 10x or more drop in performance – (also important to minimize false sharing) • Therefore, invalidate protocols used in most commercial SMPs 20
21 . Implementation Issues • In both schemes, knowing if a cached value is not shared (copy in another cache) can avoid sending any messages. • Invalidate description assumed that a cache value update was written through to memory. If we used a ‘copy back’ scheme other processors could re-fetch old value on a cache miss. • We need a protocol to handle all this. 21
22 . MESI – locally initiated accesses Read Miss(sh) Read Invalid Shared Hit Mem Read Read Invalidate Mem Read Miss(ex) RWITM Write Write Hit Miss Read Read Modified Exclusive Hit Hit Write Hit Write = bus transaction Hit 22
23 . MESI – remotely initiated accesses Mem Read Invalidate Invalid Shared Mem Read RWITM Mem Read RWITM Modified Exclusive = copy back 23
24 .Both together 24 Image credit: Wiki page on MESI By Jugones55 - Own work, GFDL, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=7136764
25 . MESI notes • There are other protocols and minor variations (particularly to do with write miss) • Normal ‘write back’ when cache line is evicted is done if line state is M • Multi-level caches – If caches are inclusive, only the lowest level cache needs to snoop on the bus • Most modern CPUs have inclusive caches • But they don’t perform as well as non-inclusive caches 25
26 . Cache Coherence summary • Reads and writes are atomic – What does atomic mean? • As if there is no cache • Some magic to make things work – Have performance implications – …and therefore, have implications on performance of programs 26
27 . Directory Schemes • Snoopy schemes do not scale because they rely on broadcast • Directory-based schemes allow scaling. – avoid broadcasts by keeping track of all PEs caching a memory block, and then using point-to-point messages to maintain coherence – they allow the flexibility to use any scalable point- to-point network 27
28 .Basic Scheme (Censier & Feautrier) P P Cache Cache • Assume "k" processors. • With each cache-block in memory: k presence-bits, and 1 dirty-bit Interconnection Network • With each cache-block in cache: 1valid bit, and 1 dirty (owner) bit •• • Memory Directory presence bits dirty bit – Read from main memory by PE-i: • If dirty-bit is OFF then { read from main memory; turn p[i] ON; } • if dirty-bit is ON then { recall line from dirty PE (cache state to shared); update memory; turn dirty-bit OFF; turn p[i] ON; supply recalled data to PE-i; } – Write to main memory: • If dirty-bit OFF then { send invalidations to all PEs caching that block; turn dirty-bit ON; 28 turn P[i] ON; ... } • ...
29 . Key Issues • Scaling of memory and directory bandwidth – Can not have main memory or directory memory centralized – Need a distributed memory and directory structure • Directory memory requirements do not scale well – Number of presence bits grows with number of PEs – Many ways to get around this problem • limited pointer schemes of many flavors • Industry standard – SCI: Scalable Coherent Interface 29