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ScaLA PACK Evaluation and Performance at the DoD MSRCs
1 . ScaLAPACK Evaluation and Performance at the DoD MSRCs 1 L. S. Blackford and R. C. Whaley Department of Computer Science University of Tennessee Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-1301 Abstract This report presents performance results for a subset of ScaLAPACK driver routines and PBLAS routines on the Cray T3E, IBM SP, SGI Origin 2000, and SGI Power Challenge Ar- ray platforms at the Department of Defense DoD CEWES, ARL, and ASC Major Shared Resource Centers MSRCs. Performance is analyzed using SGI MPI v3.0 versus MPICH version 1.1.0 on the SGI platforms, and MPI versus shmem on the Cray T3E. On the Cray T3E, correctness of the version of ScaLAPACK included in LIBSCI is tested, and perfor- mance timings are compared against the freely available version of ScaLAPACK on netlib using the MPIBLACS. On the IBM SP, correctness of the version of ScaLAPACK included in PESSL is tested, and performance timings are compared against the freely available version of ScaLAPACK on netlib using the MPIBLACS. On the SGI platforms, ScaLA- PACK performance using distributed memory BLAS PBLAS is compared to LAPACK performance using the multi-threaded MP BLAS. 1 This work was partially supported by the DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program CEWES Major Shared Resource Center through Programming Environment and Training PET under Con- tract Number DAHC 94-96-C0002, Nichols Research Corporation, subcontract no. NRC CR-96-0011; by the National Science Foundation Grant No. ASC-9005933; by the DoD High Performance Computing Mod- ernization Program ARL Major Shared Resource Center through Programming Environment and Training PET under Contract Number DAHC-94-96-C-0010, Raytheon E-Systems, subcontract no. AA23; by the DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program ASC Major Shared Resource Center through Programming Environment and Training PET under Contract Number DAHC-94-96-C-0005, Nichols Re- search Corporation, subcontract no. NRC CR-96-0011; by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency under contract DAAH04-95-1-0077, administered by the Army Research O ce; by the O ce of Scienti c Computing, U.S. Department of Energy, under Contract DE-AC05-84OR21400; and by the National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center Cooperative Agreement No. CCR-8809615. 1
2 .Contents 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 Overview of Machine Characteristics of DoD MSRC systems . . . . . . . . . 4 2.1 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3 Cray T3E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.1 Porting ScaLAPACK and the MPI BLACS to the Cray T3E . . . . 10 3.2 Testing of ScaLAPACK within LIBSCI CrayLibs . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.3 Parallel matrix-matrix multiply performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.4 Parallel LU factorization solve performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 3.5 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 4 IBM SP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4.1 Testing of ScaLAPACK within PESSL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4.2 Parallel matrix-matrix multiply performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4.3 Parallel LU factorization solve performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 4.4 Parallel Cholesky factorization solve performance . . . . . . . . . . . 27 4.5 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 5 SGI Origin 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 5.1 Parallel matrix-matrix multiply performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 5.2 Parallel LU factorization solve performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 5.3 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 6 SGI Power Challenge Array . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 6.1 Parallel matrix-matrix multiply performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 6.2 Parallel LU factorization solve performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 7 Conclusions and future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 2
3 .1 Introduction ScaLAPACK is a library of high-performance linear algebra routines for distributed- memory, message-passing MIMD computers and networks of workstations supporting PVM and or MPI. It is a continuation of the LAPACK project, which designed and produced analogous software for workstations, vector supercomputers, and shared-memory parallel computers. Both libraries contain routines for solving systems of linear equations, least squares problems, and eigenvalue problems. The goals of both projects are e ciency, scal- ability as the problem size and number of processors grow, reliability including error bounds, portability, and ease of use. LAPACK will run on any machine where the BLAS are available, and ScaLAPACK will run on any machine where both the BLAS and the BLACS are available. ScaLAPACK has been incorporated into several commercial packages, including the NAG Parallel Library, IBM Parallel ESSL, and Cray LIBSCI, and is being integrated into the VNI IMSL Numerical Library, as well as software libraries for Fujitsu, Hewlett- Packard Convex, Hitachi, SGI, and NEC. This report presents performance timings for version 1.5 of ScaLAPACK 2 on the Cray T3E, IBM SP, SGI Origin 2000, and SGI Power Challenge Array platforms at the Department of Defense DoD CEWES, ARL, and ASC Major Shared Resource Centers MSRCs. The SGI timings were performed using SGI MPI v3.0 and MPICH version 1.1.0, and the optimized SGI BLAS -lblas. Performance comparisons were also made between ScaLAPACK using distributed memory BLAS PBLAS and LAPACK 1 , version 2.0, using the optimized SGI MP BLAS -lblas mp. For the Cray T3E, performance timings were obtained using Cray MPI and Cray shmem, and the optimized BLAS from LIBSCI CrayLibs. For the IBM SP, performance timings were obtained using the IBM POE library, speci cally MPI, and Parallel ESSL and ESSL. The timings were conducted between October 1997 and March 1998. During that time, vendor software upgrades for the PCA and O2K were made to correct errors detected during testing and timing of the packages. Timings were performed in batch queue mode via qsub or LoadLeveler during regular user mode and dedicated mode. Timing uctuations were encountered. To obtain up-to-date performance gures, users should use the timing programs provided with LAPACK and ScaLAPACK. The LAPACK and ScaLAPACK packages are freely available on netlib and can be obtained via the World Wide Web or anonymous ftp. http: www.netlib.org lapack http: www.netlib.org scalapack Section 2 provides an overview of the machine characteristics of the computer systems utilized at the DoD MSRCs. Sections 3, 4, 5, and 6 present performance data for the Cray T3E, IBM SP, SGI Origin 2000, and SGI Power Challenge Array, respectively, at the DoD MSRCs. Section 7 summarizes our conclusions and suggestions for further study. 3
4 .2 Overview of Machine Characteristics of DoD MSRC sys- tems In this section, we indicate the hardware and software that characterized each machine during these timings. The two most important software components for ScaLAPACK are its compute kernel, the serial BLAS, and its communication kernel, the BLACS. The BLACS are in turn usually based on a system-speci c message passing library such as MPI or shmem. Therefore, in this section we preview some performance indicators for these kernels. We have two performance indicators for the compute kernel. The Peak performance is the theoretical peak oating point performance for one processor. We can obtain the theo- retical peak oating point performance from the clock rate of the chip using the following information: The CRAY T3E based on the Alpha 21164 chip and the SGI Origin 2000 based on SGI's R10000 chip have separate oating point adders and multipliers. This means that if the instruction mix can issue one oating point add and one oating point multiply every cycle matrix multiply can do this, a peak mega op rate of twice the clock rate is obtained. The IBM SP based on IBM POWER2 chip and the SGI Power Challenge Array based on the SGI R8000 chip have two oating point units each of which can issue a fused multiply add instruction every clock cycle. This allows these architectures to achieve peak mega op rates of four times the clock rate, assuming the instruction being executed is expressed as a fused multiply add matrix multiply may be expressed in this way. Tables 1 and 2 provide a snapshot of the CEWES MSRC machines discussed in this report, as they were con gured during these timings. Table 3 describes the ARL MSRC machines discussed in this report, as they were con- gured during these timings. Table 4 describes the ASC MSRC machines discussed in this report, as they were con- gured during these timings. Table 5 shows the compute kernel indicators, while tables 6, 7, and 8 show the perfor- mance of various message passing libraries across the systems. The measurement labeled FMM is our achievable peak" for uniprocessor oating point performance, which we have arbitrarily chosen to be a matrix-matrix multiplication of order 500. Since many linear algebra routines derive a large part of their performance from matrix multiply, we can get a rough idea of how well a particular routine is doing by seeing how great a percentage of this achievable peak" it obtains. For the communication kernel, we measure two widely-recognized communication bench- marks, the communication latency denoted as tm and bandwidth denoted by 1=tv . We de ne the latency to be the time it takes to send a 0-byte message. Bandwidth is a mea- surement of the maximal amount of data that can be transferred between processors per unit of time. For each platform, we report latency and bandwidth for both the BLACS and the message passing library it is based on e.g., MPI. 4
5 .Table 1: Characteristics of the Cray T3E jim and the IBM SP osprey at the CEWES MSRC Cray T3E IBM SP Processor 64-bit Dec ALPHA processor EV5.6 POWER2 590 Clock speed MHz 450 135 Processors per node 1 1 Memory per node MB 256 1000 Operating system UNICOS mk AIX 4.1.4 BLAS LIBSCI CrayLibs ESSL BLACS MPI BLACS 1:1 MPI BLACS 1:1 and Cray BLACS Communication Software Cray MPI mpt. beta POE Cray shmem C compiler cc mpcc C ags -O3 -O3 -qarch=pwr2 Fortran compiler f90 mpxlf Fortran ags -dp -X m -O3,aggress -O3 -qarch=pwr2 Precision single 64-bit double 64-bit The latency values are simple measurements of the time to send a 0-byte message from one processor to another, while the bandwidth gures are obtained by increasing message length until message bandwidth was saturated. We use the same timing mechanism for both the BLACS and the underlying message-passing library. These numbers are actual timing numbers, not values based on hardware peaks, for instance. Therefore, they should be considered as approximate values or indicators of the observed performance between two nodes, as opposed to precise evaluations of the interconnection network capabilities. It should be noted that timings for the Cray shmem BLACS are not reported because errors were detected during their testing. The BLACS test suite was downloaded from netlib and run on the Cray shmem BLACS from LIBSCI CrayLibs The detected errors were reported. In addition, two bugs in Cray MPI mpt. beta were also detected and reported to the vendor. It was possible to code around these MPI bugs so that the Cray MPI BLACS would run correctly on the Cray T3E and pass all tests of the BLACS Test Suite. Thus, timings for the MPI BLACS are listed in this report. These LIBSCI and Cray MPI errors have been reported to Cray Research and we are awaiting news of their correction. 5
6 .Table 2: Characteristics of the SGI Origin 2000 pagh and the SGI PCA pca1 at the CEWES MSRC SGI O2K SGI PCA Processor R10000 IP27 R8000 IP21 Clock speed MHz 195 90 Processors per node 1 16 Memory per node MB 512 512 Operating system IRIX 6.4 IRIX 6.2 BLAS SGI BLAS SGI BLAS SGI MP BLAS SGI MP BLAS BLACS MPI BLACS 1:1 MPI BLACS 1:1 Communication Software SGI MPI v3.0 SGI MPI v3.0 C compiler cc MIPSpro v7.10 cc MIPSpro v7.10 C ags -O2 -64 -mips4 -r10000 -O2 -64 -mips4 -r8000 or or -O2 -64 -mips4 -r10000 -mp -O2 -64 -mips4 -r8000 -mp Fortran compiler f77 MIPSpro v7.10 f77 MIPSpro v7.10 Fortran ags -O2 -64 -mips4 -r10000 -O2 -64 -mips4 -r8000 or or -O2 -64 -mips4 -r10000 -mp -O2 -64 -mips4 -r8000 -mp Precision double 64-bit double 64-bit 6
7 .Table 3: Characteristics of the SGI PCA cosm1 and cosm3 and the SGI Origin 2000 herman1 at the ARL MSRC SGI PCA SGI O2K Processor R8000 IP21 R10000 IP27 Clock speed MHz 75 195 Processors per node 12 1 Memory per node MB 170 512 Operating system IRIX 6.2 IRIX 6.4 BLAS SGI BLAS SGI BLAS SGI MP BLAS SGI MP BLAS BLACS MPI BLACS 1:1 MPI BLACS 1:1 Communication Software SGI MPI v3.0 SGI MPI v3.0 C compiler cc Mongoose v7.1 cc Mongoose v7.1 C ags -O2 -64 -mips4 -r8000 -O2 -64 -mips4 -r10000 or or -O2 -64 -mips4 -r8000 -mp -O2 -64 -mips4 -r10000 -mp Fortran compiler f77 Mongoose v7.1 f77 Mongoose v7.1 Fortran ags -O2 -64 -mips4 -r8000 -O2 -64 -mips4 -r10000 or or -O2 -64 -mips4 -r8000 -mp -O2 -64 -mips4 -r10000 -mp Precision double 64-bit double 64-bit 7
8 .Table 4: Characteristics of the SGI O2K hpc03 and the IBM SP hpc02 at the ASC MSRC SGI O2K IBM SP Processor R10000 IP27 POWER2 590 Clock speed MHz 195 135 Processors per node 1 1 Memory per node MB 512 1000 Operating system IRIX 6.4 AIX 4.1.5 BLAS SGI BLAS ESSL SGI MP BLAS BLACS MPI BLACS 1:1 MPI BLACS 1:1 Communication Software SGI MPI v3.0 POE C compiler cc MIPSpro v7.2 mpcc C ags -O2 -64 -mips4 -r10000 -O3 -qarch=pwr2 or -O2 -64 -mips4 -r10000 -mp Fortran compiler f77 MIPSpro v7.2 mpxlf Fortran ags -O2 -64 -mips4 -r10000 -O3 -qarch=pwr2 or -O2 -64 -mips4 -r10000 -mp Precision double 64-bit double 64-bit Table 5: Level 3 BLAS performance indicator M op s FMM Peak CEWES MSRC SGI PCA 334 380 SGI O2K 318 390 IBM SP 500 540 Cray T3E 549 900 ARL MSRC SGI PCA 256 300 SGI O2K 330 390 ASC MSRC SGI O2K 335 390 IBM SP 316 540 8
9 . Table 6: Message passing performance indicators for the Cray T3E-900 tm s 1=tv MB s BLACS Cray MPI BLACS Cray MPI Cray T3E CEWES MSRC 30.3 17.8 115.3 170.9 Table 7: Message passing performance indicators for the IBM SP tm s 1=tv MB s BLACS Native BLACS Native IBM SP MPI CEWES MSRC 57.9 29.0 71.6 96.1 IBM SP MPI ASC MSRC 66.7 33.1 71.7 96.0 Table 8: Message passing performance indicators for the SGI O2K and SGI PCA tm s 1=tv MB s BLACS SGI MPI BLACS MPICH BLACS SGI MPI BLACS MPICH CEWES MSRC SGI O2K 20.6 13.1 41.1 27.1 94.0 130.3 58.7 77.0 SGI PCA 42.1 19.7 121.7 65.8 70.2 78.0 50.1 54.9 ARL MSRC SGI O2K 21.9 13.3 43.9 28.7 94.0 131.0 56.4 65.2 SGI PCA ASC MSRC SGI O2K 22.4 14.7 84.1 135.2 9
10 .2.1 Discussion The most important thing to note from table 5 in this section is the pressing need for ASC to upgrade their version of ESSL. Note that ESSL version achieves approximately 63 316 M op s versus 500 M op s of the performance obtained by the newer version 3 Cray T3E We present performance data for the netlib version of ScaLAPACK and the version of ScaLAPACK in LIBSCI on the Cray T3E-900 jim located at the CEWES MSRC. The message-passing libraries used were the Cray shmem library and the Cray MPI library. For all timings, the optimized BLAS in Cray LIBSCI were used. 3.1 Porting ScaLAPACK and the MPI BLACS to the Cray T3E A few errors were detected in the MPI BLACS and ScaLAPACK in porting them to the Cray T3E. A T3E patch for the MPI BLACS and ScaLAPACK is available on netlib. Details of the patches" can be found in the respective errata les on netlib. http: www.netlib.org blacs errata.blacs http: www.netlib.org scalapack errata.scalapack Also noted in these errata les are Cray-speci c modi cations that are ONLY required on the Cray T3E due to non-standard features of the T3E compilers and arithmetic. Two bugs in Cray MPI mpt. beta were also detected and reported to the vendor. It was possible to code around these MPI bugs so that the Cray MPI BLACS would run correctly on the Cray T3E and pass all tests of the BLACS Test Suite. Thus, timings for the MPI BLACS on top of Cray MPI were reported in Table 6. Previous versions of Cray MPI had been tried, but it was not possible to code around the bugs that were detected. The bugs were reported to the vendor and were xed in version mpt beta of the library. 3.2 Testing of ScaLAPACK within LIBSCI CrayLibs An optimized version of ScaLAPACK is available in the Cray Scienti c Software Library. We tested CrayLibs version and version, which includes a subset of routines from ScaLAPACK, version 1.5, from netlib. Previous versions of ScaLAPACK in LIBSCI CrayLibs were incompatible with the version of ScaLAPACK on netlib due to a change to the ordering of the array descriptor. As soon as Cray's LIBSCI was updated with ScaLAPACK, version 1.5, this incompatibility problem was alleviated. Timings for Cray's native BLACS using the shmem library were not reported in Table 6 because errors were detected during their testing. The BLACS Test Suite was downloaded from netlib and run on the Cray shmem BLACS from LIBSCI CrayLibs The errors detected have been reported to the vendor. LIBSCI CrayLibs lacks the following ScaLAPACK routines: 10
11 . psgecon.f, psdbtrf.f, psdbtrs.f, psdttrf.f, psdttrs.f, psgbtrf.f, psgbtrs.f, pspocon.f, psporfs.f, pspbtrf.f, pspbtrs.f, pspttrf.f, pspttrs.f, pstzrzf.f, psgels.f, pssyev.f, psgesvd.f, and psormlq.f pcgecon.f, pcgerfs.f, pcdbtrf.f, pcdbtrs.f, pcdttrf.f, pcdttrs.f, pcgbtrf.f, pcgbtrs.f, pcpocon.f, pcporfs.f, pcpbtrf.f, pcpbtrs.f, pcpttrf.f, and pcpttrs.f In addition, the C interface to the BLACS is not provided in LIBSCI so a set of wrapper routines had to be provided. The wall-clock and cpu timers included in the netlib version of the BLACS are also not provided in the Cray shmem BLACS, so these had to be provided in order to run the ScaLAPACK Test Suite. The ScaLAPACK Test Suite was run on LIBSCI CrayLibs, and errors were detected in pcgeqlf.f and pssyevx.f. These errors were reported to the vendor. LIBSCI CrayLibs includes a few more routines than the previous version, but still lacks the following ScaLAPACK routines: psgecon.f, psdbtrf.f, psdbtrs.f, psdttrf.f, psdttrs.f, psgbtrf.f, psgbtrs.f, pspocon.f, psporfs.f, pspbtrf.f, pspbtrs.f, pspttrf.f, pspttrs.f, pstzrzf.f, psgels.f, pssyev.f, psgesvd.f, and psormlq.f pcgerfs.f, pcdbtrf.f, pcdbtrs.f, pcdttrf.f, pcdttrs.f, pcgbtrf.f, pcgbtrs.f, pcpocon.f, pcporfs.f, pcpbtrf.f, pcpbtrs.f, pcpttrf.f, and pcpttrs.f Running the ScaLAPACK Test Suite on this version of LIBSCI CrayLibs revealed that the bug in pcgeqlf.f had been xed. Failures in pssyevx.f still occur and they are under investigation. 3.3 Parallel matrix-matrix multiply performance Asymptotically, the performance of the PBLAS will rest on the performance of the corre- sponding BLAS routine. For smaller problem sizes, lower order costs primarily communi- cation will cause performance loss. We therefore see that e ects due to BLACS optimality will be seen mostly in the smaller problem sizes. These results have been obtained for the matrix-matrix multiply operation C C + A B , where A, B , and C are square matrices of order N . We collected performance data for the Level 3 PBLAS routine PSGEMM from the netlib version of ScaLAPACK and the version of ScaLAPACK in LIBSCI CrayLibs. Timings were performed during non-dedicated" time and dedicated" time using batch queues via qsub". We were unable to repeat all timings using both methods due to a paucity of dedicated time. Tables 9 and 11 show performance for non-dedicated runs, while tables 10 and 12 sum- marize our dedicated results. 11
12 .Table 9: Speed in M op s for the two versions of PBLAS matrix-matrix multiply routine PSGEMM, NON-DEDICATED time Cray T3E Process Block Values of N grid size 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 22 24 22 48 1873 2067 2118 2126 2142 22 72 NETLIB 2 4 24 24 48 3305 3804 4027 4148 4206 24 72 44 24 44 48 5906 7135 7811 8073 8244 44 72 48 24 48 48 9332 12376 14348 14898 15646 48 72 8288 12582 13818 15853 15913 22 24 1566 1656 1659 1725 1725 22 48 1886 2099 2122 2126 2154 22 72 LIBSCI 24 24 2873 3155 3204 3330 3330 24 48 3349 3911 4081 4186 4261 24 72 44 24 5286 6004 6277 6547 6547 44 48 6013 7307 7922 8206 8386 44 72 48 24 9213 11162 11849 12616 12616 48 48 9950 12786 14892 15189 16159 48 72 12
13 .Table 10: Speed in M op s for the two versions of PBLAS matrix-matrix multiply routine PSGEMM, DEDICATED time Cray T3E Process Block Values of N grid size 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 22 24 1639 1759 1802 1808 1818 22 48 1873 2067 2118 2126 2142 NETLIB 2 4 24 2922 3336 3470 3542 3584 24 48 3308 3807 4028 4148 4206 44 24 5185 6319 6738 6915 7030 44 48 5913 7134 7807 8105 8242 48 24 8478 11172 12536 13069 13437 48 48 9317 12368 14347 14886 15648 22 24 1715 1799 1825 1836 1847 22 48 1883 2096 2119 2124 2151 LIBSCI 24 24 3119 3473 3542 3623 3667 24 48 3343 3908 4077 4185 4106 44 24 5610 6637 6927 7089 7211 44 48 6022 7310 7920 8207 8384 48 24 9481 11929 13054 13606 13946 48 48 9929 12805 14886 15189 16153 13
14 .Table 11: Speed in M op s for the two versions of PBLAS matrix-matrix multiply routine PSGEMM, NON-DEDICATED time Cray T3E Process Block Values of N grid size 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 22 24 22 48 22 72 NETLIB 2 4 24 24 48 4176 4250 4272 24 72 44 24 44 48 8340 8303 8403 8463 8504 44 72 48 24 48 48 15962 15884 16285 16394 16619 48 72 16337 15617 17097 17226 17261 22 24 22 48 22 72 LIBSCI 24 24 3345 3351 3354 24 48 4180 4248 4269 24 72 44 24 6618 6698 6741 6750 6833 44 48 8323 8375 8433 8521 8555 44 72 48 24 12803 13002 13192 13146 13233 48 48 16127 16065 16576 16523 16891 48 72 14
15 .Table 12: Speed in M op s for the two versions of PBLAS matrix-matrix multiply routine PSGEMM, DEDICATED time Cray T3E Process Block Values of N grid size 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 22 24 22 48 NETLIB 2 4 24 3584 3613 3618 24 48 4173 4223 4253 44 24 7104 7188 7159 7216 7223 44 48 8340 8304 8407 8474 8503 48 24 13650 13895 13967 14107 14180 48 48 15964 15883 16312 16392 16618 22 24 22 48 LIBSCI 24 24 3644 3677 3669 24 48 4176 4250 4272 44 24 7232 7322 7281 7329 7342 44 48 8321 8372 8435 8522 8559 48 24 13970 14192 14325 14471 14537 48 48 16124 16052 16572 16531 16890 15
16 .3.4 Parallel LU factorization solve performance Similarly, we collected performance data for the LU factor solve driver routine PSGESV from the netlib version of ScaLAPACK and the version of ScaLAPACK in LIBSCI CrayLibs. PSGESV solves a square linear system of order N by LU factorization with partial row piv- oting of a real matrix. For all timings, 64-bit oating-point arithmetic was used. Thus, double precision timings are reported on all computers. The distribution block size is also used as the partitioning unit for the computation and communication phases. Timings were performed during non-dedicated" time and dedicated" time using batch queues via qsub". 16
17 .Table 13: Speed in M op s for the two versions of the LU factor solve routine PSGESV for square matrices of order N , NON-DEDICATED time Cray T3E Process Block Values of N Grid Size 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 7500 10000 12500 15000 14 24 678 1050 1251 1348 1426 1539 1598 14 32 664 1042 1259 1377 1467 1608 1678 14 48 598 995 1232 1376 1483 1660 1761 14 72 509 886 1133 1294 1414 1623 1751 24 24 677 1409 1917 2239 2459 2802 2997 3126 24 32 638 1402 1907 2242 2513 2906 3131 3287 24 48 628 1336 1881 2226 2527 2991 3273 3462 NETLIB 2 4 72 561 1217 1744 2097 2441 2920 3237 3479 28 24 808 1984 2944 3645 4112 5037 5483 5818 6046 28 32 767 1927 2849 3533 4098 5107 5621 6016 6273 28 48 726 1772 2699 3355 3953 5048 5680 6160 6493 28 72 632 1545 2387 3012 3671 4712 5417 5995 6339 48 24 780 2318 3793 5233 6206 8287 9544 10459 11037 48 32 754 2182 3703 4852 6166 8295 9729 10726 11425 48 48 737 2096 3460 4929 5940 8264 9765 10965 11736 48 72 682 1917 3201 4491 5594 7749 9406 10557 11443 14 24 742 1089 1279 1368 1449 1558 14 32 709 1075 1284 1394 1485 1623 14 48 637 1019 1253 1393 1504 1680 14 72 526 903 1145 1307 1426 1637 24 24 881 1623 2089 2370 2562 2870 3042 3164 24 32 820 1609 2072 2359 2615 2972 3169 3321 24 48 785 1512 2031 2341 2627 3060 3320 3500 LIBSCI 24 72 676 1360 1865 2196 2523 2979 3279 3512 28 24 1107 2362 3286 3936 4395 5225 5625 5937 6137 28 32 1022 2282 3184 3820 4364 5290 5760 6146 6376 28 48 936 2043 2961 3598 4191 5223 5820 6276 6585 28 72 786 1732 2563 3207 3826 4857 5523 6087 6415 48 24 1170 2987 4612 5966 6991 8849 9953 10760 11273 48 32 1128 2891 4505 5670 6912 8855 10130 11031 11642 48 48 1051 2648 4173 5523 6627 8762 10147 11249 11971 48 72 920 2304 3680 4968 6035 8170 9675 10787 11632 17
18 .Table 14: Speed in M op s for the two versions of the LU factor solve routine PSGESV for square matrices of order N , DEDICATED time Cray T3E Process Block Values of N Grid Size 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 7500 10000 12500 15000 NETLIB 1 4 24 24 24 28 24 48 24 784 2275 3657 4997 6255 8333 9661 10500 11115 14 24 743 1088 1278 1369 1449 1559 14 32 709 1074 1281 1393 1489 1626 14 48 637 1019 1252 1395 1504 1682 LIBSCI 24 24 883 1628 2091 2375 2566 2874 3045 3167 24 32 819 1610 2076 2360 2615 2974 3169 3325 24 48 785 1512 2037 2343 2632 3066 3323 3505 28 24 1107 2359 3290 3937 4397 5228 5627 5939 6138 28 32 1023 2282 3187 3817 4365 5288 5767 6134 6367 28 48 935 2045 2962 3602 4193 5223 5824 6280 6588 48 24 1162 2992 4617 5972 6999 8853 9954 10764 11278 48 32 1134 2894 4509 5673 6922 8866 10127 11038 11629 48 48 1054 2647 4179 5526 6634 8769 10147 11250 11974 18
19 .3.5 Discussion For these timings, we note that the performance of PSGEMM for large problem sizes is very close to our achievable peak". Asymptotically, this will be true of any system as the ON 3 computation dominates the ON 2 communication costs. However, due to the speed of its communication, the T3E was the only system to reach this peak with the selected problem sizes. For both matrix multiply and LU, dedicated and non-dedicated runs showed little vari- ation. This seems to indicate that the T3E's queuing system does a good job of isolating the di erent jobs. From these timings, it appears LIBSCI's use of shmem as opposed to the netlib's use if MPI pays o . What we see is that LIBSCI routines get better performance than their netlib equivalents, but that the di erence narrows as we increase the problem size, or in the case of PSGEMM, increase block size. We draw the conclusion that this performance win is mainly in communication since both of these changes tend to minimize the communication costs. In a related note, it is easily seen that the performance of PSGEMM increases as we increase the block size; this is not true for LU. This is because large block sizes increase load imbalance for LU; PSGEMM, where the operation may be almost arbitrarily reordered, does not become load-imbalanced as the block size is increased. With large blocking factors, there is more work done per BLAS invocation, thus allowing a greater portion of the asymptotic peak to be reached. Despite this, we still restrain our PSGEMM timings to blocking factors that are roughly the same as for our LU timings, since few applications use PSGEMM in isolation. 19
20 .4 IBM SP We present performance data on the IBM SP osprey for the netlib version of ScaLAPACK and the version of ScaLAPACK in PESSL on the IBM SP osprey located at the CEWES MSRC and the IBM SP hpc02 located at the ASC MSRC. The message-passing library used was the IBM POE library, speci cally MPI, and the optimized BLAS library used was the ESSL BLAS. 4.1 Testing of ScaLAPACK within PESSL An optimized version of ScaLAPACK is available in the IBM Parallel Scienti c Software Library PESSL. We tested PESSL version on the IBM SP osprey at the CEWES MSRC. At the time of this report, PESSL was not available on the IBM SP hpc02 at the ASC MSRC. Parallel ESSL version lacks the following ScaLAPACK routines: pslamch.f, pslange.f, pslacpy.f, pslaset.f, pslapiv.f, psgecon.f, psgerfs.f, psdbtrf.f, psdb- trs.f, psgbtrf.f, psgbtrs.f, pslansy.f, pspocon.f, psporfs.f, psgeqrf.f, psgeqlf.f, psgerqf.f, psgeqpf.f, pstzrzf.f, psgeqlf.f, psgels.f and their dependent auxiliary subroutines. The following PBLAS routines were also missing or replaced with slightly di erent functionality: ptopset.c, ptopget.c, and pbdtran.f. In addition, the C interface to the BLACS is not provided in PESSL. The wall-clock and cpu timers included in the netlib version of the BLACS are also not provided in the IBM BLACS, so these had to be provided in order to run the ScaLAPACK Test Suite. The ScaLAPACK Test Suite was run on PESSL version 4.2 Parallel matrix-matrix multiply performance Asymptotically, the performance of the PBLAS will rest on the performance of the corre- sponding BLAS routine. For smaller problem sizes, lower order costs, primarily communi- cation, will cause performance loss. We therefore see that e ects due to BLACS optimality will be seen mostly in the smaller problem sizes. These results have been obtained for the matrix-matrix multiply operation C C + A B , where A, B , and C are square matrices of order N . We collected performance data for the Level 3 PBLAS routine PDGEMM from the netlib version of ScaLAPACK and the version of ScaLAPACK in PESSL version Timings were performed during non-dedicated" time and dedicated" time using batch queues via qsub". Dedicated time on this machine was not truly dedicated, as other people could still log in to the machine. With this caveat, we can state that dedicated and non-dedicated runs are within clock resolution of each other. Both would occasionally show large, non-repeatable performance drops, probably due to system interference. We present in tables 15 and 16 performance timings for the netlib version of PDGEMM versus the PESSL version of PDGEMM. These timings were obtained during non-dedicated" 20
21 .time over two days. Two sets of timings are included to illustrate the variation in timings that were encountered. Comparing the data in Tables 5, 15, and 16, we can see that the PBLAS routine PDGEMM achieves 74 89 of the per processor DGEMM performance on the IBM SP. PESSL PDGEMM performance timings are very similar. 21
22 .Table 15: Speed in M op s for the two versions of the matrix-matrix multiply routine PDGEMM, NON-DEDICATED time IBM SP Process Block Values of N grid size 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 CEWES MSRC 22 50 1703 1818 1848 1873 1865 22 50 1726 1829 1858 1520 1881 NETLIB 2 4 50 2940 3395 3496 3605 3622 24 50 2998 3271 3559 3628 3647 44 50 5046 6175 6714 6904 6992 44 50 4884 6106 6795 6912 7003 48 50 6813 10659 11278 12583 12561 48 50 5865 10410 11202 12401 12401 22 50 1699 1828 1842 1862 1870 22 50 1725 1846 1861 1881 1888 PESSL 24 50 2790 3269 3448 3535 3585 24 50 2847 3330 3479 3570 3613 44 50 4638 5957 6421 6763 6841 44 50 4703 5901 6501 6770 6899 48 50 6325 9733 10803 11940 12312 48 50 5742 9287 10728 11995 12472 ASC MSRC 22 50 1102 1152 1125 1057 22 64 943 1040 1044 1068 NETLIB 2 4 50 1976 2058 2221 1999 2096 24 64 1657 1841 2034 2061 2013 44 50 5221 3603 4173 4244 3988 44 64 3302 3868 4035 3961 3885 48 50 4675 6583 7622 7798 7223 48 64 6442 6756 6961 7045 7487 22
23 .Table 16: Speed in M op s for the two versions of the matrix-matrix multiply routine PDGEMM, NON-DEDICATED time IBM SP Process Block Values of N grid size 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 CEWES MSRC 22 50 22 50 NETLIB 2 4 50 3670 3683 3215 24 50 3693 3723 3686 44 50 7130 7245 7296 7299 7326 44 50 7165 7282 7331 7342 7373 48 50 13422 13442 13905 13731 14053 48 50 13350 13445 13927 13738 14049 22 50 22 50 PESSL 24 50 2564 3675 3603 24 50 3659 3701 3638 44 50 6996 7126 7188 7217 7266 44 50 7064 7152 7220 6248 6819 48 50 12958 13195 13508 13569 13766 48 50 12965 13249 13545 13598 13832 ASC MSRC 22 50 22 64 NETLIB 2 4 50 24 64 44 50 4311 4183 3966 44 64 4034 4135 48 50 7911 7859 7771 8057 7901 48 64 7779 7884 7717 7768 7665 23
24 .4.3 Parallel LU factorization solve performance Tables 17 and 18 illustrate the speed of the ScaLAPACK driver routine PDGESV for solving a square linear system of order N by LU factorization with partial row pivoting of a real matrix. For all timings, 64-bit oating-point arithmetic was used. Thus, double precision timings are reported. The data distribution block size is also used as the partitioning unit for the computation and communication phases. We collected performance data for the LU factor solve routine PDGESV from the netlib version of ScaLAPACK and from PESSL. We present in tables 17 and 18 performance timings for the netlib version of PDGESV versus the PESSL version of PDGESV. These timings were obtained during non-dedicated" time over two days via the qsub" queuing system at the CEWES MSRC and the LoadLeveler queuing system at the ASC MSRC. Two sets of timings for CEWES MSRC are included to illustrate the variation in timings that were encountered. One obvious inconsistency is the poor PDGESV performance for small problem sizes when we used two dimensional grids eg. the 2 4, 2 8 and 4 8 grid sizes. This is easily explained: two dimensional grids are required for scalability. However, they perform poorly for small problem sizes due to increased latency-bound communication along the columns of the process grid. This is a particular problem on the SP, which has a very fast compute kernel and a very high communication latency. To demonstrate that this was the problem, table 17 shows the timings for small problem sizes on the appropriate one dimensional grid. Notice that, as predicted, they have superior performance for small problem sizes. These timings indicate that a 1 8 grid is probably superior to a 2 4 grid for reasonable problem sizes; for this modest number of processors, very large problems are required for the superior scalability of the two dimensional grids to o set their weakness of increased alpha-bound communication. 24
25 .Table 17: Speed in M op s for the two versions of the LU factor solve routine PDGESV for square matrices of order N , NON-DEDICATED time IBM SP Process Block Values of N Grid Size 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 7500 10000 12500 15000 CEWES MSRC 14 40 703 979 1152 1251 1373 1516 14 50 633 884 1067 1172 1300 1453 14 50 676 954 1137 1243 1366 1511 NETLIB 2 4 40 533 1106 1510 1821 2051 2475 2742 2858 24 50 543 1055 1455 1728 1962 2385 2671 2476 24 50 555 1106 1482 1807 2025 2471 2747 2919 18 40 944 1498 1853 2055 2343 2688 2413 3029 18 50 868 1425 1776 2011 2280 2643 2889 3029 28 40 662 1629 2350 2957 3475 4363 4970 5263 5613 28 50 632 1581 2228 2748 3209 4111 4744 5164 5506 28 50 597 1526 2288 2846 3308 4226 4836 5253 4954 1 16 40 1080 2084 2723 3126 3653 4434 4972 5300 5669 1 16 50 1006 1881 2501 2904 3446 4213 4785 5157 5503 48 40 485 1648 2753 3701 4505 6140 7451 8451 9285 48 50 566 1633 2643 3500 4261 5925 7115 8188 8980 48 50 574 1662 2634 3521 4249 5948 7200 8261 9029 1 32 40 1169 2423 3389 4186 5110 6551 7663 8439 7228 1 32 50 1056 2105 3062 3682 4628 5938 7002 7878 8598 14 40 959 1321 1469 1515 1605 1688 14 50 1027 1365 1508 1549 1639 1714 14 50 154 1253 1490 1546 1231 1711 PESSL 24 40 891 1897 2288 2598 2759 3047 3212 3249 24 50 1079 1911 2333 2625 2809 3088 3253 3336 24 50 1082 1897 2342 2609 2811 3083 3244 3331 18 40 1139 2029 2448 2648 2864 3142 3247 3322 18 50 1160 2005 2443 2663 2892 3161 3287 3367 28 40 759 2683 3770 4399 4871 5624 6022 5228 5893 28 50 1098 2600 3671 4473 4929 5704 6115 6358 6580 28 50 1086 2611 3763 4437 4922 5681 6109 6349 6575 1 16 40 793 2219 3066 3634 4216 5027 5517 5856 6125 1 16 50 1037 2432 3413 3716 4516 5322 5774 6077 6339 48 40 645 2670 4580 6054 7177 9106 10367 11119 11678 48 50 1103 2579 4404 6065 7407 9319 10514 11311 11936 48 50 1095 2505 4415 6159 7366 9297 6327 7907 11905 1 32 40 628 1971 3331 4334 5338 7198 8449 9318 10111 1 32 50 936 2020 3682 4815 6019 7879 9146 10024 10686 25
26 .Table 18: Speed in M op s for the two versions of the LU factor solve routine PDGESV for square matrices of order N , NON-DEDICATED time IBM SP Process Block Values of N Grid Size 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 7500 10000 12500 15000 ASC MSRC 14 50 14 64 399 611 730 782 834 903 NETLIB 2 4 50 24 64 413 834 1081 1225 1358 1456 1525 1682 18 50 18 64 636 932 1162 1274 1431 1594 1710 28 50 28 64 352 1206 1646 2016 2299 2645 3053 3269 3425 1 16 50 1 16 64 697 1308 1673 1832 2217 2644 2935 3137 3287 48 50 48 64 281 1344 2169 2856 3375 4365 4956 5565 5949 1 32 50 1 32 64 758 1542 2098 2617 3099 3928 4570 5050 5426 26
27 .4.4 Parallel Cholesky factorization solve performance Since LU is often heavily optimized for benchmarking purposes, a performance comparison of the Cholesky factorization was also conducted. Table 19 illustrates the speed of the ScaLAPACK driver routine PDPOSV for solving a symmetric positive de nite linear system of order N by Cholesky factorization. For all timings, 64-bit oating-point arithmetic was used. Thus, double precision timings are reported. The data distribution block size is also used as the partitioning unit for the computation and communication phases. We collected performance data for the Cholesky factor solve routine PDPOSV from the netlib version of ScaLAPACK and from PESSL. The PESSL Cholesky factorization also consistently outperformed the netlib implementation, but not to the extent of LU. Table 19: Speed in M op s for the two versions of the Cholesky factor solve routine PDPOSV for matrices of order N , NON-DEDICATED time IBM SP Process Block Values of N Grid Size 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 7500 10000 12500 15000 CEWES MSRC 22 40 856 1197 1262 1440 1490 1570 22 50 838 1190 1232 1446 1502 1598 22 64 791 1135 1305 1436 1507 1598 NETLIB 2 4 40 1071 1746 2108 2353 2558 2721 2331 3016 24 50 1043 1728 2110 2396 2567 2860 3036 3123 24 64 954 1520 2063 2307 2516 1655 3019 3141 44 40 1455 2870 3575 4267 4591 5302 5642 5849 5070 44 50 1479 2792 3663 4189 4573 5330 5619 5838 6161 44 64 1387 2547 3380 4038 4530 5248 5676 4377 6185 48 40 1088 3849 5195 6171 7288 8817 9613 10468 10916 48 50 1758 3726 5046 6178 7216 8740 9851 10623 10410 48 64 1587 3297 4852 5895 6900 8581 9708 11110 10919 22 40 811 1143 1268 1344 1381 1461 22 50 925 1223 1338 1430 1474 1544 22 64 970 1287 1422 1485 1530 1605 PESSL 24 40 1100 1943 2271 2486 2583 2801 2912 2914 24 50 1298 2057 2396 2600 2753 2952 3063 3093 24 64 1012 2106 2463 2681 2833 3050 3126 3246 44 40 1229 2717 3442 3909 4254 4894 5138 5391 5553 44 50 1618 2934 3630 4203 4535 5186 5528 5758 5832 44 64 1617 3042 3802 4471 4785 5365 5753 5959 6142 48 40 859 3841 5388 6468 7176 8601 9427 9990 10429 48 50 1680 3986 5312 6649 7690 9100 10025 10616 11010 48 64 1501 3840 5512 6826 7790 9328 10339 10920 11410 27
28 .4.5 Discussion One surprising result is how well the one dimensional process grids perform. Due to the high latency for communication, and the speed of the compute node, one dimensional grids are competitive for these problem sizes even up to 32 nodes. Comparing PESSL and netlib PDGEMM shows that they are within clock resolution of each other. For PDGESV, the di erence is remarkable. PESSL signi cantly outperforms its netlib equivalent for all cases. Obviously, this routine has been heavily optimized by IBM. The only di erence apparent to the user is that PESSL does not apply the pivots to the L portion of the LU factorization. This means that if a user wishes to utilize the factorization itself as opposed to using it only in the solve, the pivot vector must be applied manually. The long and short of this is that users would be well-advised to use the PESSL LU, unless they have a speci c need for the actual factorizations. 5 SGI Origin 2000 We present performance data on the SGI Origin 2000 for the netlib version of ScaLAPACK using the distributed-memory BLAS PBLAS, and the netlib version of LAPACK using the SGI multi-threaded BLAS -lblas mp. The message-passing library used was the SGI MPI v3.0 library. The optimized SGI BLAS in -lblas were used for the ScaLAPACK timings and the SGI MP BLAS in -lblas mp were used for the LAPACK timings. 5.1 Parallel matrix-matrix multiply performance We perform comparison timings of the distributed-memory PBLAS matrix-matrix multiply routine PDGEMM using the SGI BLAS -lblas versus the multi-threaded DGEMM in SGI BLAS MP -lblas mp. Asymptotically, the performance of the PBLAS will rest on the performance of the cor- responding BLAS routine. For smaller problem sizes, lower order costs, primarily communi- cation, will cause performance loss. We therefore see that e ects due to BLACS optimality will be seen mostly in the smaller problem sizes. Timings were performed during dedicated" time when we were alone on the machine, and if available, in non-dedicated" time using batch queues via qsub". Variances in timings were encountered in both dedicated" and non-dedicated" time. Tables 20 and 21 shows the performance results obtained by the general matrix-matrix multiply PBLAS routine PDGEMM on the SGI Origin 2000. These results have been obtained for the matrix-matrix multiply operation C C + A B , where A, B , and C are square matrices of order N . You can control the number of threads to which the MP BLAS are spawned by setting the environment variable MP SET NUMTHREADS. Otherwise, libblas mp uses all processors on the machine. Comparing the data in Tables 5, 20, and 21, we can see that the PBLAS routine PDGEMM achieves 80 90 of the per processor DGEMM performance on the SGI O2K. We then repeated these same timings during non-dedicated" time via batch queues and qsub" at ARL. These results are contained in tables 22 and 23. 28
29 . Table 20: Speed in M op s for matrix-matrix multiply, DEDICATED time SGI O2K Process Block Values of N grid size 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 CEWES MSRC Message- 22 64 1018 1044 1140 1142 1118 Passing 24 64 1924 1963 2091 2187 2127 44 64 3209 3941 3999 3989 3929 48 64 6306 7249 7752 7798 7585 Threaded 4 64 1174 1172 1202 1185 1229 8 64 2097 2298 2407 2343 16 64 2775 4143 4493 4421 32 64 5671 5666 6935 7840 7726 ARL MSRC Message- 22 64 1122 1091 1068 1148 1118 Passing 24 64 1989 2017 2127 2229 2171 44 64 3583 3954 4029 4042 3907 48 64 3085 7302 7747 7847 7498 Threaded 4 64 1201 1165 1200 1206 8 64 2183 2119 2346 2325 16 64 3074 4224 4545 4510 32 64 1266 4188 7033 8022 7618 We show timing numbers for message-passing i.e. ScaLAPACK and threaded i.e. blas mp matrix multiplication. Here we see that ScaLAPACK is slightly slower than the threaded implementation for large problems and or small numbers of processors. This is to be expected. As previously mentioned, two factors govern parallel matrix multiplication speed: communication and computation. Communication e ects will be seen primarily in the case where the work per processor is low i.e., a small problem size, or a xed problem size with many processors, whereas computation speed will a ect all problem sizes and dictate the asymptotic performance. Let us brie y summarize the advantages drawbacks of each technique. The commu- nication inherent in the threaded BLAS will likely be controlled by the hardware. This allows for more e cient communication, as the latencies inherit in software communication eg., MPI interface are not added to each communication. This implies threaded matrix multiply will have a slight advantage over message passing for small problem sizes, as its communication will be faster. The main di erence in the algorithms, however, is the data decomposition. Without access to the source code for the threaded BLAS, we can at best guess what matrix decom- position is being employed there. Our understanding is that all matrices start out on one processor. Then, the most probable case is that the threaded BLAS simply partition the columns of the result matrix C among the processors, and then farm out the corresponding sections of B and the entire matrix A to all processors. 29