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The cloud has become one of the most attractive ways for enterprises to purchase software, but it requires building products in a very different way from traditional software, which has not been heavily studied in research. I will explain some of these challenges based on my experience at Databricks, a startup that provides a data analytics platform as a service on AWS and Azure. Databricks manages millions of VMs per day to run data engineering and machine learning workloads using Apache Spark, TensorFlow, Python and other software for thousands of customers. Two main challenges arise in this context: (1) building a reliable, scalable control plane that can manage thousands of customers at once and (2) adapting the data processing software itself (e.g. Apache Spark) for an elastic cloud environment (for instance, autoscaling instead of assuming static clusters). These challenges are especially significant for data analytics workloads whose users constantly push boundaries in terms of scale (e.g. number of VMs used, data size, metadata size, number of concurrent users, etc). I’ll describe some of the common challenges that our new services face and some of the main ways that Databricks has extended and modified open source analytics software for the cloud environment (e.g., designing an autoscaling engine for Apache Spark and creating a transactional storage layer on top of S3 in the Delta Lake open source product).
1 .Lessons from Large-Scale Cloud Software at Databricks Matei Zaharia @matei_zaharia
2 .Outline The cloud is eating software, but why? About Databricks Challenges, solutions and research questions 2
3 .Outline The cloud is eating software, but why? About Databricks Challenges, solutions and research questions 3
4 . Traditional Software Cloud Software Dev Team Dev + Ops Team Vendor 6-12 months 1-2 weeks Release 6-12 months Users Users Users Users Customers Ops Ops Ops Ops Users Users Users Users Ops Ops Ops Ops 4
5 .Why Use Cloud Software? 1 Management built-in: much more value than the software bits alone (security, availability, etc) 2 Elasticity: pay-as-you-go, scale on demand 3 Better features released faster 5
6 .Differences in Building Cloud Software + Release cycle: send to users faster, get feedback faster + Only need to maintain 2 software versions (current & next), in fewer configurations than you’d have on-prem – Upgrading without regressions: very hard, but critical for users to trust your cloud (on-prem apps don’t need this) § Includes API, semantics, and performance regressions 6
7 .Differences in Building Cloud Software – Building a multitenant service: significant scaling, security and performance isolation work that you won’t need on-prem (customers install separate instances) – Operating the service: security, availability, monitoring, etc (but customers would have to do it themselves on-prem) + Monitoring: see usage live for ops & product analytics Many of these challenges aren’t studied in research 7
8 .About Databricks Founded in 2013 by the Apache Spark team at UC Berkeley Data and ML platform on AWS and Azure for >5000 customers § Millions of VMs launched/day, processing exabytes of data § 100,000s of users 1000 employees, 200 engineers, >$200M ARR 8
9 .VMs Managed / Day 9
10 .Some of Our Customers Financial Services Healthcare & Pharma Media & Entertainment Data & Analytics Services Technology Public Sector Retail & CPG Consumer Services Marketing & AdTech Energy & Industrial IoT 10
11 .Some of Our Customers Financial Services Healthcare & Pharma Media & Entertainment Data & Analytics Services Technology Identify fraud using machine learning on 30 PB of trade data Public Sector Retail & CPG Consumer Services Marketing & AdTech Energy & Industrial IoT 11
12 .Some of Our Customers Financial Services Healthcare & Pharma Media & Entertainment Data & Analytics Services Technology Correlate 500,000 patients’ records with their DNA to design therapies Public Sector Retail & CPG Consumer Services Marketing & AdTech Energy & Industrial IoT 12
13 .Some of Our Customers Financial Services Healthcare & Pharma Media & Entertainment Data & Analytics Services Technology Curb abusive behavior in the world’s largest online game Public Sector Retail & CPG Consumer Services Marketing & AdTech Energy & Industrial IoT 13
14 .Our Product Databricks Service Customer’s Cloud Account Interactive Compute Clusters data science Data scientists Databricks Runtime Scheduled jobs Data engineers SQL frontend ML platform Data catalog Cloud Storage Security policies Business users Built around open source: 14
15 .Our Specific Challenges All the usual challenges of SaaS: § Availability, security, multitenancy, updates, etc Plus, the workloads themselves are large-scale! § One user job could easily overload control services § Millions of VMs ⇒ many weird failures 15
16 .Four Lessons 1 What goes wrong in cloud systems? 2 Testing for scalability & stability 3 Developing control planes 4 Evolving big data systems for the cloud 16
17 .Four Lessons 1 What goes wrong in cloud systems? 2 Testing for scalability & stability 3 Developing control planes 4 Evolving big data systems for the cloud 17
18 .What Goes Wrong in the Cloud? Academic research studies many kinds of failures: § Software bugs, network config, crash failures, etc These matter, but other problems often have larger impact: § Scaling and resource limits § Workload isolation § Updates & regressions 18
19 .Causes of Significant Outages Other Scaling problem 20% in our services 30% Deployment misconfiguration 10% Insufficient 20% 20% Scaling problem in user isolation underlying cloud services 19
20 .Causes of Significant Outages Other Scaling problem 20% in our services 30% Deployment misconfiguration 10% 70% scale related Insufficient 20% 20% Scaling problem in user isolation underlying cloud services 20
21 .Some Issues We Experienced Cloud networks: limits, partitions, slow DHCP, hung connections Automated apps creating large load Very large requests, results, etc Slow VM launches/shutdowns, lack of VM capacity Data corruption writing to cloud storage 21
22 .Example Outage: Aborted Jobs Jobs Jobs Service launches & tracks jobs on clusters Service Cloud 1 customer running many jobs/sec on same cluster Network Customer Clusters Cloud’s network reaches a limit of 1000 connections/VM between Jobs Service & clusters § After this limit, new connections hang in state SYN_SENT Resource usage from hanging connections causes memory pressure and GC Health checks to some jobs time out, so we abort them 22
23 .Surprisingly Rare Issues 1 cloud-wide VM restart on AWS (Xen patch) 1 misreported security scan on customer VM 1 significant S3 outage 1 kernel bug (hung TCP connections due to SACK fix) 23
24 .Lessons Cloud services must handle load that varies on many dimensions, and rely on other services with varying limits & failure modes § Problems likely to get worse in a “cloud service economy” End-to-end issues remain hard to prevent The usual factors of MTTR, monitoring, testing, etc help 24
25 .Four Lessons 1 What goes wrong in cloud systems? 2 Testing for scalability & stability 3 Developing control planes 4 Evolving big data systems for the cloud 25
26 .Testing for Scalability & Stability Software correctness is a Boolean property: does your software give the right output on a given input? Scalability and stability are a matter of degree § What load will your system fail at? (any system with limited resources will) § What failure behavior will you have? (crash all clients, drop some, etc) 26
27 .Example Scalability Problems Large result: can crash browser, notebook service, driver or Spark User Browser Notebook Service Large record in file Large # of tasks Driver Workers App Code that freezes a worker ?? + All these affect other users! Other Users 27
28 .Databricks Stress Test Infrastructure 1. Identify dimensions for a system to scale in (e.g. # of users, number of output rows, size of each output row, etc) 2. Grow load in each dimension until a failure occurs 3. Record failure type and impact on system § Error message, timeout, wrong result? § Are other clients affected? § Does the system auto-recover? How fast? 4. Compare over time and on changes 28
29 .Example Output 29