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Running R at Scale with Apache Arrow on Spark
2 . OVERVIEW Intro to R R with Spark Intro to Arrow Arrow with R Arrow on Spark
4 . R LANGUAGE R is a programming language for statistical computing that is: vectorized, columnar and flexible.
5 . R PACKAGES CRAN is R’s package manager, like NPM or Maven. Thousands of packages available and usage growing every year.
6 . AN R PACKAGE One of many packages, rayrender: A ray tracer written in R using Rcpp. library(rayrender) generate_ground() %>% add_object(sphere()) %>% render_scene()
8 . SPARKLYR 0.4 - INITIAL RELEASE Support to install, connect, analyze, model and extend Spark. spark_install() # Install Apache Spark sc <- spark_connect(master = "local") # Connect to Spark cluster cars <- spark_read_csv(sc, "cars", "mtcars/") # Read data in Spark dplyr::summarize(cars, n = n()) # Count records with dplyr DBI::dbGetQuery(sc, "SELECT count(*) FROM cars") # Count records with DBI ml_linear_regression(cars, mpg ~ wt + cyl) # Perform linear regression spark_context(sc) %>% invoke("version") # Extend sparklyr with Scala
9 . SPARKLYR 0.5 - CONNECTIONS Support for Apache Livy, sc <- spark_connect(master = "http://livy-server") # Connect through Apache Livy Databricks connections, sc <- spark_connect(method = "databricks") # Connect to Databricks cluster dplyr improvements, and certified with Cloudera.
10 . SPARKLYR 0.6 - DISTRIBUTED R Distribute R computations to execute arbitrary R code over each partition using your favorite R packages: scene <- generate_ground() %>% add_object(sphere(z = -2)) %>% add_object(sphere(z = +2)) %>% add_object(sphere(x = -2)) camera <- sdf_len(sc, 628, repartition = 628) %>% mutate(x = 12 * sin(id/100), z = 12 * cos(id/100)) spark_apply( camera, function(cam, scene) { name <- sprintf("%04d.png", cam$id) rayrender::render_scene( scene, width = 1920, height = 1080, lookfrom = c(cam$x, 5, cam$z), filename = name) system2("hadoop", c("fs", "-put", name, "path")) }, context = scene) %>% collect()
11 . SPARKLYR 0.7 - PIPELINES AND MACHINE LEARNING Provide a uniform set of high-level APIs to help create, tune, and deploy machine learning pipelines at scale, pipeline <- ml_pipeline(sc) %>% # Define Spark pipeline ft_r_formula(mpg ~ wt + cyl) %>% # Add formula transformation ml_linear_regression() # Add model to pipeline fitted <- ml_fit(pipeline, cars) # Fit pipeline and support for all MLlib algorithms.
12 . SPARKLYR 0.8 - MLEAP AND GRAPHS MLeap allows you to use your Spark pipelines in any Java enabled device or service, library(mleap) # Import MLeap package install_maven() # Install Maven install_mleap() # Install MLeap transformed <- ml_transform(fitted, cars) # Fit pipeline with dataset ml_write_bundle(fitted, transformed, "model.zip") # Export model with MLeap graphframes provides an interface to the GraphFrames Spark package. library(graphframes) # Import graphframes package g <- gf_graphframe(edges = edges_tbl) # Map to graphframe gf_pagerank(g, tol = 0.01) # Compute pagerank
13 . SPARKLYR 0.9 - STREAMS Spark structured streams provide parallel and fault-tolerant data processing, stream_read_text(sc, "s3a://your-s3-bucket/") %>% # Define input stream spark_apply(~webreadr::read_s3(.x$line),) %>% # Transform with R group_by(uri) %>% # Group using dplyr summarize(n = n()) %>% # Count using dplyr arrange(desc(n)) %>% # Arrange using dplyr stream_write_memory("urls", mode = "complete") # Define output stream enables support for Kubernetes and to properly interrupt long-running operations. sc <- spark_connect(config = spark_config_kubernetes("k8s://hostname:8443"))
14 . SPARKLYR 1.0 - ARROW Arrow enables faster and larger data transfers between Spark and R. XGBoost enables training gradient boosting models over distributed datasets. library(sparkxgb) dplyr::mutate(cars, eff = mpg > 20) %>% xgboost_classifier(eff ~ ., num_class = 2) TFRecords writes TensorFlow records from Spark to support deep learning workflows. library(sparktf) cars %>% spark_write_tfrecord("tfrecord")
16 . WHAT IS ARROW? Apache Arrow is a cross-language development platform for in-memory data. Source: arrow.apache.org
17 . MEMORY LAYOUT Columnar memory layout allows applications to avoid unnecessary IO and accelerate analytical processing performance on modern CPUs and GPUs. Source: arrow.apache.org
19 . FEATHER PACKAGE A lightweight binary columnar data store designed for maximum speed, based on Arrow’s memory layout. library(feather) # Import feather package write_feather(mtcars, "cars.feather") # Write feather file in R read_feather("cars.feather") # Read feather file in R import feather # Import feather package df = feather.read_dataframe("cars.feather") # Read feather file in Python feather.write_dataframe(df, "cars.feather") # Write feather file in Python
20 . ARROW PACKAGE Currently, install from GitHub: devtools::install_github("apache/arrow", subdir = "r", ref = "apache-arrow-0.13.0") The R arrow package supports feather, parquet, streams, and more. library(arrow) # Import arrow package read_feather("cars.feather") # Can still read feather file read_parquet("cars.parquet") # Can also read parquet files write_arrow(mtcars, raw()) # Can efficiently serialize [1] 44 02 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 0a 00
22 . REQUIREMENTS To use Arrow with Spark and R you’ll need: A Spark 2.3.0+ cluster. Arrow 0.13+ instealled in every node, Arrow 0.11+ usable. R 3.5+, next version is likely to support R 3.1+. sparklyr 1.0+.
23 . IMPLEMENTATION R transformations in Spark without and with Arrow:
24 . COPY WITH ARROW Copy 10x larger datasets and 3x faster with Arrow and Spark. library(arrow) copy_to(sc, data.frame(y = 1:10^6))
25 . COLLECT WITH ARROW Collect 5x larger datasets and 3x faster with Arrow and Spark. library(arrow) sdf_len(sc, 10^7) %>% collect()
26 . TRANSFORM WITH ARROW Transform datasets 40x faster with R, Arrow and Spark. library(arrow) sdf_len(sc, 10^5) %>% spark_apply(~.x/2) %>% count()
28 . RESOURCES Docs: spark.rstudio.com GitHub: github.com/rstudio/sparklyr Blog: blog.rstudio.com/tags/sparklyr R Help: community.rstudio.com Spark Help: stackoverflow.com/tags/sparklyr Issues: github.com/rstudio/sparklyr/issues Chat: gitter.im/rstudio.sparklyr Twitter: twitter.com/hashtag/sparkly