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Reimagining Devon Energy’s Data Estate with a Unified Approach to Integrations
1 .Reimagining Devon Energy’s Data Estate NYSE: DVN devonenergy.com
2 . About Devon Energy Devon Energy is a leading independent oil and natural gas exploration and production company. • 2,800 employees • $14 billion market cap • Produce 541,000 Boe per day 2
3 . Business Challenges As a producer of unconventional oil and gas reserves we face both technical and business challenges. • Our wells wells can be more than 12,000 feet long, horizontally • The oil and gas industry is under tremendous pressure be cost efficient • How can we ramp up activity while maintaining technical excellence? 3
4 .Historical Integration Landscape Historically, we have used an ETL engine to move data from one application to another, usually nightly. This mesh makes applications difficult to upgrade, integrations difficult to regression test and data flows across the environment arbitrarily complex and slow. 4
5 .Modernizing with the Data Hub By using a hub and spoke model, with scale out cloud services at the core, we have increased agility and reduced TCO. This model also allows for a greater decoupling of applications and has significantly reduced our time to deliver new integrations. 5
6 . Data Hub Architecture Code Repository Log Reporting & & Automation Aggregation Analytics Azure DevOps Azure Monitor The Data Hub reinvents our Data Warehouse and Integration landscape. This allows anyone to build Data Data Data Transform Orchestration their own data and analytics Replication Warehouse and Analytics & Monitoring Source Attunity Snowflake Databricks Azure Data solutions and share insights. Factory Systems 6
7 . Operations for Data Engineering & Analytics We have begun replatforming our integration and data warehouse solutions to the Data Hub, this has meant we had to rapidly mature our code management, monitoring and orchestration. • There are more than 25,000 tables in Snowflake and Databricks, growing by several thousand per month. • The Data Hub serves over 70 million queries per month, growing by 5- 10 million per month. • We use the platform for data engineering, analytics, machine learning and deep learning workflows and must support and monitor them. 7
8 . Continuous Deployment When we started, most of our solutions were not checked into source control, were not properly promoted and were not being monitored. • Now we use the Azure DevOps integration with Databricks to check notebooks into source control, and have a custom notebook for bulk check-ins of large projects. • With custom DevOps widgets, we have automated our release management pipelines, allowing our teams to do continuous deployment in the platform. 8
9 . Continuous Integration For robust, modular applications written by a developer, we see consistent use of unit testing, but other data pipelines and data science workloads are not developed with testability in mind. • We have written a suite of tools to perform data validation in order to test full data engineering pipelines. • These consist of equivalence tests for datasets and routine jobs that check the day over day change in a dataset against an established baseline. 9
10 . Data Science Pipelines We are using ML Flow to capture run metrics and associated model artifacts, along with the Azure ML Workspaces to deploy models as RESTful endpoints. We deploy models to AKS Object Storage Code Repository Azure Blob Azure DevOps and ACIs. Have an opportunity to use DevOps more extensively for release management. Need to improve model Data Warehouse Data Transform Model Registry and Analytics & Metrics Model Hosting telemetry capture. Azure ML Snowflake Databricks MLflow Service 10
11 . Unifying Data Science & Engineering We have successfully reduced the number of tools our data engineers, analysts and data scientists use, providing a common platform for most use cases. • Previously, our data engineering and machine learning platforms were disparate, forcing break points as use cases matured • Using AutoML in the AML Python SDK and the ML runtime we can provide a broad spectrum of capability • Distributed model selection and tuning, combined with support for sequential data unlocked many new use cases • Support for PyTorch with Horovod and LightGBM has been very useful 11
12 . Use Cases Last year we focused on implementation and prototyping, this year has been one of rapid expansion and adoption of the platform with many of our core data services being hosted out of it. • The Hub has been used to populate our new integrated geoscience suite • It has been used by technicians to perform scenario planning in order to optimize our field development • The platform is mastering and hosting our enterprise data objects • Petrotechnical professionals are using it to collect data and build subsurface models • Regulatory emissions reporting query reduced to 30 min, down from 2 days 12
13 .Thank you.