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Arch Meetup#8 杭州站 - Milvus 2.0 主要进展及 RoadMap
Milvus 2.0 主要进展 & roadmap
今年 6 月底,我们推出了 Milvus 2.0,得到了广大用户的关注,并收到了很多反馈和宝贵意见。Milvus 2.0 相比之前的版本,以拥抱云原生为目标,在系统上做了重构与完善。
本次分享将介绍社区正在进行的 Milvus 2.0 主要开发工作与未来的 roadmap。
1 .2021.08 Hangzhou Milvus2.0 主要进展及 RoadMap Cao Zhenshan zhenshan.cao@zilliz.com
2 . 01 What is Milvus 02 Milvus2.0 Architecture Review C O N T E N T S 03 RoadMap 04 Work in progress
3 .What is Milvus?
4 .80% data growth is unstructured, over 40,000 Exabytes per year
5 .Data are Increasing Horizontally : Types image Int, float, text json video domain specific string, … audio ABCDEFG 2021.04.10 Structured data Unstructured data
6 .Data are Increasing Vertically : Semantics Richer semantics embeddings embeddings embeddings
7 .非结构化数据处理流程 Deep learning Knowledge, insight, Unstructured data Embedding vectors models $
8 .向量与标量 Numbers Vectors Arithmetic operation Similarity (eg. Euclidean distance) Operation Number comparison Similarity comparison 1–10 1–5 6–10 Organization 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
9 .常见的向量 索引方式 基于暴力搜索->精确 度高,性能差,只适 用于少量数据 • 基于Hash: FALCONN • 基于树: ANNOY • 基于倒排文件: FAISS • 基于图: HNSW
10 .Milvus -> 为AI而生、面向云原生的向量数据库 从用户的角度出发,需要一个更易用,功能更强大 的数据库,而不仅仅是一个更快的库。 Ø 支持数据库的增删改查操作,并计划支持 snapshot,备份,多租户等数据库常见能力 Ø 支持基于标量和向量数据的混合查询 Ø 高可用,高扩展性,基于云实现弹性 Ø 开源,全世界最流行的向量数据库 不是一个关系型数据库-> 不支持ACID事务, 近似查询 不是一个搜索引擎> 语义检索而不仅是关键词检索。
11 .Milvus2.0 Architecture Review
12 .Milvus Architecture Overview
13 .日志即数据 状态机复制 . 日志是一种只能追加,按照时间完全有序的记 录序列 Next 1st Record Record t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 now
14 .日志系统作为系统主干 基于Pub-sub系统的分布式日志 Ø 解耦日志存储与状态 Ø 保证数据持久化 Ø 更易于拓展 Ø 降低系统的复杂度
15 .流批一体化 仅仅依赖于日志流去做查询不够现实(太慢) 我们把数据按照时间窗口划分,定时把一段窗口的数据合并成一个日志快照。日志快照 达到一定阈值之后会封装成一个Sealed Segment,并在上面构建更高效率的查询索引。 Time tick Time tick Window 1 Window 2 1 2 6 5 8 9 10
16 .RoadMap
17 .Timeline Milvus2.0 Milvus2.0 Milvus2.0 Milvus2.0 Milvus2.0 Milvus2.0 Begin RC1 RC2 RC3 RC4 RC5 2020.09 2021.06.28 2021.07.13 2021.07.29 2021.08.13 2021.08.24 Milvus2.0 Milvus2.0 Milvus2.0.0 Milvus2.1 Milvus2.2 rc6 GA 2021.09.07 2021.09.14 2021.09.30 TBD TBD
18 .Features in Milvus 2.0 String data type Python SDK enhancement Performance Tunning Delete by primary key NodeJS SDK k8s operator Search/Query with expression Go SDK Improve system stability Milvus-Cli
19 .Features in Milvus 2.1 Supports Scalar Index for string, float, int Restful APIs Support ScaNN index Adapt Kafka Supports GPU Index building Adapt JuiceFS and embedding retrieval Data stored over local/distributed filesystems Search by primary key Improve hybrid search efficiency Data bulkload Segment replicas Flow control and back pressure Multi tenant support and access control Java SDK
20 .Features in Milvus 2.2 Long Term search/query result pagination static data encryption Primary key deduplication FPGA and other Heterogeneous hardware On-disk vector indexing Automatic index optimization Embedded Milvus that runs on laptops Dynamic cluster expansion/shrink Integrates distributed KV stores (HBase/TiKV/FoundationDB) SQL-like Query Language
21 .Work in progress
22 .Milvus的数据模型
23 .Milvus的数据模型
24 .Milvus数据存储格式
25 .Search/Query With Expression Milvus combines scalar and vector search, such as “Find top 10 drama films similar to Forrest Gump” Search Ø Support scalar datatypes columnar storage A set of criteria that results in a relevancy-ordered list that match the query. Ø Filter scalar data by arithmetic and bool expressions Ø Retrieve field data on query/search Query GetEntityByID A set of criteria that results in a list of records that match the query exactly, returned in Query(“ID in [PK1,PK2,…]”, order of particular field values output_fields = [F1,F2..])
26 .Support String Data Type Urgent needs from users 3 million unicode russian words Scalar filtering on string field DataStructure MemoryUsage Python-Dict 600MB Retrieve origin string Python-List 300MB Memory consumption matters
27 .Support String Data Type Use Tries Trie MemoryUsage PAT-Trie 242 MB HAT-Trie 125 MB DA-Trie 101 MB Marisa-Trie 11 MB MARISA-trie is a very memory-efficient recursive trie-based data structure implemented as a C++ library.
28 .Support Delete By Primary Key Delete message should delivered to QueryNode and DataNode One PK may belongs to multi segments
29 .Segment Compaction Segment size varies Delete operation make segment and index sparse Indexes of large segments are more efficient