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HBase and OpenTSDB Practices at Huawei
1 . HBaseConAsia2018 hosted by HBase and OpenTSDB Practices at Huawei Pankaj Kumar, Zhongchaoqiang, Guoyijun, Zhiwei {Pankaj.kr, zhongchaoqiang, guoyijun, wei.zhi}@huawei.com
2 . hosted by $ whoami HBase Tech Lead @ Huawei India Apache HBase Contributor 5 years of experience in Big Data related projects
3 .HBase @ Huawei Migrated from 1.0.2 version 1.3.1 version + Secondary index MOB Multi split Migrating to 2.1.x cluster this year 3
4 .Content 01 HBase Practices 02 OpenTSDB Practices
5 .HBase Practices Accelerate HMaster Startup Enhanced Replication Reliable Region Assignment
6 .1.1 Accelerate HMaster Startup
7 .Accelerate HMaster Startup Problem: HMaster not available for longer duration on failover/restart Deployment scenario: Large cluster with 500+ nodes 5000+ Tables and 120000 + regions 10 namespaces Discovered problems in multiple areas in Master startups like below Slow region locality computation on startup Serial region locality calculation Too much time spent in region locality calculation HMaster aborting due to namespace initialization failure Slow SSH/SCP Similar to HBASE-14190 Table info loading was taking too much time High Namenode latency Many other services creating lots of load in NN 7
8 .Accelerate HMaster Startup Slow region locality computation on startup Accelerate region Locality computation by computing in parallel Detach region locality computation on startup Similar solution HBASE-16570 HMaster aborting due to namespace initialization failure Assign system table regions ahead of user table regions Assign system tables to HMaster (configure all system tables to hbase.balancer.tablesOnMaster) On cluster/master startup, process old HMaster SSH/SCP ahead of other RegionServer SSH/SCP will replay the WAL and assign the system table regions first 8
9 .Accelerate HMaster Startup Table Info Loading on Master startup Namespace HDFS Path Example: Suppose there are two default t1/.tabledesc/.tableinfo.0000000001 t1/.tabledesc/.tableinfo.0000000002 namespace and total 5 tables with t1/.tabledesc/.tableinfo.0000000003 t2/.tabledesc/.tableinfo.0000000001 below path structure in HDFS hbase /hbase/data/hbase/acl/.tabledesc/.tableinfo.0000000001 /hbase/data/hbase/meta/.tabledesc/.tableinfo.0000000001 /hbase/data/hbase/namespace/.tabledesc/.tableinfo.0000000001 Operation Path Result Total RPC to NN List operation to get path till /hbase/data/* gets file status for all the 1 all the namespace namespaces List operation on each /hbase/data/default get all the file status of 2 ( = total number of namespace to get all the all the tables in each namespaces in the tables in each namespace namespace cluster) Total RPC to NameNode = List operation on each table /hbase/data/default/ get all the file status of 5 (= total number of to get all the tableinfo files t1/. tabledesc all the tableinfo files for tables in the cluster) 1 + namespace count for the table the table + 2 * table count Open call for each table’s /hbase/data/default/ get the stream to 5 (= total number of latest tableinfo file t1/. tableinfo file tables in the cluster) tabledesc/.tableinfo. 0000000003 Total RPC 13 9
10 .Accelerate HMaster Startup Table Info Loading on Master startup 2011 RPC Calls ( for 10 namespace and 1000 tables in a cluster) NN is busy then it will hugely impact the startup of HMaster. Solution: Reduce number of RPC to Namenode HMaster makes a single call to get tableinfo path Get LocatedFileStatus of all tableinfo paths based on pattern (/hbase/data/*/*/.tabledesc/.tableinfo* ) LocatedFileStatus will also contain block locations of tableinfo file along with FileStatus details DFS client will directly connect to Datanode through FileSystem#open() using LocatedFileStatus, avoid NN RPC to get the block location of the tableinfo file Improvement: In a highly overloaded HDFS cluster, it took around 97 seconds to load 5000 tables info as compared to 224 seconds earlier. 10
11 .1.2 Enhanced Replication
12 .Adaptive call timeout Problem: Replication may timeout when peer cluster is not able to replicate the entries Can be solved by increasing hbase.rpc.timeout at source cluster Impact other RPC request In Bulkload replication scenario fixed RPC timeout may not guarantee bigger HFile copy Refer HBASE-14937 Solution: Source cluster should wait longer New configuration parameter hbase.replication.rpc.timeout, default value will be same as hbase.rpc.timeout On each CallTimeOutException increase this replication timeout value by fixed multiplier Increase the replication to certain number of configured times 12
13 .Cross realm support Problem: Replication doesn’t work with Kerberos Cross Real Trust where principal domain name is not machine hostname On new host addition Add principal name for the newly added hosts in KDC Generate a new keytab file Update it across other hosts Rigorous task for user to create and replace new keytab file Solution: HBASE- 14866 Configure the peer cluster principal in replication peer config Refer to HBASE-15254 (Open) No need to configure in advance, fetch at runtime. Make RPC call to peer HBase cluster and fetch the Principal Make RPC connection based on this server principal 13
14 .1.3 Reliable Region Assignment
15 .RIT Problem Problem: Region stuck in transition for longer duration due to some fault in cluster Zookeeper node version mismatch Slow RS response Unstable Network Client will not be able to perform read/write operation on those regions which are in transition Balancer will not run Region can’t be recovered until cluster restart Solution: Recover the regions by reassigning them Schedule a chore service Run periodically and identify the region which stuck in transition from a longer duration (configurable threshold) Recover the region by reassigning them New HBCK command to recover regions which are in transition from longer duration 15
16 .Double Assignment Problem Problem: HMaster may assign region to multiple RegionServer in a faulty cluster environment Call time out from a overloaded RegionServer Old or new client may receive inconsistent data Can’t be recovered until cluster restart Solution: Multiply assigned regions should be closed and assign uniquely Region server send server load details to HMaster through heartbeat Schedule a chore service which run periodically and recover the regions Collect each region server load from HMaster memory Identify the duplicate regions from the region list Validate the duplicate regions with HMaster Assignment Manager in-memory region state Close the region from the old region server Assign the region 16
17 .Double Assignment Problem Example: HMaster AM’s in-memory region state r1:RS1 r2:RS3 r2:RS3 r4:RS1 r5:RS2 r6:RS3 r7:RS1 r8:RS2 Double Assignment Recovery Chore Found region r2 s multiply assigned to RS2 & RS3, so r2 will be closed from RS2 as per AM’s in memory state heartbeat heartbeat heartbeat Region Server (RS1) Region Server (RS2) Region Server (RS3) r1, r4, r7 r2, r5, r8 r3, r6, r2 17
18 .OpenTSDB Improvement OpenTSDB Basics OpenTSDB Improvement
19 .2.1 TSDB Basics
20 .Time Series XX变化曲线图 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 风力 温度 水位 20
21 .Time Series Data Point Time Series …… …… …… A time series is a series of numeric data points of some particular metric over time. - OpenTSDB Document 21
22 .OpenTSDB Schema sys.cpu.user host=webserver01,cpu=0 1533640130 20 sys.cpu.user host=webserver01,cpu=0 1533640140 25 sys.cpu.user host=webserver01,cpu=0 1533640150 30 sys.cpu.user host=webserver01,cpu=0 1533640160 32 sys.cpu.user host=webserver01,cpu=0 1533640170 35 sys.cpu.user host=webserver01,cpu=0 1533640180 40 metric name tags timestamp valu e OpenTSDB uses a metric name and a group of tags for identifying time series. Tags are used to identify different data sources. 22
23 .TSDB Characteristics • Write Dominate. Read rate is usually a couple orders of magnitude lower. • Most queries happens on latest data. • Most queries are for aggregate analysis instead of individual data point. • Primarily Inserts. Updates/deletions are rarely happens. 23
24 .Basic Functionality For TSDB • Rollups and Downsampling • Pre-aggregates and Aggregates • Interpolation • Data Life Cycle Management 24
25 .Single value model vs. Multi-value model Metric TimeStamp DeviceID DeviceType ZoneId Temperature Pressure WaterLine 时序数据库单值 vs.多值 Engine 20180101 12:00:00 20180101 12:00:00 ID001 ID002 TypeA TypeA 1 1 66.9 68.8 1.33 1.28 42.5 42.0 20180101 12:00:00 ID003 TypeA 1 67.3 1.35 41.7 20180101 12:01:00 ID001 TypeA 1 67.5 1.30 42.2 Metric Time stamp Tags Field Metric TimeStamp DeviceID DeviceType ZoneId Value Temperature 20180101 12:00:00 ID001 TypeA 1 66.9 Pressure 20180101 12:00:00 ID001 TypeA 1 1.33 WaterLine 20180101 12:00:00 ID001 TypeA 1 42.5 Temperature 20180101 12:01:00 ID002 TypeA 1 68.8 Pressure 20180101 12:01:00 ID002 TypeA 1 1.28 WaterLine 20180101 12:01:00 ID002 TypeA 1 42.0 Metric Time stamp Tags Metric Value 25
26 .Time Series Storage In HBase DataPoint (T7) Time Series A (20180808-10) (Writing Block) KeyValue KeyValue KeyValue KeyValue KeyValue KeyValue DataPoint DataPoint DataPoint(T3) DataPoint(T4) DataPoint DataPoint (T1) (T2) (T5) (T6) Time Series A (20180808- KeyValue 09) Compacted DataPoints Time Series A (20180808- KeyValue 08) Compacted DataPoints Time Series A (20180808-07) KeyValue Compacted DataPoints Closed Blocks Time Series Separeted into multiple blocks. Each block hold one hour of data points. 26
27 .OpenTSDB Table Design Time Series A (20180808-10) (Writing Block) KeyValue KeyValue KeyValue KeyValue KeyValue KeyValue DataPoint DataPoint DataPoint(T3) DataPoint(T4) DataPoint DataPoint(T6) (T1) (T2) (T5) 1 <= N <= 8 1BYTE 3BYTES 4BYTES 3BYTES 3BYTES 3BYTES 3BYTES SALT Metric ID Timestamp Tag Name ID Tag Value ID Tag Name ID Tag Value ID RowKey Format Timestamp ValueType ValueLength 2 BYTES Qualifier Format 27
28 .OpenTSDB Compaction 1. Read All Data Points from the block of Last Hour KeyValue KeyValue KeyValue KeyValue KeyValue KeyValue KeyValue DataPoint(T1) DataPoint DataPoint DataPoint DataPoint(T5) DataPoint(T6) DataPoint(TX) (T2) (T3) (T4) 2. Compact locally KeyValue DataPoints of whole block 3. Write compact row, and delete all exist individual data points KeyValue Delete Marker DataPoints of whole block KeyValue KeyValue KeyValue KeyValue KeyValue KeyValue KeyValue DataPoint DataPoint(T2) DataPoint(T3) DataPoint DataPoint DataPoint DataPoint(TX) (T1) (T4) (T5) (T6) 28
29 .2.1 OpenTSDB Improvement