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AntsDB Introduction
1 .hosted by AntsDB MySQL Compatibility for HBase August 17,2018
2 . hosted by Content About Us 01 02 Scenario Architecture 03 Complementary to 04 HBase
3 . hosted by 01 About Us
4 . hosted by Water Guo Founder of AntsDB Love Hadoop and HBase but a heavy RDB user in the past Love programming for extreme performance Previously Software Architecture at Informatica, DataMirror, founder of BDI Systems.
5 . hosted by AntsDB Open source project at https://github.com/waterguo/antsdb Problem to resolve: NoSQL is taking over the world but majority of the data applications are still using RDB Database virtualization software Attempt to bring MySQL compatibility to HBase
6 . hosted by 02 Scenario
7 . hosted by Virtual Telephone Number Telecom industry Rigid latency requirement: 20ms max Data is growing fast Built on top of relational database - MySQL
8 . hosted by Solution Architecture User Batch Application Analytics Spark SQL AntsDB HBase
9 . hosted by Lessons Learned What we like HBase What we were struggling Linear scalability Latency spike Hadoop ecosystem Transaction Good random access Join performance performance
10 . hosted by Why don’t cache hot data Operational data = hot data Historical data = majority of big data Daily hot data = 1-5% Weekly hot data = 5-10% Monthly hot data = 10-15%
11 . hosted by Silver bullet - caching ✧ Large amount local caching using SSD – 500 GB ✧ Local data fetch -> sub-millisecond latency ✧ Distributed transaction -> local transaction ✧ Distributed joins -> local joins
12 . hosted by 03 AntsDB Architecture
13 . hosted by Layers MySQL Network JDBC, ODBC, PHP, Python, Native 1 SQL Parser/Executor 2 MySQL syntax, functions, data types Transaction MVCC, row locking 3 4 Caching HBase Connectivity Data in and out from HBase
14 . hosted by Architecture Subtitle Text AntsDB SQL Parser Application MySQL Driver Query Executor Query Result Transaction Manager Local Transactions Cache HBase HBase Connector Query Cluster Result
15 . hosted by Fight the GC - Java Unsafe - skip list, cache, WAL, row locking, cursor - Atomic operation for row locks - Small heap size - less than 4G - Escape analysis - Scan performance : 1 million rows / thread / second - Insert performance: 200K inserts / thread / second
16 . hosted by Performance - YCSB write
17 . hosted by Performance - TPCC
18 . hosted by 04 Complementary to HBase
19 . hosted by MySQL Compatibility MySQL protocol – JDBC, ODBC, PHP, Python, Native Core SQL syntax MySQL data types MySQL functions – 45 Low latency transactions Low latency joins Indexes - Unique, non-unique, full-text
20 . hosted by MySQL Behaviour Simulation - Locking - Commit and rollback - MVCC - Quirks such as 0000-00-00 00:00:00 datetime, zerofill integers - Millisecond latency
21 . hosted by Compatible applications MySQL command line utilities MySQL Workebench DBeaver SquirrelSQL MediaWiki SonarQube PHPMyAdmin BechmarkSQL – TPC-C benchmarking YCSB
22 . hosted by Next step High availability Cluster Low latency CP system
23 .hosted by Thanks