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Pharos as a Pluggable Secondary Index Component
来自光大银行的 Lei Wang,主要内容是他们自己设计了一个 HBase 的二级索引系统,这个系统的主要作用是提高查询的效率。他们的设计目标是希望降低侵入性同时保证架构的简洁。由于需要排序等全局性的功能,所以客户端除了提供一个自定义的Condition查询条件外还需要提供额外的全局协调者的功能。
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2 .Pharos as a Pluggable Secondary Index Component Lei Wang China Everbright Bank Enterprise Architect
3 .Introduce Lei Wang 王 磊 光大银行科技部领域架构师,曾任职于IBM全球咨询服务部从事技术咨询工作,具有十余年数据领域 研发及咨询经验。目前负责全行数据领域系统的日常架构设计、评审及内部研发等工作,对分布式数据库、 Hadoop等基础架构研究有浓厚兴趣。
4 .I Overall Introduction II Architecture Design III Future Development
5 . Part I Overall Introduction
6 .Research Background Existing Products or Solutions 1. Native Filter,Low performance 2. HBase +Solr(ES) , Complex architecture / Performance is not good enough / High maintenance cost 3. Phoenix,Heavy Solution / Community inactivity / Imperfect function 4. HBase On Cloud,Unable to use because of security requirements Our requirements 1. Non-Invasive 2. High performance 3. Universal 4. Simple architecture 5. Support transaction consistency
7 .Pharos 1. Name comes from English word ‘pharos’ 2. Business Scenarios • Read Only , T+1 Batch Load • Read and Less Write ( Experimental ) 3. Design Principle Non-Invasive, Simple architecture
8 .Research Process 2018.4 2018.11 2019.3 2019.7 2019.11 Startup V0.2 Release V0.3 Multi Index Bitmap Index Sorting CBO Improvement V0.1 Release Paging V0.22 Release More Complex Conditions Single Index Cache Multi Condition Todo… Index Builder Improvement Multi Data Type Transaction Consistency Index Refactoring Code
9 .Pharos V0.22 Features (on HBase 1.2.6 or CDH 5.8.3-HBase 1.2.0) 1. Single Index(single column、multi column),Multi Index. 2. Paging, Sorting. 3. Multi Condition Query,including equal, less (equal), greater (equal). 4. AND / OR logic operation. 5. Multiple Data Type, including Char, Date ,Double and so on. 6. Simple Function Compute, for example record count. 7. Batch Index Creation.
10 .Components Client API Coordinator Server Coprocessor Major Business Logic Builder Create Index
11 .Coprocessor Client 1. Define conditions 2. Set conditions in the scan Server 1. Intercept and parse scan 2. Scan Index 3. Set matched index to filter
12 .Client Code Example 1. Keep the original HBase style 2. Avoiding the complexity of SQL parser
13 . Part II Architecture Design
14 .Global Index VS Partition(Local)Index Global Index Partition Index • Support unique index • Index and data are co-distribution ,so queries can be pushed down to each node. We can get good performance. • Avoiding distributed transaction • Index creating and updating will be part of distributed transactions, performance is not good. • Query will cross different nodes, so performance may not • Not support unique index or other global constraints. be good
15 .Storage Policy Single Index Table Shadow Column Family Region is the smallest unit that is balanced. We must Index and data are exist the same region but in different column guarantee that an index region is distributed with the family. We just need to control the generating logic of the index start corresponding data region. So we must the modify the rowkey. It is un-invasive. balancer . It is invasive.
16 .Index Data Structure Index Key 1. Start key, keep index co-distribution with data 2. Index name / number 3. Indexed column value 4. Reference data row key Index Value 1. Version info 2. Metadata for deserialization 3. Transaction flag
17 .Sorting Mechanisms Client as Global Coordinator, Keep Arch Simple Two-Phase Sorting 1. Region Side Sorting Base on natural sequence of index 2. Client Side Sorting Merge results from regions, If data skew occurs, query again.
18 .Paging Mechanisms Reason 1. Paging is a universal requirement. 2. Always, the matched index is greater than the memory. Design Strategy Adding global session, shielding internal complexity. One session breakpoint mapping multi region’s breakpoint. Implement 1. Assuming that the data is evenly distributed, the page size is spread to each region. 2. Region side, we control return indexes number and cache the breakpoint. 3. Client side, merge result, if not enough then query again .
19 .Cache Mechanisms Choose local cache instead of distributed cache Keep Arch Simple Client side cache + Server side cache
20 .Index Builder Avoid Rebuilding index due to Region Splitting. For different rowkey design, Bulkload may lead to region splitting. After data loading, stable regions can be obtained. So we can create indexes and keep co-distribution with the reference data.
21 .Architecture
22 . Part III Future Development
23 .Transaction Consistency Inspire by Google’s Percolator Bob -> Joe $7 Deformation of 2 Phase Commit The state of the primary data is the state of the Step 4 -> Transaction complete transaction. In the write process, only modify the primary state. In the subsequent query, the state of second data can be modified asynchronously based on the primary.
24 .Transaction Consistency In the write process, we can complete majority consistency, but not all; In the read process, we can confirm transaction state by data row state, then update index state.
25 .Other features Bitmap Index CBO Improvement Integration with SQL Engine(Presto?)
26 .公众号:金融数士 Thanks!