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Nebula - A graph DB based on HBase
使用 HBase 实现图数据库Nebula的介绍:首先介绍了图数据库是当前很流行的一个数据库,主要用于社交网络和知识图谱等。接下来他介绍了图数据库面临的一些挑战,包括传统的数据库读写带来的读写放大、在线海量数据查询等。然后 他介绍了 Nebula 的一些特点,包括存储于计算分离、类 SQL 查询(但不支持嵌套查询)以及与 MySQL 类似的存储引擎插件等。
1 .Nebula: A graph DB based on HBase Heng Chen VESoft engineer & HBase Committer
2 .Graph Database is the fastest growing no-sql database
3 .Common Graphs Social Network Business Relation Graph Knowledge Graph IoT
4 .Use case WL WC Ranking = ( 𝑊0 𝑓 ×𝑊3 (𝑓) )∈{, - } Order by ranking top N
5 .Graph Database: Challenges •Low latency (Milliseconds) •High throughput (> 100K QPS) •Fast growing data set (> 10Bn nodes, > 100Bn edges, > 10TB) •Increasing complexity of the business logic •More strict requirement for the data consistency (ACID)
6 .Features • Separation of the storage and the computation layers • SQL-like nGQL, no embedding • Storage plugins (In house, HBase) • Share-nothing, scalable distributed system • Move computation, not data • Multi spaces • Index • Built-in graph algorithms
7 . Architecture …… Query Engine Query Engine Meta Service Computation Layer Storage Layer KV Store storage service storage service storage service KV Store Partition 1 Partition 1 Partition 1 raft raft KV STORE … Partition 2 Partition 2 Partition 2 Partition 3 Partition 3 Partition 3 Store Engine Store Engine Store Engine
8 . Architecture Based on HBASE Query Engine Query Engine Query Engine Meta Service KV Store storage service storage service storage service Computation Layer Storage Layer KV Store … HBASE
9 .Query Service Query AST Client/Console Parser Execution Planner Plan Plan from cache Plan Execution Engine Optimizer er tex sch em ge/v a/a cl ed Storage Client Meta Client
10 .Schema •Tag •One vertex can have multiple tags. •VertexID + TagID represents a real vertex •Edge Type •Each edge is of one edge type •A tuple [SrcID, DstID, EdgeType, Ranking] represents an edge instance •Properties(Int, Float, Double, Timestamp, etc.) •TTL •Multi versions
11 .Key design •Vertex •Key: (PartID) + VID + TagID •Edge •Key: (PartID) + SrcID(dstID) + (+-)EdgeType + Ranking + DstID(srcID) •Properties: •One column one property(HBase) •KV pairs encoded in one column (In house) •
12 .Query Language nGQL •SQL-like •GO FROM $id OVER $edge WHERE $condition YIELD column1, column2.. •Compossible, but not embeddable • GO … | GO … | GO …. •$var = GO … ; GO FROM $var … •Pattern matching • FIND vertex id(edge) WHERE $condition. •Expandability (UDF)
13 . Thanks Homepage: http://nebula-graph.io/ Github: https://www.github.com/vesoft-inc/nebula Email: info@vesoft.com