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【分五02-石春晖】Columnar Execution for Apache Flink Batch
1 .Columnar Execution for Apache Flink Batch ݪلғᴨ᯾૬૬ ᘳ֖ғᦇᓒଘݣԪӱ᮱ᩒႮӫਹ ᄍᦖᘏғᎪชพ
2 . About me - Senior Staff Engineer in Alibaba MaxCompute - Committer of Apache Drill - Interests cover cloud infrastructure, security, big data - Github ID: chunhui-shi
3 .Content >ٖ@ - Background and Literature of vectorization >ڜୗಗᤈጱᙧว@ - Vectorized Data Format >ڜୗහഝ໒ୗ@ - Results and Future >පຎ݊๚ᦇ@ښ
4 .Batch SQL in Flink >ሿࣁጱ batch SQL@ - No cost based optimizer to find physical plan >ဌํֵአचԭcostጱս۸ᦇᓒᇔቘಗᤈᦇ@ښ - Row based >चԭᤈጱ@ - On top of Dataset API[चԭDataset API]
5 . Motivations • Two widely used techniques in SQL engines: Code-gen & vectorization Systems for vectorization: DB2 BLU, columnar SQL Server, VectorWise Systems for code-gen: Spark, Peloton, Hyper • Which is a better design choice? The answer is obscured by implementation details: compressions, predicate pushdown, parallelism framework, thread model, etc.
6 . Vectorization VS. Code-gen Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Compiled and Vectorized Queries But Were Afraid to Ask (by Timo Kersten etc. VLDB 2018) Vectorization Code-gen Passing data between operators Pull Push Data unit of Processing Batch Record Execution code Interpret Code-gen Data representation Columnar Row Pros Better for Join Cons More instructions, more cache miss
7 .Vectorization vs. Code-gen: What is missing • Execution engine is in JVM • UDF in multiple languages (Python, Java, Javascript) • Multiple/alternative Execution Engines (GPU, FPGA, native, JVM) • CPU cache size obeys Moore's law in last ten years (L2: 256KB –> 16MB: 1MB per core, L3: 3MB –> 24MB)
8 .Vectorized Execution in MaxCompute 2.0 • In big data scenarios, the most popular data formats are columnar: parquet, ORC, Carbondata, etc. • Alibaba develops AliORC and contributes more than 10,000 lines back to community. • MaxCompute operates on columnar layout since the first time data come into memory.
9 .Batch: Flink vs Spark • Community version is not comparable. Fundamental refactoring is required: • Compiler: Queries won’t be compiled to Dataset API, but will convert to StreamOperators • Optimizer: improvement: Apply Calcite to generate physical plan • Execution Engine improvements: Vectorized layout, batch execution
10 .Vectorized Execution Engine Design • In memory layout: off-heap vs on-heap • Extensions to StreamOperator interface • Vectorized expression Evaluation • Vectorization specific Improvements
11 . ڜୗٖਂғValueVector int Arrowb Offset Offset Arrowbuf 1 uf 0 0 h 1 Arrowbuf 5 e 2 2 2 h 7 l 4 e 10 l o l varchar Offset h l i “hello” 0 o varchar b 5 b “bye” array y y 8 [“hello”, e e “hi”] [“bye”]
12 . Enhancements to Arrow Library • Support both off-heap and on-heap vectors. • Optimize buffer access to vectors: remove extra function calls and checks in Arrow library.
13 . Selection Vector Enhancement • Compact and Sparse Selection Vector {1, 7, 23, 1024} {1,-1, -1, 4, …} • Allow selection vector to be passed and used in next operators.
14 . Lazy evaluation of vectorized expression • Introduce ‘Virtual Vector’ in batch that has not been materialized The vector carries only the expression and required vectors. • Materialize only when needed in serialization or evaluation.
15 . Interface extended to StreamOperator • Added interfaces, abstract classes to StreamOperator
16 . Performance and resource gain • TPCH benchmark improvements Achieve significant time reduce comparing with the best number a row based batch implementation running on the same cluster. • Less resource consumption Memory, network consumption are saved since the data is transferred and handled in batch.
17 . Future of this vectorized execution engine • Vectorized and Arrow based data layout makes it easy to interact with multiple languages • Native implementation of operators and expression evaluation - LLVM codegen for expression (Gandiva initiative from Arrow) • Vectorized UDF framework: Python first!
18 .