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ApacheFlink践行 Apache 之道
1 .Flink Forward China 2018 ݪلғApache Software Foundation ᘳ֖ғSecretary of The Apache Software Foundation ᄍᦖᘏCraig Russell
2 .Apache Flink ᪢ᤈ $SDFKH ԏ᭲ Apache Flink: The Apache Way in Action
3 .Apache կचᰂտ ౮ᒈԭଙ҅ฎӞਹلፅ࠺ Established 1999 as a public charity The Apache Software Foundation ᩻ᬦӻݢմӱ۸ଫአጱᶱፓعᩇلݻռන Over 300 enterprise-ready projects free of charge to the public ሿࣁฎقቖ๋य़ጱრचᰂտ Now the world’s largest open source foundation
4 .᧡ԅ Apache ᨯሠդᎱ" մӱҁֺইᵝᡡጱ Hadoop, ԅጱ ServiceComb Corporations (e.g. Hadoop from Yahoo, ServiceComb from Huawei) Who Contributes Code to Apache? य़ҁຣૡӱय़ Stratosphere Universities (e.g. Stratosphere from TU Berlin) ᐒ܄ҁֺই Groovy, Subversion Communities (e.g. Groovy, Subversion)
5 . մӱ࿆ل ԅՋԍᥝਖ਼դᎱᨯሠᕳ Apache? Corporate Citizenship Why Contribute Code to Apache? ᒋԩ! ֢ݳๅṛᨶᰁ Collaboration over Competition -> Higher Quality ʼnعᩇङᦒŊ “Free Training” ဩכಷ Legal Protection
6 .ই֜ਖ਼ᶱፓᨯሠᕳ Apache? Apache ਔ۸ How to Contribute Projects to Apache? The Apache Incubator ਔ۸ୌᦓḵත 6WUDWRVSKHUH ଙ์҂ ݎկҁଙ์҅)OLQNݎ҂ Incubation Proposal and Acceptance (Stratosphere April 2014) Release the Software (Flink 0.6 August 2014) ୌᒈᐒ܄ ླӱ౮ԅᶮᕆᶱፓ ଙ์҅)OLQNླӱ҂ Build the Community Graduate to Become a Top Level Project (Flink December 2014)
7 . ୌᒈᦜݢҁ,&/$҅6*$҅&&/$҂ߝᇈ Podling ࣁਔ۸Ӿጱ֢አ Establish Licensing (ICLA, SGA, CCLA) and branding What the Podling Does in Incubation ୌचᏐຝҁᮒկڜᤒդᎱପᗑᒊ҂ Build the Infrastructure (mail lists, code repository, web site) )OLQNGHY #ᮒկڜᤒԭଙ์Ӥᕚ Flink dev@ mail list went live in April 2014
8 . Stratosphere ࣁᬰفਔ۸ݸᒈᦞᦎܨԧݷᑍݒๅ ߝᇈஉ᯿ᥝ Stratosphere discussed a name change immediately after Branding is Important entering incubation ᐒᦞᦎ܄Ծኞԧپ܈ӻݢᚆጱਁݷ Community discussion resulted in over a dozen possible names ࣁ GHY ᮒկڜᤒಭᐥ)ݸOLQNᤩᭌӾ After a vote on dev list, Flink was chosen
9 . Stratosphere ۱ݷՐࣁ فےApache ԏֵڹአ ۱ݷฎߝᇈጱӞ᮱ړ Stratosphere was used in package names for “final release outside Apache” Package Naming is Part of Branding Apache ݎጱᇇਖ਼ֵአෛݷᑍ Flink Releases from Apache would use the new name Flink ٬ਧғֵአ෯۱ݷๅදԅෛጱ۱ݷ Decision: use old package name for 0.5; change to new package name for 0.6
10 .ୌᦡᐒ܄ Building Community አಁฎᶱፓਂࣁጱܻࢩ ᑌᔴӞਧᨯሠݸ౮ԅ committer ឴դᎱପጱٟᴴ Users are the reason projects exist Committers after contributing, given write access to repositories Contributor ԻᲙಸࣁ҅ޞᮒկӾࢧᒼᳯ᷌҅ڊᤑӟ )OLQNླӱ҅ݸڡݷত FRPPLWWHU᭑Ⴙݎԅݸጱݷ30&౮ާ Contributors write bug reports, answer email questions, propose Flink 8 initial committers grew to 15 PMC members upon graduation patches
11 . PMC ౮ާӧෙἩۜአಁ౮ԅ Contributor PMC continually encourages users to become contributors ླӱݸᖀᖅᐒ܄ୌᦡ After Graduation Community Building PMC committer Continues PMC recognizes contributors and invites them to become committers Flink ሿࣁํӻ committeer 19 PMC Flink now has 41 committers and 19 PMC members
12 .Apache ԏ᭲ The Apache Way ᐒ܄᯿ԭդᎱ இՈ҅࠺ளԔғਜ਼᯿Ӟ҅ڔᤈԅڞٵ Community Over Code Be Nice, Have Fun: Respect for All, Code of Conduct ᤈۖᘏᕹလғఢํਫଗਹํ֢٬ਧ නୗݎғӞڔতԭᮒկڜᤒ Do-ocracy: those that do get to make the decisions Open Development: If it isn’t on a mail list, it didn’t happen
13 . አಁํֵአ҅॔ץ҅ګද Apache ᐒ܄෫ਸ਼ Users have rights to use, copy, modify Apache is Safe for the Community ํݪلֵአ҅ץද҅҅ݎړٚᦜݢ Corporations have rights to use, modify, distribute, relicense כಷ Committer عԭಥᨱձғݎኧ Apache ᘒᶋӻՈݎ Committers are protected from liability: releases are made by Apache, not individuals
14 .Apache လቘҁᶱፓᓕቘާտ҂ Apache Governance (Project Management Committee) ᦡᗝᶱፓොݻғᇙ҅ݎᳵ կݎᤒ٬ҁचᰂտᦊਧጱݳဩጱᤈԅ҂ Sets Direction of Project: features, release timing Votes to release software (legally, an act of the Foundation) ಭᐥᮀ᧗ Contributor ౮ԅෛጱ Committer ॒ቘӨਞقፘىጱᳯ᷌҅ࠟຽᳯ᷌ Votes to invite contributors to become new committers Handles security-related issues, trademark issues
15 .؋଼ጱᐒ܄ᚆവۖݎ Healthy Communities Drive Development ๅදԧᤈդᎱ ᩻ᬦེԻ 42 Flink Committers Changed 7,099,511 lines of code Over 15,106 commits
16 . ولᮒկڜᤒӾํ᩻ᬦኪৼᮒկ Apache Flink ਖ਼ᖀᖅौय़ݎ More than 300,000 emails across public mailing lists Apache Flink Continuing to Engage and Grow ᒫӞེ Flink Forward 2015 ෯ᰂઊຣଙጭ୯ ෛጱय़ၖѺ First Flink Forward 2015: SF and Berlin ...on to new continents in 2018! Apache Flink ਠᗦᧁ᯽ԧ Apache ԏ᭲ Apache Flink is an example of The Apache Way done right!
17 .ଆۗԅ๚ጱᶱፓॽਧचᏐ Help lay the foundation for future projects ᨯሠդᎱ҅ ࣁտᦓӤݎ փඎ௳מ Contributing Code, Documentation Speaking at Conferences Spreading the Word ඪ೮ᐒ܄ ౮ԅਔ۸ ଆۗ՜Ո Supporting the Community Becoming an Incubator Mentor Helping Others
18 . න Apache: 20 …… Open Apache: 20 Years and Counting... ᶐෛ Innovation ᐒ܄ Community www.apache.org
19 .